-- Bur-rag-e, Salisbury- Jt v ao-qaamta- Cures Eczema




That Hole - BiTfingHadyl

Standing of the Candldatos ant the Yote

--The regular guestrof the Selwyn

Local News items rr The citizens of Spencer - will

make an effort to induce the Salisbury-

D.D. Cures Eczema Jt -Spencer

Railway Company





to the .





atthe One of the show", windows of A.

W. Wineooff's store contain s a

very attractive Eastet- - display.

It is unique and tasty - and has

been much admired.




". ,'

A local minstrel company is

'being organized. It is the in--

iqmuu co pat a gooa snow on ine

boards in May.



' A'


" 'r".

Dr. W. B. Duttera, attended a

session o the Church Workers?

. Convention, afe'.Orescent; f last Sat-

urday, and Sunday.


The last span of the pew J steel

bridge over the Yadkin is being

put in. It will be ready for the

passage of trains next month.

The Rowan jail has but three inmates at present.

Officer M. L. Parker has resign-

No., Salisbury, ed from the police . force and has



.V -

One oil tyrq;pt the



Jsri.i ?


aye taken a --large stride -- ahead

since cmr last.issue. Walter Bur-rag-e,

. W-- v Watkins and - Miss Oarfie .Shaver ;haye all forged

ahead,jbjiough Mr, Barrage' still leads --the list. . Last-- . week ttiere

was no candidate, near Mr. 'Bur-rage-,'

but it will beTnbticed that

Mr. Watkins is : coming along,

while th friends of Miss Shaver

are getting in some work for her.

No oneneed be, discouraged by

the standing of those in the lead, for the race may yet be' won by any of the. other candidates, or

even by --juiy" new onfe who may

enter the contest. The interests

warming up and all one has to do

to get votes is to go to work in

earnest. The contest does not-clos-

for a little over two months yet, and there is plenty of time sor hustling. Below will be found

the vote of the several candidates at the time of going to press today:

Walter Barrage, Richfield,

N. C ,

. 13,150

T. W. Watkins, city, No. 1, 9,850

PfititloD for Pardon of the White Brothers Hotel will-no-t soon, recover, from

- to be Considered by the fioternor. . the shock that a dear, sweet, dain-

: According to a Raleigh Bpecial, ty, little woman," clad ,jjja--" most

Governor Glenn will tomorrow elegnnt, but modest attire gave

consider the petition presented to "by.annoancing to"a chance ao-qaamta-

him for the parjdon of Thomas

that she bought nules

and Chalmers White.. The two for the -- government and sold

men werejBohvicted

, fall whiskey for a living. At first the

term of the Superior court here, statement -- ?wag . discredited, but 1904,1 of the killing of Russell the fair one produced her order

Sherrill. . Numerously signed pe- book and showed the contracts titions both for and. against the that, she had made. The father

pardon have been forwarded to of the dainty saleslady was killed

the Governor. The special re- on the Merrimac during the civil

ferred tc says :

war. He was. a-- Californian plan-

A hearing in a rather notable ter. His daughter sold the mules

case comes before Governor Glenn that he left to the government.

next Thursday when the two Later she bought other mules and

Whites, who killed Sherrill in sold them to Uncle Sam She

Rowan county seek a pardon. Lwent into the business and the

They claimed that Sherrill had long eared balaam is an open book

ruined thair neice; they went to to her. JkVhiskey is a side line.

see him early one morning pre Mules, whiskey and a sprightly,

sumably to induce him to repair j cherry, modest woman that

the wrong he had donce, but a combination has set the Selwyn

fight occurred and Sherrill was regulars to thinking. Every even-

killed. The Whites, who live in ing, just after supper, the mule

Concord, were tried in Salisbury lady is the topic of conversation.

before Judge Cook and a jury, No' one discovered anything but

and were, convicted of murder in good about her. --Charlotte Obser-

the second degree aud were sen- ver.


am"WgOlaNdDtEoRsFaUyLthCaUt RaBc.ureSHfEor

SAYS Ecsenia



EsalDaol.cAalsrzietlef,tytmhfaeoefarMrthettfaiarhoimvlauhienrans,vomgdbionmooucgnfyttttoehshwrense'es,i.atnahIdmn,teddhanderoeuicmcsiiaidnc8ndeheagv.da.nenddotrcgottoeire'ss-agmeecidwmlvhclneh-esiaenDdttee. vDaine.sroD,tlh.iadeat

trial. before

Iosneenht aflofrtahebobtotltetleanwdasusgedonaesIdpireerccteeidveadnda

lcihveanbgoettwlehsicahndwansofworamthew'eblle. tteNr.ot IanballelmIisuhseodr

mscIeafraainbsyoleuofttneftrhdoiemssiwtrheosentEdocezsrfeeuemlam.ceupree,rsIowniallllygloadr lwyrainte-

swer questions.



jMarch 15, 1905. P. O. Box.-67. Mt. Carbon. W. Va.

