-114300-34290000EARLSTONHIGH SCHOOL4343400787400020574001778000-6858001320800044577001549400020574009398000-4572009398000National 4/5 Physical EducationPHYSICAL FACTOR - workbookName: _____________________Teacher: ___________________National 4-5 Physical Education ChecklistPHYSICAL FACTORUse this checklist to see what you are not understanding = red, slightly understanding = orange and confidently understanding = green. Start with the topics that are red and then orange.What you need to know / be able to do.All of these areas will be tested in the unit assessment and also the final portfolio. Read the statement and then circle the traffic light that suits your level of understanding.Your level of understandingRed – no understandingOrange – slight understandingGreen – confident you understand fullyQuestions to help understandingThe following pages have questions that can help you to learn these areas / test you do fully understand themNational 4-5 textbook Turn to this page for help and informationInformation sheetsTurn to this page for help and informationI understand the process of the cycle of analysis and why I would use it8731251377954730751377956350137795 P2CRE – p17Speed – p31Strength – p40Flexibility – p51Muscular Endurance – p69Monitoring and Evaluating – p210P8I can name and give a definition of at least 4 aspects of physical fitness87312511049047307514859063501104906350-569595P4P11-14From stage 1 in the cycle of analysis, I can name and explain how I would use 1 suitable method of gathering data on my whole performance920750245110473075292735-60325254635P5P15-28I can explain the negative IMPACT on my performance if I have low levels of each aspect920750181610415925219710-60325181610P7P11-14From stage 2 in the cycle of analysis, I can name and describe a suitable test for each of these aspects920750198120415925198120-60325198120P8P29-31From stage 3 in the cycle of analysis, I can describe suitable methods of training to improve these aspects of fitness920750195580473075233680-60325195580P9P32-33I understand and know how to apply the principles of training9207501206547307559690635021590P12P34-36I can plan a suitable 8 week training programme to improve 1 aspect of fitness920750179070473075131445-60325131445P14P37-39From stage 4 in the cycle of analysis, I can explain the POSITIVE impact on my performance after completing a successful training programme968375256540473075294640-60325256540P15P40-41Cycle of AnalysisQuestion 1What is the main purpose of the cycle of analysis?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Question 2Name the four stages of the cycle of analysis in the correct order.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Question 3During stage 1 in the cycle of analysis, you look at your whole performance. What does that mean for aFootball player ________________________________________Gymnast _____________________________________________Hockey player _________________________________________200m sprinter __________________________________________What is the aim of this stage? What are you trying to find out? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Question 4During stage 2 in the cycle of analysis, you are only looking at your weakness. If an aspect of physical fitness is the weakness, what method would you use to investigate it more? _______________________________________________Once you have found out your level of fitness, you could compare your results to national average. This will tell you if you are in the poor / average / good / excellent category. What else can you do once you have found out your current level of fitness:Plan a _______________________ and relevant _________________________________.Question 5What happens during stage 3 in the cycle of analysis?____________________________________________________How long would this usually last?___ weeks.Question 6The aim of stage 4 in the cycle of analysis is to monitor and evaluate the progress that your training programme made to your performance.How would you do this? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Why is this important _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Aspects of FitnessNameDefinitionAn example of an activity that requires this aspectCardio Respiratory Endurance (CRE)Muscular Endurance (ME)PowerStrengthSpeedFlexibilityMethods of Gathering DataQuestion 1Why do you collect data on your performance?Reason 1- _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Reason 2- _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Question 2How do you make sure the data you collect is useful?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Question 3Circle suitable methods of gathering data for stage 1 in the cycle of analysis:ScattergraphLine graphGeneral Observation scheduleBar chartVideoMatch analysis sheetPie chartQuestion 4VIDEOHow would you use this method? Think who / where / what________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Why would you use this method: Think about what you are trying to achieve________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Positives of using this methodNegatives of using this method++--SCATTERGRAPHHow would you use this method? Think who / where / what________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Why would you use this method: Think about what you are trying to achieve________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Positives of using this methodNegatives of using this method++--OBSERVATION SCHEDULE / MATCH ANALYSIS SHEETHow would you use this method? Think who / where / what________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Why would you use this method: Think about what you are trying to achieve________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Positives of using this methodNegatives of using this method++--Negative Impact on performanceQuestion 1Choose an activity that you feel fitness could have an effect on your performance.Activity = ___________________Position = ___________________1094105237490SpeedCRE (Cardio-Respiratory Endurance)PowerStrengthMuscular Endurance (ME)Flexibility00SpeedCRE (Cardio-Respiratory Endurance)PowerStrengthMuscular Endurance (ME)FlexibilityChoose one of the aspects of fitness from the table below and write out the definition for this aspect:Aspect of fitness: _________________________Definition: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________For the position you have chosen in your activity:State a role or responsibility you have for this position (eg a defender in football has to man to man mark)_______________________________________What does this actually involve you doing/ explain what this means (eg when man to man marking you follow the player you are marking around the pitch wherever they go to stop them getting the ball)___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Why do you need the aspect of fitness you chose in Q1b) to do this role/ responsibility?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________If your fitness levels are low for the aspect you chose, what are you not able to do? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________If you cannot do this, what can your opponent do?