Student Portfolio Guidelines & Grading Rubric

Student Portfolio Guidelines & Grading Rubric

Name:_________________________________ Date: ______________________________

Student Portfolio

Guidelines & Grading Rubric

In creating my student portfolio, I will submit some of my best work, neatly organized as a portfolio. Mrs. Dize has shown me an example, and I am always welcome to ask more questions. Here are some major guidelines I need to strive for and a grading rubric that will be used to grade my portfolio. I will also use this rubric to self assess and submit with my portfolio.

* I will be very creative in completing my assignments.

* I will use this portfolio to convey my understanding of the ideas and themes in or book and provide examples and details in each part of the portfolio.

* All work will be neat, organized, and edited for grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

* My portfolio will be attractive, using imagery, color, pictures, and other effects to show originality.

* When I turn in my completed portfolio, I will also submit the following rubric as a self-assessment that Mrs. Dize will consider in grading my project. I will record what I think my score should be in each category from 1 to 4 and note any comments in the space below.

|Student Portfolio Grading Rubric |

|CATEGORY |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Originality |Portfolio shows a large |Portfolio shows some |Portfolio uses other |Portfolio uses other |

| |amount of original |original thought. Work |people's ideas (giving them |people's ideas, but does |

|My Score: ____ |thought. Ideas are |shows new ideas and |credit), but there is little|not give them credit. |

| |creative and inventive. |insights. |evidence of original | |

| | | |thinking. | |

|Content |Covers topic in-depth |Includes essential |Includes essential |Content is minimal OR there|

| |with details and |knowledge about the topic. |information about the topic |are several factual errors.|

|My Score: ____ |examples. Subject |Subject knowledge appears |but there are 1-2 factual | |

| |knowledge is excellent. |to be good. |errors. | |

|Attractiveness |Makes excellent use of |Makes good use of imagery, |Makes use of imagery, color,|Use of imagery, color, |

| |imagery, color, |color, graphics, effects, |graphics, effects, etc. but |graphics, effects etc. but |

|My Score: ____ |graphics, effects, etc. |etc. to enhance to |occasionally these detract |these often distract from |

| |to enhance the |portfolio. |from the portfolio content. |the portfolio content. |

| |portfolio. | | | |

|Mechanics |No misspellings or |Three or fewer misspellings|Four misspellings and/or |More than 4 errors in |

| |grammatical errors. |and/or mechanical errors. |grammatical errors. |spelling or grammar. |

|My Score: ____ | | | | |

|Complete Portfolio |Portfolio contains all |Portfolio is missing 2 or |Portfolio is missing 3 to 4 |Portfolio is missing 5 or |

| |required documents and |fewer documents and |documents and title page |more documents and does not|

|My Score: ____ |creative title page. |contains creative title |could be more creative. |contain a title page. |

| | |page. | | |

Self Assessment Comments for Mrs. Dize to Consider: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

My Final Grade: _____

Comments from Mrs. Dize to me about my project: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Student Portfolio Project List

Name:_________________________________ Date: ______________________________

Student Portfolio

Project List

My portfolio will include projects that I have completed during our unit on Bridge to Terabithia. Mrs. Dize will assign some of the portfolio pages to be completed in class, and I must choose 5 of the following projects to include as well. Here are my choices of projects:

_____ Book Cover: Pretend the book publisher for Bridge to Terabithia has asked you to create a new book cover for a special edition of the book to be published soon. Design the book cover on 8 ½ X 11 paper with a creative cover page showing the pertinent information, descriptive review of the book, and illustrations that will all draw in new young readers.

_____ Draw Terabithia: Leslie tells Jess, “You should draw a picture of Terabithia for us to hang in the castle.” Jess says, “I can’t…I just can’t get the poetry of the trees.” See if you can get the poetry of the trees. Draw Terabithia as you imagine it to be, using examples of imagery from the book.

_____ Children’s Book: Using the main ideas and themes in our book, write a children’s book version of Bridge to Terabithia that tells the same story, but on a child’s level. Your book should be illustrated, clearly written, use details from our book, and have at least 10 pages.

_____ Write a Song: Find the words to the song “Free to Be . . .You and Me” that Miss Edmunds sings when she first meets Leslie. Then, write lyrics for your own song about the importance of being yourself by using ideas from the book and your own words.

_____ Draw with Words: Draw with words: Paterson uses wonderfully descriptive language to paint pictures that place the reader in her story. One tool she uses is similes, figures of speech in which two unlike things are compared using the words like or as. Try using similes in your own writing as you write a one page story about the topic of your choice. You might start by brainstorming a list of similes for such things as surprise, excitement, sadness, nervousness, happiness, and fear.

_____ Favorite Hobby Paper: In Bridge to Terabithia, Mrs. Myers asks her fifth-grade class to write a paper about their favorite hobby. Leslie’s essay about scuba diving is so good that “the power of Leslie’s words drew Jess with her under the dark water.” Write a one page description about your favorite hobby, and try to write it so that it has the power to move your reader or listener the way Leslie’s did.

_____ Brochure: Pretend you’re a travel agent and create a tri-fold brochure that will inspire people to visit Terabithia. Use creative writing and illustrations to tempt your travelers to vacation in this wonderful world that Jess and Leslie have created.

_____ Write a Letter: Pretend you are a main character in the story and write a one page letter to another character about something that you think might have happened after the end of the book.

_____ Cause & Effect Chart: Create a cause and effect chart using at least 5 situations from the book. Show what actions caused what effects using words, pictures, or both.

_____ Relate a Poem: Just as Emily Dickinson in her poem, I’m Nobody, Who are You?” can relate to the characters in our book, you probably can too. Find another poem that relates to the themes or ideas from our book and write a ½ page summary, using specific details, comparing your poem to our book.

Some ideas from: Scholastic Book Files: A Reading Guide to Bridge to Terabithia

Student Portfolio Table of Contents

Name:_________________________________ Date: ______________________________

Student Portfolio

Table of Contents

1. Title Page

2. Table of Contents

3. My Own Terabithia Worksheet

4. “I’m Nobody, Who are You?” Poem

5. “What is Friendship” Worksheet

6. Chapter 14 Story

7. Venn Diagram

8. My Project____________________________________

9. My Project____________________________________

10. My Project____________________________________

11. My Project____________________________________

12. My Project____________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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