G. 17. Grimes Drug Co.

Bead this remarkable letter from a

. woman who Knows how :


. litre Is fhs picture of a girl who

has learned the value of at least one proprietary remedy.

Honest doctors who KNOW agree with her that D. D. D. prescription is now THE specific for eczema and xther skin diseases, -and many physicians recommend it, although they could increase their fees by writing out their own prescriptions.

OTHERS DARE NOT attack this rem-

edy, for they know that thousands

who cured of horrible skin diseases

by D. prove

D. D. prescription would

the lie to maligner?.



D. D. D. prescription is not a "patent medicine" in the ordinary sense of the word, but the prescription of the eminent skin specialist, Dr; D. D. Dennis. IT WILL CURE.


TO CONVINCE YOU we have arranged with the D. D. D. Co., so that any sufferer from any skin disease can get direct from the

D. D. D. Co.'s laboratory a large free sample

bottle of D. D. D. prescription together with the new 32 page pamphlet on skin diseases and free advice on your particular care from the world's greatest skin specialists.

N. G.

oooocxxx taken his former run as - freight Miss Carrie E Shaver, Rich-

tenced to six years in the peniten-

conductor, between Spencer and field, No. 2, N. C.,... .. . 900 tiary. They have served twe

House ot Commons Raided.

8 Monroe,

............ ...... MM CO Rev. Fred D. Hale, of Wilming-

4........::, lillf ton, will commence a "revival

OUR r.lDLLDrJERY OPENING meeting at . the First Baptist

church here, on Monday night, April 1st. The meeting will continue during next week.

A negro named Henry Camp-

.... .... bell was killed by a train Sunday

afternoon at uranite Quarry, tie

EASTER (QOODS. fell from a car to the track aud

No.6................, was run over.

U. M. Pless, one of the county's best farmers, now over 70 years of

- age, began planting corn on March

Zuth. This ib something some 01 the younger folks will find diff-

........ iculty in bettering.

Rev. H. A. Trexler, Man-



Rev. N. D. Bodie, city No.


John C. Goodman, Cres-


. . 275

J. VW. Kepley, city No. 5. 225

A, Ernest Miller, city,

No. 5,..,.


Wm. M. L. Fesperman,

. city, No. 8, . .::


J, S. Blackwelder, Moores- -

ville, No. 8.


J. C. Hol&houserv city,


John Howard, Salisbury, . . 125

Y. M. G. A. formally Opened.

The handsome Yf M. C. A. building at Spencer was formally

opened to the public Saturday

years. Their appeal for exclusive

clemency will be hard fought;. V A

coincidence of the matter is that

Governor Glenn was one of the prosecuting attorneys ' at the

trial." ' The statement in the above that

there was a fight when the White brotheFs called on Sherrill, is not

correct. The Whites made no

such claim as this in their defense. They did, state that Sher-

rill was advancing on them in a threatening attitude when they

fired. The Raleigh special con-

tains the first intimation of a

fight that we have heard in con-

nection with the matter.

London. March 20. The women

suffragists attempted today a

demonstrative raid-o-n Parliament more important and more numerous than any of theif previous efforts. The police, however, had timely warning and made prepar-

ations that resulted in making the demonitration somewhat inef-

fective.' The only result was some amusing disorderly scuffles and the arrest of nearly 70 suffragists

who were at once liberated oh

bail. Previous to this demonstaation

an indignation meeting, which

was largely attended by the so-call- ed "suffraggettes" and th,eir

friends was held at Caxton Hall

At a congregational meeting of afternoon and night. An inform- Railroad Men Discharged.

whdre the speakers denounced the

was the most successful we ever had, and we were told by many that our Hats were the prettiest and most reasonable priced they ever saw. We are showing a big variety and can furnish you an Easter Hat at a very low price.

Every department is brim full of the New Goods for Easter. The New Belts, Hand Bags, Ribbon, Silks, Oxfords, Mens and Boys clothing, Hats and etc. The largest stock we ever had and the majority of our stock was bought early, before the advance.


- rt

Best Calico for. . . .


Good Apron Ginghams for. .


