-Have students draw a 3 column chart-Word-your own definition-picture

-Then Discuss with a partner

-Then go over my 3 column chart with students, they will change their definition if need be.

-Present spelling words (25) to your student. Discuss meaning, look at picture for the word, look at small words within the spelling word, prefix, suffix, etc.

-Then have spelling word picture, and meaning a word scrambled, so students can sort out the correct spelling word with the correct picture, and meaning.

Crossword Puzzle

Have students put vocabulary words into crossword format. Then write clues, using their own words for each word. Pass puzzle to another student to complete.

Vocabulary Battleship

1. Make a grid for each participant

2. Have each participant mark 3 boxes for their ships

3. One partner gives a vocabulary- the other partner gives them their definition. If it is right the person who gave the definition gets to guess a box. If it is a hit, they get to go again. If it is a miss cross out the square. If the definition is incorrect, partner must give the definition and the turn is over.


After the first or second exposure to the words, hand out cards with a vocabulary word on it to each student. Students may or may not have the same word. After “acting out” their words, they decide if it’s the same word or not.

Use pictures or visuals for words.

Put word with a picture of the word or some picture related to it.

Contextual Redefinition

Look for word

Use word in sentence

Draw/describe the word

Use visuals to develop links to vocabulary words= Keyword method

Inside/outside circle

-Introduce the new vocabulary word/s.

-Define and give examples of the words.

-Demonstrate using manipulative for example, more, less-show with position students in the counters inside/outside circle.

-Students use the new vocabulary using a sentence frame and manipulative.

Break the word down to see if we know prefix, suffix or anything else. We also look at conjugant.

Personify the Word:

Adjectives can be assigned to specific people or objects. Make up simple chants using the adjective and other words/phrases with the same meaning to describe the person or object.

ie._______ is jubilant. Other words to use Cheerful, happy, excited

Bubble Map

Place new word in a circle in the middle of a large chart. Introduce the word, use pictures or realia. Draw that coming out of the bubble that describe the word.

4 Square Method

Students will do a vocabulary strategy using 4 squares:

Predict what it means ( Give an example ( Give a definition or use it in a sentence ( draw an illustration

|Definition |Example |

| |Of what |

| |It is |

|Example of |What it means |

|what it is not|to you. |

(Word (in center)

Frayer Model

Draw a large rectangle

Divide the rectangle into 4=parts

In the center, write the vocabulary word

In one section write the definition

In another section write characteristics

In another write example or draw a picture

In last section write non-examples

|Definition Characteristics |

|Comparing 2 look for the words |

|Things using |

|“like” or “as” |

|Similes |

| |

|Examples Non-Examples |

|He swims like a He likes fish |

|fish |

“Guess the Covered Word”

Students will read the sentence aloud and make predictions of the word. As a word is revealed students will adjust their predictions. When a word is revealed, reread the sentence and discuss context words that helped to guess the word.

Word Sorts

-Words printed on index cards.

-Tell students to put into categories (groups). They decide which group to put words in.

-Students then share how they grouped the words and why.

Personal Dictionaries

Write words and/or definitions in their notebooks

Word Wall

Words that come up, dolch words, spelling words, content words- posted on a wall

Picture Vocabulary

Draw a picture for each vocabulary word

|Ch. 7 |Vocab. |

|Word |Word |

|Word |Word |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

Flip Chart Vocabulary

Create a flip chart

-Cut vertically up the middle.

-Write word on front of each flap

On the other side of the flap,

write the definition and example

The Name Game

Sarah, Sarah, bo, barah

-Works on rhyming that leads into vocabulary.

-Make the sound that the object makes: Moo-cow




Vocabulary Charades

Verbs- make cards- draw a card, act it out to a partner.

May be done with partner, small group or whole group.

Use the word outside of the classroom then share with our small group how and where you used this word.

Memory Game

Students match picture with words.


Students will take words they already know add certain pre-fixes/suffixes. Read the new word and tell partner what the new word means.

Word Line Continuum

Create a continuum with words that are opposites-

Brain Storm words then work with partner to place outline-then group.

