Department of Criminal Justice Services

Department of Criminal Justice Services

Quarterly Progress Report (JJDP Title II and Title V grants)

All sections on this form need to be completed prior to uploading to the Grants Management Information System (GMIS).

|A. Name of Legal Applicant (City or County): |B. Grant Award Number |

|      |(Current Grant Year):       |

|C. Implementing Agency |D. Purpose Area #:       |

|(Agency providing services): |Prevention |

|      |Intervention |

| |System Improvement |

|E. Report Prepared by:       |F. Reporting Period |

|Title:       |(July 1 – September 30) |

|Email:       |(October 1 – December 31) |

| |(January 1 – March 31) |

| |(April 1 – June 30) |

|G. Date Report Submitted to GMIS: | |

|      | |

|H. Evidence-Based Project? Yes No |

| |

|If yes, cite the program model used and specify source of Model: (i.e. - OJJDP, SAMHSA, National Dropout Prevention Center):       |

| |


|Number of Youth Served in Grant Funded Program(s) |

|Projected # for Year:     |FY 1st Qtr |FY 2nd Qtr |FY 3rd Qtr |FY 4th Qtr |YTD |

|B) # of Families Carried Over from |      |      |      |      |      |

|Previous Quarter | | | | | |

|C) # of New Admissions |      |      |      |      |      |

|D) Total # of Youth Served During |      |      |      |      |      |

|Quarter (A+C) | | | | | |

|E) Total # of Families Served During |      |      |      |      |      |

|Quarter (B+C) | | | | | |


1) Personnel/Employees (if applicable)

A. Indicate whether all positions listed in the budget have been filled. If position(s) remain vacant, what is the plan and anticipated outcome for staffing of the program?      

B. Are surplus funds anticipated due to salary savings, and what is the plan for utilizing these funds?      

2) Consultants (if applicable)

A. Indicate whether all consultants (i.e. – vendors, speakers) listed on the budget have been awarded a contract. If a contract has not been awarded, what is the plan for expediting the bidding process?      

3) Goals and Progress

A. Describe progress made toward project goals/objectives.      

B. What outputs did the project have during the reporting period as a result of the grant funding (i.e. – # of youth served, # of training hours provided to staff, etc.).      

C. Describe any significant program activities during the reporting period (i.e., graduation ceremonies, media events/coverage, news articles, etc).      

4) Problem Identification

A. If applicable, describe any problems the program/project has encountered during the reporting period that has been a barrier to achieving goals and objectives. Examples of areas where problems may exist are program administration, service delivery, rate of referrals, and participant enrollment. Indicate the steps taken to resolve any problems mentioned.      


Technical assistance requested: Yes No

If yes, please explain:      


Complete this section for the final reporting period only, in addition to all other sections of the Progress Report. The deadline for the 4th quarter final progress report is no later than 90 days after the 4th quarter ends. If your grant has an extension, this section should be completed in the final quarter of the extension period.

A. Describe any collaborative efforts with other agencies or community stakeholders throughout the grant year.      

B. Describe efforts to engage parents/families.      

C. Discuss overall program effectiveness throughout the grant year. Were the goals and objectives achieved as submitted in the grant application? Why or why not?      

D. (If applicable) Has there been a formal evaluation completed for the grant program? If yes, please upload a copy to GMIS along with your final progress report. If no, describe any efforts made to evaluate the program.      

E. Describe any efforts toward sustainability for your program/project beyond the grant year.      

F. Describe any lessons learned throughout the grant year.      


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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