St. John's Lutheran church Sun- al reception was held from 2 to A. L. --Pritchard, E. E. Tucker, House of Commons for stifling

day, Prof. R. S. Kiser and C. T. Bernhardt were elected elders, and Arnold Snider and B. B. Miller deacons.

5 o'clock at which a large number of visitors were present. At 8 o'clock p, m., addresses were made by President Finley, Vice-preside- nt

J. H. Banks and E. H. Benson, employes of the Southern Railway, who were recently arrested

the Dickinson woman suffragist bill.

The raid was led by Lady Har-berto-n, who was assisted by the

Senator Overman, who is a

H. B. Spencer, General on the charge of being concerned most prominent wome.i who took

member of the special Committee Counsel Thorn and other gentle in car robberies on the Southern, part in the previous raids.- - The

to investigate the Brownsville, men prominently connected with have been discharged from cus- women drove up in wagons, and

Bleaching for

Big stock of Percales at.

. . 5c

10 and 12c

We want each of our customers to help us make our

business bigger, and we'll do all in our power to make

it profitable for you. First-cla-ss

reliable goods at

lowest prices is our motto.


Texas, affair, is at home for a few the official staff of the road. , Sun-- tody. The men had a hearing after promenading before th


day afternoon at 4 o'clock there last week before a magistrate in houseis of Parliament stormed the

Pref. E. A. Smith, of Barbers-vill- e. was a maB meeting for men, and

Ga.. has located in Salis- - an address was made by C, J.

Greensboro, and the indictments quashed. Brakeman Vail, whose

entire entrance of the House of Commons; where the police reinforcements, drawn up for the oc-

bury and has taken the position Hicks, ot New York. A general evidence was relied on to prove casion, waited the onslaught and

of secretary and treasurer of the G. W. Frix & Co. music house.

invitation had been extended the public to be present and many

persons from this city went out.

Governor Glenn has accepted It is owing largely to the liberali-

an invitation to deliver an address7 ty nf the Southern Railway Com-

at Livingstone College on May pany that such fine quarters have

the charges, denied on the sand that he had made an affidavit im-

plicating these men, and under these circumstancesthe trial had to stop. Vail is under a $900

bond for his appearance at the

drove the women back. After this first rebuff the women made a second determined attempt to penetrate the police cordon, but all to little purpose. In accordance with instructions the police employed againBt the women as

24th, during commencement week, beeiisprovided for the railroad Y. next term of the Guilford Supe- little force as possible.

Chief Miller and other officers M. C. A., and it was fitting that! rior court.

killed a number of dogs last week the formal opening of the build-

Senator Bailey Sells His Farm.

in the West ward. These dogs ing should be attended by a numhad been bitten -- by another dog ber of the principal officerFbf the which.was thought to be suffering Company.

We were unable to get a shipment of white paper here this week, by the time we were ready

Lexington, Ky., March 23.

United States Senator-Josep- h


Bailey, of Texas, sold at public

auction tdflay his Meadow Hill

with an attack of rabies.

to go to press with the first side farm, 120 acres, near here. The

The Southern has changed its Wanted. I will pay $20 per month

pay day from the 19th to the 20th, for 'farm hands and furnish

- The employes of the Southern

Railway Company will soon be

ready tc arrange fer-the-ir


house, wood and garden free. R

L. I'homason, Route 7, SaHsbury,

N. C.


of the Watchman. Rafher than subject our readers to delay in receiving their paper we used the most suitable paper we could ob-

tain on short notice.

purchasers tare Rear Adm i r a 1 Todd, U. S. NT, retired and A. B. Blitz. The price was $200 an acre. The farm was the former home of James Lane Allen, the novelist.


E.J. Braswell, who Has been

prescription clerk at the' Grimes

Drug Store, has gone to his home , in Rocky Mount. He will study

medicine and expects to enter Vanderbilt University shortly.

Price Agreed Upon.


For J. !(. Link Co., Salisbury, K &


lis ManTfl By THe Southern Mf g. Biiiiiiijiiiiittii

Richmond, Va

CHIP TOBACCO is one of the best and largest plugs of

flue-cur- ed

goods ever offered the consumer at 10c. It is

manufactured by a strictly INDEPENDENT firm, a con-

cern depending solely upon the good will and patronage of .

the people at large; a patronage only desired upon the

strength of the superior quality of their tobaccos. That

it has earned this appreciation is amply proved by the

tremendous and rapidly increasing demand for CHIP. In fact, wherever their tobaccos come into competion with other makes, whether with the people or before judges' of

the world's great expositions, they are invariably winners

Call for CHIP and save the tags as they are valuable.

