Exploratory Family and Consumer Sciences

Family and Consumer Sciences

Looking My Best


Gwinnett County Public Schools

Middle School

Family and Consumer Sciences


Family and Consumer Sciences

Looking My Best

Student Manual


Gwinnett County Public Schools

Middle School

Family and Consumer Sciences


Be sure to check each module for additional handouts that are not on the CD.

Personal Grooming Standards

Discovering Life Skills, Grooming Crossword, Student Workbook, (pp. 13-14), Glencoe/McGraw-Hill

The Great Face Case

It’s No Puzzle: The Simple Truth About Pimples

How to Floss and Brush

How B.Plaque affects teeth and gums

How to Avoid Body Odors

The Truth About Posture

A Look at Grooming Products

Face Shapes and Hair Styles

Nail Care

Answer Key for The Great Face Case

Looking My Best

INTRODUCTION Young teens may have difficulty defining what really has an impact on their self-concept. Undue worry over body appearance can become an obsession with some and of no consequence to others. It’s important for young teens to analyze their personal hygiene habits and how these habits influence their appearance and initial impression when meeting others.

AKS OBJECTIVES #32 , 40, 41

ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS 1. Explain how good grooming affects your appearance.

2. Explain how to prevent acne.

3. Explain how to prevent cavities.

4. Explain how to prevent athlete’s feet.

MATERIALS Video: Looking Good: Without a clue

Video: Teen Hygiene

Activity sheets

Facial Cleanser

Facial Scrub Astringent

Facial Mask Disclosure Tablets

Toothbrushes Dental Floss

Hand Lotion Hand Soap

Washcloths or towels

EQUIPMENT Computer Head phones

Mirror Sink

Looking My Best

Activity #1

1. Locate the pretest and complete it according to instructions before you go to the next step.

2. Review the following vocabulary words before you begin the module. When you find the words in the reading material or videos as you come to them during the next four days; define them on your own paper.

1. Grooming

2. Dermatologist

3. Plaque

4. Astringent

5. Exfoliation

6. Sunscreen

7. Acne

8. Flossing

9. cleanser

10. Mask

3. Locate and complete the evaluation sheet “Personal Grooming Standards.”

4. Locate the textbook, Discovering Life Skills, and read pages 33--40.

5. Locate and complete the “Grooming Crossword Puzzle.”

6. View the video Looking Good without a Clue and take 10 notes on your own paper. These notes should be complete thoughts. Label this activity “Looking Good notes.”

6. Clean up your module area and make sure everything is returned to its proper location.

Looking My Best


Directions: Answer the following questions on your pretest/posttest answer sheet.

Bubble in the correct answer.

1. Good grooming is best defined as

A. taking a daily bath

B. making yourself attractive and clean

C. dressing nicely

D. having self-confidence

2. The function of a deodorant is to

A. perfume your arm pits when you don’t have time to wash

B. stop perspiration

C. slow bacteria growth

D. last only one or two hours

3. Wash your face and neck:

A. Once a day

B. 3 times a day

C. 2 times a day

D. and leave some soap on the body as a protective coating for the skin

4. Do not wear wet socks or shoes because:

A. It will stain your socks.

B. It will dye y our feet.

C. It promotes growth of bacteria.

D. It will stain the carpet.

5. To keep your skin safe from the wind and sun, it is important to

A. wash with soap.

B. apply moisturizer and sunscreen.

C. visit a dermatologist.

D. wear dark clothing.

Looking My Best


6. The least effective way to fight tooth decay is to

A. eat a well-balanced diet.

B. cut back on between-meal snacks.

C. brush teeth after eating.

D. use a toothpick to remove food articles.

7. Powdering your feet will

A. Control odor

B. Keep your socks clean

C. Kill bacteria

8. Your own sense of smell may fail to warn you of perspiration odor.

A. True

B. False

9. You should replace your toothbrush about every three months.

A. True

B. False

10. Rest and exercise can help improve your skin.

A. True

B. False

Looking My Best

Activity #2

1. How much do you actually know about acne? Locate and complete the worksheet, “The Great Face Case.”

2. When you have completed “The Great Face Case,” locate the key and check your answers. BE HONEST and don’t look until you have finished the worksheet.