Ex: ( size word

Huge Large average Tiny

Big ___/_____/_____/______/______ little

Chunk the word into parts you might be more familiar with (cognate)

Cognate Clues

1. Look at the word

2. Is there a simpler root word?

3. Think of any words you already know that are similar (share)

4. Is there a word in you LI that is similar?

5. Write on board/explain meaning?

6. Is it the same/similar?

Like Frayer Method

|1 |2 |

|3 |4 |

1. Write word on paper.

2. Draw Picture to illustrate

(What you think it means)

3. Give examples

4. Look up word to see if close

Can do non-examples

Close Sentences

1. Teach and review vocabulary

2. Student reads a sentence that has strong contextual support for the vocals word that has been left out.

3. Once the meaning of the word has been determined and possible replacement words have been listed, the teacher provides the correct word.

|K |I |M |

|Key |Info. |Memory |

|Terms |Def. |clue |

| | | |

Kim Chart

-Divide your paper into 3 columns

-The first column is K or the Key Term

( Write the vocabulary word

-The second column is I or Illustration

( Draw a picture to represent the word

-The third column is M or meaning

( Write the definition in your own words

can be picture or

native word

List, Group, Label

1. Pick a topic

2. Brainstorm a list of words that go with that topic.

3. Group words that are alike together

4. Label the groups

5. Leave chart up and add or subtract or modify as the study goes on.

VIP (Very Important Predictions

1. Pick out several (12-20) words from a reading passage.

2. Have students sort words by the story elements- characters, setting, events, problem, solution.

3. Students can use to make a prediction about the story can modify as predictions are confirmed or not.

4. Can also use in content areas by grouping and labeling words.


1. Write vocabulary words on index cards (25-30 cards or fewer).

2. Write the word Oops on five or more.

3. Partners or teams play.

4. First person or the first on in the team draws a card.

5. Gives the definition.

6. If correct, keeps the card; if not places in back in the deck.

7. Take turns drawing and giving definitions.

8. If an Oops card is drawn, all the “won” cards must be returned to deck.

9. Player or team with the most cards wins.

Rate the words

1. Don’t know; never heard of it

2. Heard it, but not sure what it means

3. Know it. Can use it and “teach it”.

Guess the Word

I’m thinking of a word that begins with ___ (letter)

It sounds like ___________.

A word that means close to the same (synonym)

A word that means the opposite (antonym)

Vocabulary Center

With previously taught vocabulary words or text

Examples Student friendly

\ / definition

|Vocabulary Word |

/ | \

What does Non Examples Picture of the

It do? Word


Open Sort

Students have words or pictures

Create categories for words to go in

Explain how or why titles of categories were created

Making Choices

(Application Activity)

If any of the things I say are examples of “clutching” say “clutching”. If not-say nothing

-Holding tightly to a purse

-Holding tightly to your lunch money

-Petting a cat’s fur

-Holding on to the branches when climbing a tree

-Blowing bubbles and “catching” them

Different Word Wall Activities

1. Add new words to the word wall

2. Teacher points to word and all read

Ie. I like my _________

3. Children finish sentence

Ie. I like my cat.


Semantic Feature Analysis

1. Teacher creates a grid and features of a certain concept across the top

2. Writes words from the concept along the left side

3. If the word on the left has a feature listed on top, you write + if not, write -.

|2 wheels |4 wheels |1 wheel | |

| + | - | | |

| - | - | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |



Concept Definition Map

1. Put the target word in the center and draw a rectangle around it.

2. Draw a rectangle above the word and write, what is it?

3. Draw 3-4 rectangles to the right of the word and write what is it like.

4. Draw 3-4 rectangles underneath for what are some examples.

4 Corners Vocabulary

| Illustration 1 | Sentence 3 |

| | |

| |The fluffiest clouds, that look |

| |like cotton. |

| Definition 2 | Vocabulary 4 |

| | |

|A white billowy cloud. |Cumulus |

Mime vocabulary words that are randomly given. (or drawn)

Guess the word or transparency

Label pictures on poster- overhead


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