Ship-Trap Island Map Project

Ship-Trap Island Mini-Project

“The Most Dangerous Game”


Whether reading for pleasure or information, your ability to closely read for details is essential to understanding. As we read “The Most Dangerous Game”, you may have noticed that the details of setting play in key role in your understanding of the story’s action. Think about and then create a list of several key locations on Ship-Trap Island.


Using information from the text and your map skills, you are to create a detailed map of Ship-Trap Island. You may either draw a map or create a more 3-D version including small models of various landmarks. The map should be colorful, neat, and creative.


- Title

- Heading on the BACK of your map

- Color (Especially noting Jungle Landscape and the Sea)

- Compass Rose

- Key

- Label specific landmarks:

o Rainsford’s Landing Point

o General Zaroff’s Chateau

o Rainsford’s Tree (where he slept the first night of the hunt)

o Death Swamp and Quicksand

o Malay Mancatcher

o Burmese Tiger Trap

o Sapling Trap (Where Ivan Dies)

- Label the paths that Rainsford and Zaroff followed during the hunt


Your grade will be determined based on the following rubric:

|Requirement: |Possible Points: |Points Earned : |

|Effort Shown: |9 pts | |

|(Color, Organized, Creativity | | |

|Compass/Key Present |2 (x2) = 4 pts | |

|Landmarks Labeled: |7 (x3) = 21 pts | |

|(See above (7 total) | | |

|Paths Labeled |2 (x3) = 6 pts | |

|(Both Rainsford & Zaroff | | |

|TOTAL: |40 pts | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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