
Boston Cares AmeriCorps VISTA ProgramFrequently Asked QuestionsHow much do AmeriCorps VISTA members earn?AmeriCorps VISTA members in Boston earn $1,333 per month.How often are AmeriCorps VISTA members paid?AmeriCorps VISTA members will be paid by AmeriCorps every two weeks.What is the schedule?AmeriCorps VISTA is a full time commitment for a year (365 days). Your day-to-day schedule will depend on the regular business hours of the organization you serve with. Most weeks your schedule will likely be Monday through Friday but there will be times when your host organization may need you to serve evenings or on the weekend.I do not currently live in Boston. Is there assistance available if I relocate for my service?Yes. AmeriCorps VISTA members who relocate 50+ miles to serve are eligible for 1) relocation assistance calculated based on mileage paid as a reimbursement and 2) a settling in allowance of $550 paid with your living allowance. If you relocate prior to your Pre-Service Orientation, you will make your own travel arrangements which will need to be approved by the VISTA Member Support Unit.More information is available from AmeriCorps here.How will I get to Pre-Service Orientation (PSO)?AmeriCorps will make arrangements for your travel to PSO and travel from PSO to Boston.I need to find a place to live. How can I find an apartment?AmeriCorps VISTA members are responsible for finding their own housing. People also have had luck using housing websites like Craigslist. There are also Facebook groups specifically for people seeking housing and roommates (e.g. Boston Housing, Rooms, Apartments, Sublets )Do I need a car? How will I get around Boston?You do not need a car. All Boston Cares AmeriCorps VISTA partner organizations can be reached via public transportation.Your AmeriCorps VISTA host site is responsible for paying or reimbursing you for the costs of any travel required as part of your service. You are responsible for the cost of your daily commute. Some AmeriCorps VISTA host sites will provide you with a pass you can use for your commute.The MBTA (commonly called the T) has a lot of options for purchasing our fare: you can pay per ride or purchase unlimited rides on subways and most buses with 7-day and monthly passes. More information about fares, passes, system maps, and trip planning functions are available on the T’s website, . After I finish my VISTA year, what are my end of service benefit choices?AmeriCorps VISTA members can select ether 1) the Segal AmeriCorps Education Award or 2) a cash stipend.The Segal AmeriCorps Education Award can be used to repay federal student loans or the cost of attending school in the future at eligible colleges/universities up to 7 years after you complete your service. As of October 1, 2016 the award value is $5,815. Currently, an individual may earn up to the equivalent of two full time awards across all AmeriCorps enrollments. Applicants who have already earned the maximum allowable education awards are not eligible to earn another education award, but may be eligible to earn the end of service cash stipend. For more information, visit the AmeriCorps website. ?Cash Stipend: If you chose not to take the Segal AmeriCorps Education Award, there is a cash stipend offer of $1,500.Can I put my student loans in forbearance?Qualifying student loans can be placed in forbearance while you are serving. You will apply for forbearance through the My AmeriCorps portal and your loan holders will make the determination. More information is available on the AmeriCorps website.?Can I have a part-time job?Yes! As of May 2015, AmeriCorps VISTA members may be employed part-time as long as it does not interfere with your service schedule and is approved by your supervisor and AmeriCorps.Do I get health care coverage?There are two different health care benefit options for AmeriCorps VISTAs. More information is available here.? ................

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