3. Locate, read, and complete the activity sheet “It’s No Puzzle: The Simple Truth about Pimples.” The answers are found by reading the information at the top.

4. Using a student computer, go to WWW.. This website is very helpful in preventing skin cancer.

Click on SCF Tips. On your own paper write 3 facts found in this section.

Click on Skin Cancer Facts under the SCF Tips on the home screen. You will write 7

Facts from this area, making sure 2 of the seven come from the section about Teens and Tanning. LABEL this activity “Skin Cancer Facts”.

4. Read the following definitions to assist you with the next activity:

Acne is a skin condition that affects about 85 percent of teenagers. It begins when the hormone androgen signals oil glands to produce more oil (sebum). Excess oil combines with discarded skin cells to clog pores. If the plug is closed, it is called a whitehead. If it is open and exposure to air causes it to turn dark, it is called a blackhead. When bacteria get into the act and the clogged pore becomes inflamed, the result is a red bump, called a pimple.

Astringent is a tingly liquid that removes surface oil and tightens and tones skin, leaving it looking and feeling clean and refreshed.

Benzyl peroxide is a medication that works to heal blemishes and can keep new ones from forming.

Cleanser is any product - cream, lotion, gel, or liquid - designed to remove dirt and excess oil. The best will clean effectively without over drying the skin.

Exfoliation is the natural shedding of dead skin cells. May also be used to describe the removal of these cells by grainy scrubs or cleansers.

Mask is a facial treatment that is applied to the skin after cleansing, then peeled or rinsed off. Stimulates skin and helps remove dead skin cells, dirt, and oil, giving a smoother, clearer appearance.

5. Locate the mirrors, wash cloths, cleanser, astringent, scrub, and mask. You may also want to use the hair clips provided to keep your hair from getting wet or messy from the products. Follow the directions provided on the back of the products. Use the cleanser first, then the astringent, then the scrub, then the mask. Use the wash cloth and warm water from the sink to rinse between each step. Place the dirty wash cloths in the area designated by the teacher when you are finished.

6. Clean up your module area and make sure everything is returned to its proper location.

Looking My Best

Activity #3

1. Read the information sheet “Healthy Teeth.”

2. Locate and complete the “Study Questions from Healthy Teeth.”

3. Read the following information to beat bad breath and get fresh fast:

To find out whether you have bad breath, floss your teeth and then sniff the floss. A foul odor indicates that you have a problem. Onions, leeks, scallions, and garlic are the most notorious promoters of halitosis. Because they contain aromatic substances that are absorbed into the blood stream and then exhaled through the lungs, the breath-fouling effects of these foods can last for many hours.

Seen through a microscope, the mouth is not a pretty sight. There are more than two hundred strands of bacteria in the mouth, and many are odor producing.

Dentists recommend brushing your teeth after meals and flossing once per day. Bacteria can also lodge in the tiny ridges on the tongue, making it important to brush your tongue as well.

A dry mouth is another cause of bad breath. When your mouth becomes overly dry, bacteria aren’t flushed away. The classic example is morning breath, a consequence of sleeping open-mouthed and of not drinking fluids overnight.

A cold can cause bad breath too. A stuffed up nose causes you to breathe through your mouth, drying up saliva. Furthermore, such medications as antihistamines, decongestants, diuretics, and anti-anxiety drugs can dry out the mouth. Drink plenty of liquids when you have a cold or are taking any medicine that tends to dry your mouth.

