Care-A-Lot and Bloom Creative Arts October 2020 Newsletter

146494569850From The Director:Fall is in the air! We have had such fun playing outside in the cooler weather, and learning all of our new routines! It has been a great first month of school; we are all getting to know each other well and having a great time learning new things! With Halloween at the end of the month, we wanted to invite all of the kiddo’s to come in on October 30th dressed in their coziest Pj’s! Each class will be doing special activities to make the day tons of fun! We will welcome back many more families this month, and look forward to having more friends in our classroom’s!NYS has placed travel advisories into effect. If you travel to any of the places listed, due to the significant community spread of Covid-19, you are expected to quarantine for 14 days and notify your director of such. During this quarantine period your child will be restricted from attendance at our center and the family is still responsible for tuition. However, we will waive 50% of this tuition in response to your adherence. Please check our website for the complete list of states with travel restrictions. If your schedule will be changing at all this month, please let me know at least a week in advance!Stay Well,Miss SamImportant October Dates: October Mum’s DeliveredOctober 30th: Pajama Party!October 19th: Popcorn fundraiser packets/money due to office REMINDER: Tuition is due the Thursday BEFORE care is provided, otherwise tuition is subject to a late fee. 87947521590Nursery: Happy Fall Y’all!This is Miss Mikia checking in, I have just finished my first full month here at Care-A-Lot! It has been very exciting getting to meet all of you and learn so many new faces. If you have not met me yet, it is probably because I am usually in what I call the “Baby Bubble” AKA the Nursery. If I have not had the pleasure of meeting you, I would love to have the opportunity!This month’s theme in the Nursery is comprised of animal sounds, pumpkins, leaves, Fall, and all things spooky. I have spent a week revising our baby curriculum to make it more hands on and engaging. We will be doing Creative Arts every single day from now on. That is comprised mostly of Sensory Play with theme-related Art Projects every Friday. That means on Fridays, please save your best outfits and send your little ones in some attire that you do not mind getting messy. Every effort will be made to keep the babies looking stylish, but we put fun over fashion around here. Additionally, we have been emphasizing ASL for ‘more’ and ‘all done’ and the babies really seem to enjoy learning more ways besides verbal to express their desires. As time goes on, we will be adding more words to their word banks. We will be celebrating two birthdays this month; Baby Hendrix on the 9th Miss Mikia on the 20th! Due to COVID-19, we are asking parents not to bring in any outside food. Instead, we will bake cupcakes and create paper crowns. These will be messy days as well, the babies will be playing with frosting and painting a birthday card, so please dress them accordingly or send in another outfit.-487045-62230Stop by to say “Hi” sometime. Thank you for tuning in!Miss MikiaToddlers:Brrr… there is a chill in the air- lots of changes are happening. Our friend Selena moved up to preschool, we miss her but we get to see them on the playground every day. We have been patiently waiting for the leaves to change colors- we enjoy taking a breezy walk daily as we look for signs of fall. We have really enjoyed watching the construction vehicles next door. We will be painting a real pumpkin as a class and exploring what is inside. We will also use pumpkin to make our very own play-doh! We continue to work on our self help skills. Your little ones get so excited when they are able to do things for themselves. Currently we are putting our blankets away after nap, getting our jackets, and attempting to put them on. (We have not mastered this, but we try and try again!) We also put our jackets back into our cubbies when we come inside. We have been scribble writing- which is a “pre-writing” skill. This (along with play-doh play), helps to develop and strengthen those small muscles used for writing. What fun it is to use Miss Maryanne’s pen! We have also been working on recognizing the first letter of our first name. I Look Forward to Each Day with your Kiddos, Happy Fall! Miss Maryanne Preschool 1/Bloom 17348202390140Hello preschoolers! September was so much fun: getting to know new friends, and reuniting with old friends. Now that we have the hang of our routines and rules, it is time for a new study, balls! October will be a month long investigation of balls and their properties and uses! We will also practice some fire safety because October is fire prevention month. Our colors this month are: orange, purple, pink, and brown. We will be adding a shape of the week this month as well. We will focus on the circle for the first two?weeks, and square for the following two weeks. Some of our investigation questions will be: Who uses balls? Do you think all balls bounce? What do we know about balls? Do you play a sport with a ball? and What are balls made of?4262755-112395Now tell me, are you ready to have a ball?Miss Alysia & Mr Billy & Miss DebbieSchool Age Happy Birthday Jase! (12th) What a fun first month of back to school it was! We may have hit some bumps in the road, but now we have our routines down and are having much success with our virtual learners. We had fun getting to know each other during lunch and snack times- talking about the different things we are learning about, and have had so much playing outside to take a break from school work. We played games together, made “potions” together outside, and spent time relaxing through yoga and quiet reading time.This month, we will continue to learn virtually, while taking breaks to relax and play outside as well. On October 30th, we will have a pajama party! Feel free to wear your coziest PJ’s and be ready for a fun day!We will go outside as long as weather permits. Please be sure to send in hats, gloves, and any other warm clothes your child may need for when we take the fun outdoors! We look forward to working with the kids and doing everything we can to make them successful!Miss Melissa ................

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