P6 Home Learning Board WB: 27.04.20 – Share photos of work you have completed with your teacher on your Online Learning Journal or through Seesaw!MathematicsCreate your own maths board game on a maths topic of your choice (as well as multiplication, division, addition and subtraction; you could include fractions, shapes, angles, time, money etc.)Challenge a member of your family to play it with you!SpellingCreate a picture code for your spelling words, where each picture represents a letter. After practising your spelling words, you could also use your code to write secret messages with a member of your family!ReadingSummariser Book Detective role Go to the Newsround website: a look at some of the articles and videos. Choose one which you find the most interesting and write a summary of the key points.WritingChoose one of the following story starters to write your own story:Tom opened the suitcase he found in the attic. It contained a map, a compass and a note saying “I need your help…”It had been a normal, boring weekend. However, when Annie arrived at school on Monday, she realised that this was not going to be a normal week…ArtUsing any materials (i.e. paper, pens, pencils, paint) that you have in your house follow these instructions to create an abstract self-portrait in your jotters. Use whatever colours you like. Upload your portrait to seesaw!MusicChoose one of your favourite songs and look up the lyrics. Try to rewrite the lyrics to be about any topic of your choice.If you are feeling confident, record yourself singing your song and share it on Seesaw! STEMPaper aeroplane challengeDesign your own paper aeroplane and measure how far you can get it to travel. Can you change your design to make it travel further?You can also make this a competition amongst your family!LanguagesBroughton High School have kindly shared their details for Linguascope: broghlyceePassword: edinlang20This brilliant website has hundreds of games and activities for topics in a range of languages including French and Spanish – get exploring! LiteracyUse the words you found in the word ‘Coronavirus’ last week and create a crossword for a family member to complete. Remember to try to give good clues for each word!Health and WellbeingWatch this short clip on YouTube about mental health- characters in the clip do things for themselves that make them feel better throughout a stressful time. Write down 5 things that help you to feel better when you are feeling stressed or down, and why. Try to do some of these for yourself this week.P.E. Create your own 10-minute HIIT workout like we have done before in P.E. in school. Aim to complete this workout every day for a week. Do you notice it getting easier or harder?Problem SolvingFollow this link to the nrich maths website: some of the different maths at home activities here, there are lots to really challenge you!Extra Maths task: choose a worksheet (that will challenge you!) from the following website: Copy the sums out into your jotter to solve them. ................

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