4. Locate and read the diagrams, “How to Floss and Brush” and “How B.Plaque affects Teeth and Gums.”

5. Locate the mirrors, toothbrushes, floss, and toothpaste. Get disclosure tablets from your teacher. Each person gets one toothbrush and will keep it after the activity. DO NOT put the used toothbrush back in the box! Go to the sink and brush your teeth as you normally would. Now chew up one disclosure tablet. DO NOT swallow the tablet. Spit out the excess and rinse your mouth well. Now look in the mirror. Do you see any traces of red around your gums and teeth? Those indicate remains of plaque. Use the floss as the diagrams showed you and brush again. Rinse well and check for red again. Did you get all of the plaque that time? Rinse your toothbrush well and dry it with a paper towel. Clean up the sink area. DO NOT leave any traces of toothpaste, water, or spit. Throw away the tablet wrapper.

6. Clean up your module area and make sure everything is returned to the proper place.

Healthy Teeth

You can avoid a lot of dental problems if you take care of your teeth. Bacteria live in your mouth in a colorless layer called plaque. The bacteria in the plaque live on food particles and sugars (called fermentable carbohydrates) and produce acids with dissolve enamel. That’s the beginning of cavities. Eventually, the cavities become painful, and you have to see the dentist. You can fight plaque before it begins by:

1. Brushing your teeth thoroughly twice a day and following with a floss and rinse.

2. Eating a balanced diet and cut down on sweets.

3. Having regular dental checkups about every six months.

How to Brush your teeth:

Start with a good toothbrush. Which one is best? Use a clean, straight-handled brush and a head small enough to let you reach every tooth. Soft bristles are less likely to hurt your gum tissues. Nylon bristles last the longest. Tooth care professionals suggest that tooth brushes be replaced about every three months, so don’t expect your brush to last forever.

Are you getting your teeth clean when you brush them? Brushing and flossing, if you do it thoroughly, should take from five to ten minutes. Why spend this amount of time? Brushing teeth removes plaque and other food particles from the outer, inner, and biting surfaces of your teeth.

Here’s how to brush. Put the head of your toothbrush alongside your teeth with bristle tips angled along the gumline. Brush the upper teeth down from the gums, and the lower teeth up from the gums. Brush both the inner and the outer surfaces of each tooth. And don’t forget to brush the grinding surface (the biting edges). For extra freshness give your tongue a brushing, too. When brushing your teeth remember it’s not hard work and “elbow grease” that count, it’s thoroughness.

Why floss your teeth after brushing? Dental floss is the only dental car aid that can remove plaque from the tight spaces between teeth. Take a piece of dental floss, waxed or unwaxed, at least eight inches long. You’ll want to slide the floss gently against the side of each tooth. Curve the floss into a c-shape around the side of the tooth, and scrape up and down against the surface. After you floss, rinse vigorously with cool water. It loosens plaque and food particles from your teeth and gums.

Are you sure you’re brushing and flossing routine really removes the plaque? If you are curious, buy tablets or solutions at the drugstore which stain plaque with harmless vegetable dye so you can see it. Keep in mind that even the most careful cleaning will leave some plaque. The American Dental Association recommends that you have your teeth professionally cleaned by your dentist or a hygienist twice a year.

The Sugar Story: The American Dental Association has warned that excessive amounts of refined carbohydrates, especially sugar, cause dental cavities. A lot of people’s diets have too much refined carbohydrates. Eat a balanced diet. The food that is good for you is also good for your teeth.

The worst culprits are soft and sticky sweets because they stick to your teeth and are hard to remove. Beware of dried fruits, breath mints, and caramels. Also remember the hidden sugars you eat in catsup, canned meats, soups, and salad dressings. Recently sugar-coated and sugar-loaded cereals have been on the firing line. Make sure yours isn’t loaded with honey, maple syrup, and different forms of sugar. Read Labels.

If you are a “sugarholic”, try natural fibrous foods. Apples, oranges, unsweetened cereal, and carrots sweep between and around teeth when you chew and act as natural cleaners. What if you do want some chocolate ice cream? Brush your teeth fast after you’ve eaten it to remove as much sugar as possible before it’s turned into acids. The most damage is done within 15 to 20 minutes after sweet foods are eaten.

