Writing Prompts Creative Writing AssignmentEnglish Language Arts – Secondary 3Overview of TaskWriting Prompts are your chance to express yourself creatively through writing a response to a weekly prompt. Each month, you will be given the chance to respond to multiple prompts and flex your creative writing muscle! At the end of each month, you will be required to select one of the writing prompts you completed in that month and hand it in at the end of the next month as a Writing Prompts Creative Writing Assignment. You will spend this month editing, revising and rewriting your Writing Prompt response, until it is polished, error free and fit for publication. Specific RequirementsWriting Prompts Creative Writing Assignment Must be between 300 and 500 words long (unless it is a poem)Must be edited at least 2 separate times by 2 different peer editorsBe edited at least once by Mr. WoudaFollow Standard Paper ExpectationsDue Date: ___________________________________Writing Prompts Creative Writing Assignment Evaluation SheetChecklist CriteriaCompleteAssignment is 300-500 words long (or a poem, approved by Mr. Wouda)Edited 2 times, by 2 different peers (3 drafts, with editing marks and signatures)Edited at least once by Mr. Wouda (1 draft, with editing marks from Mr. Wouda)Follows Standard Paper ExpectationsTotal / 4Rating Scale9-10Exceptionally meets criteria7-8Thoroughly meets criteria6Acceptably meets criteria3-5Partially meets criteria1-2Minimally meets criteriaCriteriaRating ScaleCreativity:Writing Prompt is creative, original and a product of the student’s imagination and creativity. Writing Prompt reflects the effort of the student’s brainstorming or creative writing process.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Genre:Writing Prompt expertly follows the codes and conventions of the selected genre (poetry, short story, article, etc.)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Editing:Writing Prompt demonstrates clear evidence of having undergone several purposeful and useful changes which have improved the original rough draft.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Language Code and Conventions:Language Codes and Conventions are followed correctly. Readability is not impacted. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10CommentsTotal /44 ................

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