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Testing Levels of FitnessAspect of fitnessTestTest protocol – how do you carry the test outWhat does it testCardio Respiratory Endurance (CRE)1.2. 1.2.Levels of CREMuscular Endurance1. Levels of muscular endurance in upper body2. Levels of muscular endurance in lower bodyPowerLevels of powerStrength1. Static strength 2. Dynamic strength1. Levels of static strength2. Levels of dynamic strengthFlexibilityLevels of flexibility across the hipSpeedLevels of speedMethods of TrainingCardio Respiratory EnduranceMethodWhat this method isExample of a training sessionChoose an activity and explain why it might be useful for this activityContinuous TrainingActivity - Fartlek TrainingActivity- Interval TrainingActivity- Muscular EnduranceCircuit training can be a very useful method of training to improve muscular endurance.Fill in the table below:Body PartRelevant ExerciseLegsLegsArmsArmsCoreCoreIn the space below draw a suitable circuit to train to improve muscular endurance for your chosen activity:Activity: ___________Work time: ______ sec.Rest time: ______ sec. Repeat circuit _______timesPowerWeight Training is a suitable method of training to improve power.As a general rule when training to improve power:You must be completing exercises with _________ weights and _________ repetitions. Remember power is a combination of speed and strength, therefore each exercise should be complete at ____________.Body PartRelevant ExerciseState an example of 1 rep max then an example of weight you would liftExample of Number of repetitionsExample of number of setsLegsLegsArmsArmsSpeedWhen you train to improve speed, are you working anaerobically or aerobically? Circle the correct one.When you train to improve speed, your work to rest ratio should be work 1: rest 4For example, if you sprint for 5 seconds, then you should rest for 20 seconds.In the space below give an example of a session that would improve speed:SessionExplanation of sessionSession 1Distance / Time running forExplain where you would complete thisResting timeNumber of sets you would completeSession 2Explain the session:FlexibilityIn order to improve flexibility you must hold a stretch for a minimum of __________ secondsThis should be repeated _______________ times a week.ActivityArea that needs flexibilityWhy flexibility is importantSwimmingShouldersIn order for arms to come out of the water effectively.StrengthWeight Training is a suitable method of training to improve strength.As a general rule when training to improve strength:You must be completing exercises with _________ weights and _________ repetitions. Body PartRelevant ExerciseState an example of 1 rep max then an example of weight you would liftExample of Number of repetitionsExample of number of setsLegsLegsArmsArmsPrinciples of TrainingA one-off training session will not help to improve our level of fitness, we need to complete a training programme. The training programme must get harder each week to make sure we are being challenged. We do this by applying the principles of training:F = ______________Definition: _____________________________________________________I =Definition: _____________________________________________________For CRE, I = 65-80% of your maximum heart rate in order to improve your level of fitnessFor Strength, I = ____________________________________________________D =Definition: _____________________________________________________For CRE, D = a minimum of 20 minute sessionFor ME, D = ___________________________________________________The following is an example of a training programme to improve CRE. Fill in how the training programme was using the principle of training progressive overloadDay / weekMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySundayWeek 1Continuous Training20 minutesFlat routeHockey TrainingFartlek Training 20 minutes Triangle- sprint short / walk long/ jog mediumHockey TrainingMatchRestWeek 2Continuous Training24 minutesFew small hills at end of routeHockey TrainingFartlek Training 24 minutes Triangle- sprint short / walk long/ jog mediumHockey TrainingMatchRestExplain how the programme used overload from week 1 to 2Week 3Continuous Training28 minutesFew small hills at end of routeHockey TrainingFartlek Training 24 minutes Triangle- sprint medium / walk short/ jog longHockey TrainingInterval Training – 8 sets of 40m sprints2 minute restMatchRestExplain how the programme used overload from week 2 to 3Week 4Continuous Training32 minutesSmall hills throughout the runHockey TrainingFartlek Training 28 minutes Triangle- sprint medium / walk short/ jog longHockey TrainingInterval Training – 8 sets of 50m sprints2 minute restNo matchFitness testRestExplain how the programme used overload from week 3 to 4 Training ProgrammeFill in the table for an activity and a aspect of fitness that is your weaknessPut in the days you will be playing matchesPut in the days you will be restingPut in the days you will be training ‘within the activity’ ie football practiceFill in the sessions you will be training to improve your weak aspect of fitness.Day / WeekMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySundayWeek 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Positive Impact on performanceYou have completed a successful training programme to improve your weakness.Question 1What would you do on the last week of your training programme to ensure it was successful? __________________________________________Question 2What other method would you use to evaluate the effect of your training programme on your whole performance?_______________________________________Why is this important?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What does it allow you to find out? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Question 3Choose an activity that you feel fitness could have an effect on your performance.Activity = ___________________Position = ___________________1094105237490SpeedCRE (Cardio-Respiratory Endurance)PowerStrengthMuscular Endurance (ME)Flexibility00SpeedCRE (Cardio-Respiratory Endurance)PowerStrengthMuscular Endurance (ME)FlexibilityChoose one of the aspects of fitness from the table below and write out the definition for this aspect:Aspect of fitness: _________________________Definition: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________For the position you have chosen in your activity:State a role or responsibility you have for this position (eg a defender in football has to man to man mark)_______________________________________What does this actually involve you doing/ explain what this means (eg when man to man marking you follow the player you are marking around the pitch wherever they go to stop them getting the ball)___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Why do you need the aspect of fitness you chose in Q1b) to do this role/ responsibility?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Now you have improved your levels of fitness for the aspect you chose, what are you now able to do? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What does this stop your opponent from doing?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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