The Cay Creative Projects

The Cay Creative Projects – 50 pts

Choose either a land project or a sea project to complete while reading the novel, The Cay. Plan to work on this at home; or you can stay after school and work in DONE Club next Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. (2:30 -3:30 p.m.)

Sea Projects:

1. Diorama of a coral reef. Build a diorama of a coral reef.  You could use salt dough, real coral, shells, or other materials inside a shoebox. Coral reefs are underwater ridges or mounds built of coral, coral sand, and limestone. Coral reefs are homes to thousands of different kinds of fish, sponges, algae, and mollusks. Fish are attracted to coral reefs because they are a good place for shelter and there is a large source of food available.

(Label five items in your diorama that would be found in a coral reef in the

Caribbean Sea)

2. Make a map of Phillip's Caribbean home from salt dough. To make salt dough mix equal 3 cups of plain flour to 1 cup of salt. Add approximately 1 cup of warm water. Mix until you have dough that is neither crumbly nor sticky. To make the dough different colors, add food coloring to the water before mixing it with the flour and salt. Place a map of the Caribbean on a piece of plywood. Cover the different countries and islands with different colors of salt dough. Cover the sea with blue. Let this dry overnight.

(Label the following places from The Cay with a fine tipped marker.)

|Curacao |Venezuela |Panama |

|Miami |St. Thomas |Devil's Mouth |

|Colombo |Virgin Islands |Aruba |

|Bonaire |Jamaica  |San Andrés |

3. Research Paper. Write a research paper including a bibliography of resources (just like we did for the DWA). Choose one of the following topics:

➢ The boats of The Cay, research the following: 1. German U-boats and submarines, 2. U.S. Navy destroyers, 3. schooners, 4. tankers, and 5. freighters, All of these were in operation during WWII. Write a paragraph on each vessel and include an illustration.)

➢ Research the major causes of blindness after birth. Write a paragraph for each cause (at least five) and include at least one illustration for your paper.

4. Lifeboat Model. Make a model of a lifeboat that would have been used on a passenger ship during WWII. Include at least ten items necessary for survival.

(Label each item and explain why it is important for survival.

Land Projects:

1. Weaving. Timothy insists that Phillip help with the weaving even though he is blind. He does this so Phillip won't give up on life and become completely dependent on Timothy. Weaving a pot holder or mat may give you a feel for what Phillip experienced when he was blind. Close your eyes and try to guide the strings by feel alone. Use a yarn that will not melt so you can actually use it as a pot holder after this novel unit is completed.

2. Survivor! Timothy and Philip had to survive for many months using only a few things that they brought with them. Everything else, they “made do” from items that they found on the cay. Many people have had to survive the aftermath of natural disasters like earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc.

Prepare a home survival kit of items that you would need in an emergency. (At least ten items) After you have finished, put them in a waterproof container and complete the following.

1. A list of the items in your survival kit

2. The reason each item is included in your kit

3. Why you think it is important to have a survival kit in your home.

4. Where you will keep the survival kit in your home.

3. The Cay, a children’s version of the book. Retell the entire story of The Cay through illustrations and brief sentences explaining the main ideas and important details of the story. (It must be a minimum of twelve pages) Your drawings and words should make sense to a 2nd grader. Make an illustrated cover and use some type of binding to hold it together. (ex. Yarn or staples)

4. Creative Writing. This is a 3-part writing assignment.

A. Pretend you are Phillip’s father and have received news of the shipwreck. Write an advertisement for the local newspaper asking for help and giving the information needed to carry out the rescue.

B. Cover the details of Phillip’s rescue as a newspaper reporter. What kinds of questions would you ask Phillip? Write out at least five interview questions. Then create a picture and a heading to accompany your article.


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