1768732-338658P3 Home Learning Plan – Week Beginning 4.5.2000P3 Home Learning Plan – Week Beginning 4.5.20Literacy Numeracy and MathsHealth & Wellbeing / OtherReading: Link MakerChoose a fiction book to read from your home or EPIC. Can you make any links between what you have read and:* Your own life** Another book or film*** Something happening in the world.Numeracy:Log in to have set some games and activities for you to practise quick addition and subtraction.If you have a go at one of the worksheets, write your answers in a jotter or on paper and send us a photo. Dance:Dancing is a fun way to keep fit and can be enjoyed by the whole family. Try using Just Dance (on YouTube) or GoNoodle to practise your dance moves: a member of your family, complete this shorter workout to help you to keep fit and healthy: to continue with your learning even though you aren’t at school!Read for 30 minutes every day.Have conversations with the people in your plete a task on your homework grid and create a homework grid of your own!Play games on SumDog.Stay active and try 30 minutes of exercise every day – Joe Wicks is doing daily P.E. sessions on YouTube at 9am!If you can, get some fresh air outside and go on a short nature walk.If you have twitter, please tweet your work to @GrantonPS or share pictures on your Online Learning Journals.Writing: Write a partially hidden, partner story with someone you live with.Decide on a theme together and write a short paragraph to begin the story. Show your partner the final sentence of your paragraph and get them to write the next part of the story. Continue to write like this until one of you writes an ending. Once you’ve finished, create a title.Maths: Create a graphDo you have a packet of skittles or smarties? Use these to create a graph to show how many of each colour are in the packet.8927569217000You could also create a graph to show the colour of your toys or t-shirts or the number of animals you see out on your daily walk.16571526110800Science:Do you have magnets on your fridge at home? If so, then you can use them for a science experiment. Find some objects around your home and predict if they are magnetic or not. Use the magnet to check if you are correct. If it is magnetic, the magnet will stick to the object. Did you notice anything about all the objects that are magnetic? Music:Choose one of your favourite songs and look up the lyrics on Google. Try to re-write the lyrics by changing the topic. It can be about anything you like. If you are feeling confident, record yourself singing it and share on Seesaw.Spelling: ‘ur’ wordsNew spelling words will be posted on Seesaw and Online Learning Journal on Monday. Please practise your words however you would like eg; Rainbow writing, pyramid spelling, backwards, silly sentences etc.Numeracy:Practise adding and taking away. You could use playing cards, dominoes, dice or a spinner to create your own sums. If you don’t have any of these things at home, write different numbers on bits of paper and pick them at random.Pick a level of the chilli challenge to challenge your maths skills.Sums with 3-digit numbers - HotSums with 2-digit numbers - MediumSums with 1-digit numbers – MildSustainability:Next week is Hedgehog Awareness Week. Use this website to find out facts about hedgehogs, including how to create a hedgehog-friendly garden or how to create a ‘Hedgehog Highway’ through your garden fence to allow hedgehogs to pass through safely. to learn some basic online coding? Try this ‘Puppy Adventure’ activity that teaches you how to code in simple steps. Can you help the puppy find his way home to his family? ................

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