A copy of our 1907 premium catalogue, which is one of the largest

and most attractive ever gotten out by a tobacco manufacturer,

will be mailed to any address only 4c in postage stamps or

8inofththeeUtangitsewd eSatraetersedoenemreincgei.pt


HancocR Bros. & Co., Lynchburg, Va.

The assessors appointed by!

Judge Boyd, of the Federal court,

to place a value upon tht Heilig

property, have come to an agree

ment after several sessions. As

thev were not allowed to make

the figures public they mailed

their agreement to Judge .Boyd.

The assessors were Messrs. W. P.

Snider. W. S. Blackmer and J.

M Maupm. It will; be remem

bered that the property referred

to was offered the government as

a site for the public building.

The bid of the owners was accept

ed, when the heirs concluded they

would not sell, and condemnation

proceedings were commenced by

the government.


Trouble Over Mississippi Postotfice.

Hattiesburg, Miss,, March 21.

That recent trouble over a negro

clerk in the Hattiesbnrg postoffice

Toms Upoi& Toms

was responsible for the shooting yesterday of the negro banker, E.

Q) FS! oinnTeohneweilpl suhgrcirphamnaste,enwtoofb3uy2ld


one be


jobber,offelvoeuryr a tremendous

undertaking. The purchase of. a load of "GOOD LUCK" is in the



proportion as a purchase of 32 car-loa- ds

of flour, as one car of "GOOD LUCK"

will leaven 32 cars of flour. Yet in

solid car Salisbury,

load are

lots, J. K. constantly

Link Co., of purchasing

tons upon tons of "GOOD LUCK." This


to two causes: First, on account

of its' purity , and its many other un-

usual qualities there is a tremendous

demand for "GOOD LUCK.' Second,

J. K. Link Co., are big buyers of everyt-

hing-in the grocery line because they

. cover a , large territory an"d have on

."their books a long list of satisfied, cus-

tomers. In the .Baking Powder line,

however, "GOOD LUCK"' is the only

brand for which they have "so large a

.demand as to justify its - purchase in

car-loa- d

lots. This is - grood evidence

hat ymeaakress


mwanhyo found

to be pure and effective in the dven.

Leading it have



It is guaranteed to comply with the

provisions of all Pure Food Laws, both

State and National.

The Patented, Tinfoil News Board

Can in which "GOOD LUCK" is packed

is of especial advantage to the con-

sumer and the grocer because the Tin-jfo- ii

Exclubdeetws eemnoitswtuorel,ayearnsd o'fthNeewtsopBoaanrdd

bottom are so constructed as to be more



thtaigt,htwhthenanthoethpeorwdcaenrs.-g- oeTsheintroestuhlet

flour, it contains all of its original good





J. K. Link Co. are thoroughly versed






oreuctei.vdeadil.y oTnhetyhearme asnhyippoirndgersthrisecesitvoecdk

from their customers, and it will be

only a short time when they will place

cwairthofth"eGOfOacDtorLyUCaKn ."order for another

Mr. J. K. Link has the general direc-

tion of the buying.

They have always followed the policy

of traveling good, capable men on whom

they can rely and who possess the con-

fidence of the grocery trade. The fol-

lowing head the list of "GOOD LUCK"



Mr. E. L. Foil and Mr. C. M. D.



These word to

gentlemen say for

always "GOOD

have a


good be

cause wherever. thejT put. and recom--.

mend it, it never fails to make good.

Mr. R. C. Wight is in charge of the

"GOOD LUCK"-sal-es

in this territory,

agTnrhedeaytiesrreapdsoseirmsttaentdhdabtnyo"GwMOr.OthDNanorLwUeovCoedKr "bSepifisocreeirn..


D. ffowell, is a fast growing sus picion here.. White residents of Hattiesbnrg appealed to Howell

to persuade the negro clerk not to take office. When the negro did not get the position Howell said his life had' been threatened by other members of his race.


"Williams Indian Pile

will care mind,

aablslPaaiylsDcotuhleItitciaetc.bhseioinvrgabenssadttihno.esn' ttcIautenmc,thaoicrnrsteg.s

lief. Dr. WiUiams Indian Pile Oint-

ment is nrenared for iwngarorafnttheed.pr- Bivvatderupsarerltsst.s.


ceipt of price.


58Cc0entPs raonpd .$1C.0to0v. elaWnICLLTIAnMloS.

bat co .1C5 froii

. 1'ic



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