Final Project—Poetry Portfolio and Presentation

Final Project—Poetry Portfolio and Presentation

For your final poetry project, you are going to create a poetry portfolio using (you will take a tutorial on Prezi in class) and present one original poem to the class (forms of presentation are discussed on the other side of this sheet).

You will present one original poem on March 1st.

Your entire portfolio on Prezi is due Friday, March 4th.


Your portfolio should include:

1. Two (2) poems with your reflection.

           Find two poems that really speak to you (that you didn’t write). Type at least 5 sentences per poem  

           answering one or more of these questions:

a. While I read this poem, I imagined…

b. What strikes me in this poem is…

c. This poem reminds me of…

d. The description of the _________ in the poem makes me think of…

e. didn’t quite understand ________ in the poem, but I think it means…

For each poem, include a photo that represents your reflection paragraphs (that represents how you interpret the poem).

2. Research a poet and write a one-page biography about that poet.

Read several poems by any poet you choose. Try to get a feel for that poet’s style and voice.

a. Write a one-page biography about the poet you choose.

b. Include two poems by the author. Between the two poems, find, underline, and label (in pencil or pen) at least five poetic techniques. Explain why it is an example of that technique in the margin.

c. OPTIONAL:  To work toward an advanced score, pick a topic, then write a poem that emulates (mimics) your chosen poet’s style. In your original poem, be sure to include the poetic techniques you identified in the poet’s original poems.  

3. One (1) poem with your written interpretation.

Find a poem that really speaks to you (that you didn’t write), then:

1. Print out the poem.  Make sure the title and author are on the top of the page.Take notes on the “Ten Easy Steps to Analyze a Poem” (orange worksheet).

2. Next, type a double-spaced response/interpretation of that poem that addresses each step of

  3–10 on that worksheet.  Number each step.

3. Written answers should be at least 1 page, 12 pt. font, with the poem’s title and author listed at the top.

4. Words/phrases taken word-for-word from the poem must be in quotation marks.

4. Three (3) original poems.

a. Write two of your own poems (any topic, any form). Between your two original poems, you must include at least 10 of the literary techniques we discussed in class. You may use each technique more than once, but you must have at least one example of 10 different techniques. Label them in pencil or pen on the Word doc.


b. The third poem should be an ekphrastic poem. Find a piece of art that moves you—that you’re drawn to. The kind of art that when you see it, words and images and ideas spring to your mind. Then write a poem about it. Include at least three poetic techniques. Label them in pencil or pen on the Word doc. Include both the poem and a picture of the art in your presentation. Also be sure to include the title of the art and the name of the artist!!

HINT: The more poetic techniques you incorporate, the better your original poems will be!

Overall, your portfolio will include 5 poems written by professional poets and

3 original poems (poems written by you!). (4 original if you choose to write the optional poem.)

Steps in Creating the Poetry Portfolio:

A. Create each of these seven (or eight) elements in a Word document or Google Doc:

(Detailed descriptions of the elements below are found on the other side of this handout. Examples are found in later pages in this packet.)



o 1. One poem (not written by you) with your written reflection

o 2. One poem (not written by you) with your written reflection

o 3. One poem (not written by you) with your one-page written interpretation/analysis

o 4. One-page biography about a poet you researched

▪ i. include two poems written by this poet with labeled and explained techniques

o 5. One original poem (any topic, any form)

o 6. One original poem (any topic, any form)

o 7. One original ekphrastic poem based upon a piece of art (include a copy of the art, title of the art, and

   name of the artist).

o OPTIONAL:   One poem you write that emulates/copies the style of the poet you researched


o B. Take the Prezi tutorial with Ms. Landmark on Wednesday, February 23rd.


o C. Create your Prezi, which should include all of the above elements.  


o D. Decide which original poem you will present to the class. Present it in one of the following ways:

o one stylized poem from the Prezi (with an accompanying image, video, etc.)

o poster

o poetry slam (to music or without)

o self-created sculpture, painting, drawing, diorama, etc., reflecting your poem

o self-created YouTube video

o recording

o or see us to gain approval for another creative idea you may have


Your portfolio will also be evaluated on:

·         Overall impression, effort, creativity

·         Evidence of drafts and revisions of your original poetry

·         Self-scored rubric

·         Grammar, mechanics, spelling

·         Following the portfolio directions


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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