The Great Gatsby creative writing assignment

The Great Gatsby creative writing assignment

Background: Shortly after the death of her mother in 1961, Pam Buchanan came across a series of journals her mother had kept during the early years of her marriage to her first husband, Tom Buchanan. For the next few nights, Pam read in amazement about the life of her mother during the 1920s. The most astonishing entry of all was dated September 21, 1922. The shocking contents of that particular entry appear below.

Assignment: Your assignment is to compose the diary entry for the day of September 21, 1922, the day Myrtle Wilson was killed. The data in your entry should not conflict with the facts of the novel. Additionally, the entry should give the reader insight into the character of daisy Buchanan.

Your paper should be six paragraphs and between 2- 2 ½ typed pages. Paragraphs should be about 5 sentences. It will be worth 40 points (Content will be worth 30 points and conventions/style will be worth 10 points.) The details you include need to be consistent with the novel. Try to “fill in” details that are consistent with what we know about the characters. For example, what do Daisy and Gatsby discuss as they ride home after Myrtle has been struck. As you write, focus on including the most important details.

These are the topics for the paragraphs and page numbers where you can find information in the book.

1. Introduction to the entry- Mention how Daisy feels about other characters and

what her expectations for the day are. What was the impact of this day on Daisy?

2. Luncheon- Chapter 7. Begins on page 115

and Drive to New York- Begins on page 121

(combine these into a single paragraph)

Mention the affair. What is Daisy’s reaction to the discovery?

3. Hotel confrontation - begins on page 126

Summarize the events of the fight. What is Daisy’s reaction to the revelations?

4. The accident – begins on page 138

And the drive home

Describe the accident and Daisy’s reaction.

Describe the discussion between Daisy and Gatsby on the way home

5. Meeting with Tom- begins on page 146

Give Tom and Daisy’s reactions to the events at the hotel and to the accident. Does Daisy reveal the truth to Tom? (see p. 180 for clue)

6. Plans for the immediate future

Reveal Tom and Daisy’s vacation plans. Future with Gatsby? (Remember that this diary entry is written the night the accident took place BEFORE Gatsby was murdered.)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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