Looking My Best

Name _______________________

Student # ____________________

Study Questions from “Healthy Teeth”

1. Explain how cavities begin.

2. Name three ways that you can fight plaque before it begins.




3. How often should toothbrushes be replaced?

4. What kind of bristle lasts the longest?

5. How long should good thorough brushing and flossing take?

6. Why floss your teeth after brushing?

7. Explain the proper way to floss your teeth.

8. How often should you have your teeth cleaned by a dentist?

9. Name the worst culprits for causing cavities and explain why they are so bad.

10. After sweet foods are eaten, how long does it take for the most damage to be done?

Looking My Best

Activity #4

1. Locate and view the video Teen Hygiene. On your own paper, write 10 facts you learned from this video. The facts should be complete thoughts. Label this activity "Teen Hygiene Facts".

2. Locate and read the article “How to Avoid Body Odor.”

3. Locate and complete the “Body Odor Questions” on your own paper.

4. Locate and complete the posttest according to instructions.

5. If you have time, locate and complete the puzzle sheet “The Truth about Posture” for extra credit.

6. Get out a piece of notebook paper and place your name, class and student number in the top right hand corner. Put the module name on the top line. Copy the following list, then gather the assignments in order. Place this cover sheet on top and staple the stack together. Paper clip the pre/ post-test answer sheet on top of the stapled papers.

Vocabulary Words

Personal Grooming Standards

Grooming Crossword Puzzle

Looking Good Notes

The Great Face Case

It’s No Puzzle: The Simple Truth about Pimples

Skin Cancer Facts

Healthy Teeth Study Questions

Teen Hygiene Facts

Body Odor Questions

Extra Credit: The Truth about Posture (optional)

Enrichment: A look at Grooming Products (optional)

7. Enrichment activity: Select three hand soap or hand lotion products and complete

The Activity and Project Card # 29 – “A Look at Grooming Products.” Attach your results of your comparison to your module work.

8. Clean up your module area and make sure everything is returned to its proper place.

Looking My Best

Body Odor Questions

Directions: Answer the following questions on your own paper.

1. What are your two sweat glands called?

2. Which of the two glands have an odor?

3. When do the porcine glands begin to work?

4. What should you do if your skin feels dry and tight after washing?

5. Which grooming product slows bacteria’s growth?

6. Which grooming product reduces the flow of perspiration?

7. What are the symptoms of athlete’s foot?

8. Where does the fungus come from that causes athlete’s foot?

9. How do you cure athlete’s foot?

Looking My Best


Directions: Answer the following questions on your Posttest answer sheet. Bubble in the best answer.

1. Eating plenty of healthy foods can help improve the appearance of your skin.

A. True

B. False

2. Your own sense of smell may fail to warn you of body odor.

A. True

B. False

3. The least effective way to fight tooth decay is to

A. brush teeth after eating.

B. use a toothpick to remove food particles.

C. cut back on between meal snacks.

D. eat a well-balanced diet.

4. When showering or bathing, it is best to

A. avoid using soap.

B. work up a lather with the soap.

C. leave some soap on the body for fragrance.

D. dip in and out of the water quickly.

5. The function of a deodorant is

A. stop perspiration.

B. slow bacteria growth.

C. last only two hours.

D. perfume the arm pit.

Looking My Best


6. Good grooming is best defined as

A. dressing nicely

B. having self-confidence.

C. making yourself attractive and clean.

D. taking a daily bath or shower.

7. Wearing wet socks and shoes could promote the growth of bacteria and odors.

A. True

B. False

8. Wash you face and neck

A. 2 times a day

B. 3 times a day

C. Once a day

9. Your should replace your tooth brush about every nine months.

A. True

B. False


10. Tanning beds are not harmful to the skin.

A. True

B. False

Answers to Pre- and Posttests


1. B

2. C

3. C

4. C

5. B

6. D

7. A

8. A

9. A

10. A


1. A

2. A

3. B

4. B

5. B

6. C

7. A

8. A

9. B

10. B


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