Creating Your Own Product - Ms. Garcia: Graphic Design ...

Creating Your Own Product:

PowerPoint, Publisher, Excel & Access Integration Project


You are required to come up with a new product that does not exist, to the best of your knowledge. The product may be a physical good or service. The product may be practical, realistic, or fantasy. Your creations must also be school appropriate.

Using appropriate software, you will create the following documents, to promote and support your product:

❖ A basic database including a table and form allowing you to store customer data;

❖ A spreadsheet and chart presenting cost information relating to you product;

❖ A business card featuring your Company name and logo;

❖ A presentation to sell your idea to your fellow classmates;

Please note all products and project content must be original and school appropriate!

Creating Your Own Product:

Access – Customers Table

You will be creating a database to keep up with your customers and their contact information.

1. In Microsoft Access, create a new database called your Class Period FirstNameLastNameMyCompany.

2. Create a table in design view that contains the following fields:

• Customer number - Auto Number

• Customer first name – Text – 20 characters

• Customer last name – Text – 25 characters

• Address – Text 40 characters

• City – Text 20 characters

• State – Text 2 characters

• Zip – Text 5 characters

3. Make customer number the primary key and save the table as Customers.

4. Create a form and enter 10 friends or family members who might be your customers and fill in their contact information. Choose at least one person who does not live in Austin.

5. View your table in datasheet view and sort your customers alphabetically by Last Name.

6. Create a query in design view to show only customers who live in Austin. Save this query as Austin Customers.

7. Creating Your Own Product – Part 2


1) Create a spreadsheet, listing the parts that make up your product and the price of each part. You will decide on the specific parts and choose an appropriate price for each (please feel free to make up the cost of parts if they do not actually exist, if they do, please try to choose a realistic cost);

2) Insert a formula which works out the total cost of making your product;

3) You will sell your product on the following basis:

Mark up = Total Cost * 50%

Selling Price = Total Cost + Mark up

With this in mind, include a formula in your spreadsheet which calculates what 50% of the total cost and a second formula that adds the mark up to the total cost to find the selling price.

4) You will then create a pie chart which shows what proportion of the final selling price is for each part and what proportion is profit. Please note when selecting the data to include in your Pie Chart, you will need to use the Ctrl key to select non consecutive cells! Your spreadsheet, including the Pie Chart will look similar to this:

|Inventor Name: |Mrs Garcia | | |

|Widget |$1.00 | | |

|Wotsit |$0.50 | | |

|Thingummy |$5.70 | | |

|Dooberry |$2.10 | | |

|Total Cost |$9.30 | | |

|Mark up (Total Cost * 50%) |$4.65 | | |

|Selling Price |$13.95 | | |

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Creating Your Own Product – Part 3

Desktop Publisher

Design a Business Card you would give to potential customers or investors in your product. You will choose the publication design, color scheme and font scheme, which you feel best-fits your company and product.

The Business Card must include the following information:

❖ Your Company Name (Don’t forget this should reflect your product);

❖ Your Name;

❖ Your Job Title – (Use your imagination – you’re the boss!);

❖ Company Address – 4103 W Slaughter Ln, Austin, TX 78749;

❖ Company Email – YourName@;

❖ Company Telephone Number – 512-111-2222;

❖ Company Fax Number – 512-111-3333;

❖ An appropriate logo, containing text and/or Clip art which is suitable for your company name and product;


Create Your Own Product

Part 4 - Presentation Objectives

Your job will be to sell your idea to the audience (your fellow classmates) who are potential investors. Your presentation can make or break whether your product or service ever becomes reality and makes you rich beyond your wildest dreams!

You will be responsible for developing and presenting each part of the project. The components are as follows:

• Introduction: BRIEFLY introduce your four main points. (1 slide)

• Demonstration: Describe your product or service in detail. Show what your product will look like and how it will work. Describe the parts that make up the product. Is assembly required? (3-4 slides)

Please Note – You must incorporate the pie chart you created on your spreadsheet into one of these slides.

• Proposal: How will you get the money to begin the business? How much will the product cost to make and how much will you charge for it? (include the chart that you created in excel) What audience will buy your product…teens, young adults, parents, people of a certain religious or ethnic background? How will you advertise it? (3-4 slides)

• Summary: Summarize the main points of the presentation. (1 slide)

• References: List the web sites that you used to research your project (1 slide)

Each presentation is graded on its:

1. Communication: Do you capture the audience’s attention and hold it throughout the presentation? Can you present without reading directly from the slides (you may choose to practice on note cards at home)? Does the presentation effectively tell the audience your message?  Every component of the presentation should add to the communication. When you are watching other students’ presentations, do you listen well?

2. Format: Does the presentation have a similar style from slide-to-slide?  Be sure to put your name, period, date and title on the first slide. Slides should not appear overcrowded or overdone. Have the guidelines for text, graphics, transitions and special effects been followed?

3. Creativity: Does the presentation appeal to the audience?  Have the color choices, graphics, and background design been wisely used? Use a graphic on each slide that clearly represents the written information.

Creating Your Own Product Presentation Rubric


Students do not read directly from the slides ____________

Students maintain eye contact with the audience ___________

Information is well researched and thorough ____________

Product or service is believable ____________

Presentation is school appropriate ____________

Grammar and spelling are perfect! ____________

Slides do not appear overcrowded or overdone ____________

Listening – student actively listens to colleagues’ presentations ____________

Total Points ____________

Formatting & Creativity

Titles slide has name, period, date and title ___________

Presentation consists of 9 to11 slides ___________

6 x 6 guideline is followed throughout presentation ___________

All sources are cited in detail on “References” slide ___________

Font style and size are appropriate ___________

Text is clearly visible on the background color ___________

Graphics illustrate the written information ___________

Overall creativity ___________

Total Points ____________

Creating Your Own Product: Access Rubric

Customers Table

Complete Table with customer information

Customers Form

Form with 10 customers

Austin Customers Query

Query displays only Austin Customers

Creating Your Own Product: Spreadsheet Rubric


Spreadsheet is clearly presented ______________

Product names and prices are clearly listed ______________

Total cost of product is accurately calculated ______________

Profit is accurately calculated on worksheet _____________ Total selling cost is accurately calculated ______________

Pie Chart

Title and legend are clear and appropriate ______________

Pie Chart clearly shows required info ______________

Percentage labels are included on chart ______________

Creating Your Own Product: Business Card Rubric

Design, color & font schemes are appropriate to product ______________

Business Card contains all required information ______________

Logo has visual impact and is appropriate to product ______________

Total Points ____________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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