Aviation House 17th September 2009


Mrs. Nicole Svatek (NS) Chairman

Capt. Charlie Cantan (CC)

Capt. Rick Newson (RN)


Mr. Pieter Hemsley (PH)

Mr. John Dunne (JD)

Capt. Roger Benison (RB)

Capt. David Cockburn (DC)

Ms. Sarah Skelton (SS)

Sqd. Ldr. Mike Stanway (MS)

Mr. Rick Heybroek (RH)

Copy to:

Mr. Sid Adcock Emeritus Member

Mr. Johan Lindvall Corresponding Member

Capt. Norman Komich Corresponding member


1. Apologies for absence

2. Review minutes last meeting 17th July 2009

3. Video shop/streaming and download accessibility

4. HFG progress on Helios ‘work-up’

5. Report from HFG on re: letter to Flight International

6. SMS questionnaires

7. A.O.B.

Item 1.

Apologies for absence

Item 2.

Review of last minutes, 17th July 2009

The minutes were reviewed and approved.

Outstanding action item from previous meetings: RN to invite Simon Roberts, CAA (Regional Manager), responsible for SMS Oversight to attend next CRMSG.

See Agenda item: 6.

Item 3.

Video shop/streaming and download accessibility

RH reports the successful setting up of the facility to stream online, however, he has not been able to reliability test the software sufficiently in order to progress it further. He is looking for a volunteer to help him Beta test - CC put himself forward. The subject of the video shop was raised at the last HFG meeting (15th September) - revealing some degree of confusion.

The CRMSG has always understood that the project is a CRMSG initiative, (notwithstanding the complications that have occurred since the designated individuals have retired from the CAA). As recorded in previous CRMSG minutes, it was agreed that the CAA would house the film library, convert videos to DVD and facilitate lending. However, we are now advised that whilst the CAA will hold the library, it will not convert material or lend out. Anyone wishing to copy may do so on the premises but at a cost. Meanwhile, it appears that films are being sent to the secretary of the Advisory Panel as well as the CRMSG. The Advisory Panel also includes the Video shop as an agenda item at their meetings.

There is obvious confusion regarding which Group should drive this and negotiate with the CAA. The CRMSG discussed how best to move the project forward and it was felt that, of the two groups, the Advisory Panel might be best placed. The CRMSG will propose this course of action through the HFG.


NS to discuss with Carey Edwards

Item 4.

HFG progress on Helios ‘work-up’

The HFG secretary reported that he has received all the respective Groups’ work-ups on the Helios accident. The three reports are different in their findings and there has been some delay whilst he collates the results. There was a long discussion at the HFG, followed by another at the CRMSG, regarding where we want to go with this exercise and how best, (and to whom) to target it.

As previously minuted, both the Engineering and CRM SGs were able to identify the HF aspects in the accident and link them to training failures and the management culture at Helios. Based on those findings, the CRMSG produced a list of questions designed to provoke and stimulate discussion and guide the trainees through the accident. However, the CC SG identified some very relevant failures in the Helios decompression training which prompted them to recommend changes to industry. These changes have been extremely well received and implemented by a significant number of UK airlines. The Helios exercise has therefore resulted in tangible changes to CC training (procedural training) and suggested material for classroom training (conceptual training). The HFG debated whether all the Groups could, or should have, produced procedural recommendations, the Engineering and CRM SGs felt that their research into the events did not give rise to such.

The CRMSG would like to participate in another exercise and has expressed interest in AS 332, a helicopter flying into a helideck in the North Sea, February 2009. The CRMSG understands that the investigation into this event is not yet complete and ready for such an exercise and we would welcome any other suggestions in the meantime.


NS to recommend to Carey Edwards

NS to seek approval from RN

Item 5.

Report from HFG on re: letter to Flight International

The HFG secretary reports that the letter has never been published and that some have not even been acknowledged - which is of considerable concern as all members have anecdotal evidence of the increase in slips and misses during these demanding times. It was agreed that we should continue to pursue publication.


Carey Edwards to follow-up with publishers

Item 6.

SMS questionnaires

SS sent out questionnaires in late July, only two responses have been received, both of which indicate that the respondent’s company is implementing SMS but behind schedule. Pete Shaw of the CAA will approach Simon Roberts (SMS, CAA) in order to establish a dialogue on our behalf, RN to invite him to CRMSG meeting.


RN to invite Simon Roberts

Item 7.


1. CC/Emergency Response Training Conference, April 2010

RH reports that he has secured the acceptance of Prof. Helen Muir (in principle) to Chair the conference. The venue continues to be of concern as it has to be booked relatively soon, the cost kept to a minimum and the location local. The Secretary of the HFG proposed that this conference is actually an HFG event and should be publicised as such. SS suggested that this could be a ‘combined, two-day’ event, with the CC conference on the first day and the emergency response on the second. RN suggested a speaker, Morgan O’Connell, a PTSP specialist might be of interest.


RN to contact SS or RH with suggestion

2. VLJ Conference

RN reported that he has had lots of enquiries and contacts following the conference, the RNLI has also enjoyed a great deal of interest.

3. Conflict in Group titles

This subject has arisen again as the two Groups’ titles are not sufficiently distinct and are the source of confusion, particularly at conferences. The CRMSG would like the HFG to address this subject and clarify, bearing in mind that the CRMSG is the direct descendent of the original CRM Group and that the Advisory Panel is, precisely that, an advisory panel to the CAA.


NS to address to Carey Edwards


Thursday, 10th December

Time and venue as usual, 1330 @ Aviation House. It would be helpful if all members could make a note of these dates early which might help avoid later conflicts.

Please Note: next meeting, Thursday 10th. December 2009

Nicole Svatek

20th July 2009

Nicole.svatek@ 01273 738169


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