Enquire within about your skin : Hunter's Eczoline treatment for eczema ...

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The Eczoline Treatment cures Eczema,

Rashes, Spots on the Face, Sores, Pimples, Ring?

worms, Chilblains, Bad Legs, Rough Skin,

Cracked or Chapped Hands, or any Skin Trouble.

There is no disease quite so painful or dis? tressing as Eczema ; for not only does the irritation which accompanies it become almost intolerable but tire sufferer knows his appear? ance is distressing to those around and feels his best friends would rather not associate with him whilst the stamp of this loathsome disease is upon him.

The fact that this complaint hitherto has not been easily cured (sufferers from it nearly almost always having recurrent attacks) is sufficiently well-known to ensure sufferers trying a new remedy. Nor should the trial of any effective i remedy be postponed when the first signs of the disease appear for more than half the pain ; and trouble that Eczema causes lies in the fact i that careful ' and proper treatment has not : been resorted to when the disease first made its appearance. A rash--a spot--that we say s will go away in a few days, will in the majority > of cases continue to irritate and spread so that : tire disorder which could have been cured by a j simple remedy in a few days, requires both 5 internal and external treatment, in some cases 1 lasting weeks, to finally eliminate it from the 1 system.



We have studied these distressing disorder's for years and have tried over and over again to get at its cause but it is only now, after years of experiment and study, that we are at last! able to offer sufferers a positive cure, if our free instructions, (not contained in this booklet), but which originates for each individual par? ticular case are clearly followed.

The Eczoline remedies have cured hundreds; of cases, many of 4 and 5 and some even of 20 years standing. Over and over again, terrible, cases where sufferers have, been unable to use: their hands, have yielded in a short time to the: scientific Eczoline treatment.

This Eczoline cure is different from any otheri eczema treatment you have ever tried. It does: not drive the evidences of the disease back into, the system, so that you are likely after a short' time to become the victim of a recurrent attack-- it really kills the cause of the disease and drives) it out of the system. What water is to lire so. is Eczoline to sores, rashes and other skin troubles.

The Eczoline Cure consists of three things :--

Firstly : There are the Eczoline Tablets, which cool, purify and strengthen the blood: and are necessary to a thorough cure, it gener? ally being the case that victims of skin disease) suffer from either poor or over-heated blood. A tablet or two taken occasionally for a few: weeks will prove of the greatest benefit to all those whose blood is out of order or who feel the occasional need of a little spring or summer) medicine. Be warned ; when Nature show si that your blood is out of order, remedy it at once--do not wait and let it get worse. The.-v, are the signs--if you suffer from headache or j a feeling of heaviness and denseness in the head. --if you lack appetite or have an unpleasant)


taste in your mouth after eating--if on dull |lays a tired, languid feeling takes possession lif you and you find yourself at night unable to atleep--if you dream or are at #1 irritable, |:hese are sure and certain sinus that your Ipystem requires cooling and your blood purify? ing and strengthening.

a Take Eczoline Tablets then--do not risk tlie tortures of Eczema

T Secondly : There is Eczoline Ointment to

j ooth and heal the sores, to stop skin irritation

Said bring back its original velvety softness,

i iczoline Ointment is easily applied and with trifling inconvenience, being pleasant to use. t may be applied to a year-old child just as

afely as to an adult. Keep it upon your toilet able and when there is the faintest appearance >f a rash or spot use it, and the spot will at once sj ie away.

Thirdly : The Eczoline Toilet Soap--clears

nd cleanses the skin--removes secretions ithout inflaming open pores or causing pimples nd spots. Eczoline Soap is a preventative f all skin eruptions and sores, besides being a erfect toilet soap for ordinary daily use.

These three articles, used in conjunction nth each other, have a power ovei: eczema or ny other skin diseases, that is, as far as we, umanly speaking, can say. not possessed by any itlier discovered remedy.

At the back of this booklet will be found some stimonials, heart-felt letters of gratitude om patients, who have been cured of this dread, isidious disease. Mr. Hunter will be happy i furnish by permission the actual letters liich are here quoted to prove the actuality of le many exceptional cures herein mentioned



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