Presentation Dates: _______________ Length: 10 - 15 minutes


For this final project, you will use all of the skills we have discussed throughout the semester. With the other members of your group, you will create an original product or service and design a 10 to 15 minute infomercial to sell your product or service to the rest of the class. This is your final opportunity to demonstrate the knowledge and skills you have learned in this class, so give it all you’ve got! Please have your product of service approved by your instructor before you begin developing your infomercial.


The minimum criteria to be met are as follows:

1. Product or Service:

• Your original product or service should fit into one of the following categories: it (1) does not currently exist (e.g., a robot housemaid), (2) can not ever exist (e.g., a time machine), or (3) is an improvement on an already existing product (e.g., a flying skateboard).

2. Required:

• A sentence outline to be turned in the day you speak. Your outline should have a title, a specific purpose, and a thesis statement at the top of the page.

3. Delivery:

• You are to be as dynamic and as varied in your vocal and physical delivery (p. 308-313) as an infomercial merits.

4. Visual Aid(s):

• A visual aid is required for this speech. Consult your main text (p. 321-322) to see what effective visual aids are and how best to use them.

• Your instructor will be looking for visual aids that are neat, creative, and easy to understand. More importantly, you will be graded on how you incorporate your visual aid(s) into your speech.

• Remember, they should be an AID – not the basis for your whole speech.

5. Structure:

• An attention-getting introduction (p. 291-293) that previews main points and states the thesis;

• An informative section (p. 337-342), a demonstrative section (p. 343-346), and a persuasive section (p. 352-377) in the body of the speech, with transitions (p. 295) between each section;

• A conclusion (p. 293-295) summarizing main points and referring back to the introduction.

6. Note cards:

• You are allowed to have twenty note cards

7. Time Limit:

• Note the time limit (above) and practice your infomercial to be moderate within the time frame. If you are either 30 seconds short or long in your delivery, points will be deducted from your speech. If your delivery is too long, you will be asked to stop.

A checklist to follow for your infomercial:

_____ I have read all of the materials assigned and reviewed my evaluation forms from my previous speeches.

_____ I am familiar with the product or service my group will sell and I can fully explain how it is used, what it is used for, and why someone would want it.

_____ My group has a sentence outline ready to turn in the day of my interview.

_____ I have checked with the member(s) of my group responsible for the visual aid(s) to guarantee they will bring their supplies on the day of the project.

_____ My group has practiced the infomercial aloud several times using our visual aid.

_____ I am confident we will do a good job!

Good luck and have fun! Please let your instructor know if you need any further clarification.

Additional directions and/or comments from instructor:


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