Unit 20 Advertising media

|OCR Level 3 Cambridge Technical in Digital Media |

|Unit 20 Advertising media |

|Unit Recording Sheet |


|This form should be completed by the centre assessor. Please enter specific page numbers where evidence can be found in the portfolio, or where electronic evidence is being submitted, the location of this. |

|One of these sheets should be attached to the assessed work of each candidate. |

|Unit Title | Advertising media |Unit Code |R/507|Year |2 |0 |1 |

| | | |/4606| | | | |

|Candidate Name |David King |Candidate Number | | | | |

|Grading Criteria - The Learner can: |Grading Criteria |Teacher comment |Page No./Evidence |

| |achieved (() | |location |

|Pass | | | |

|The grading criteria are the pass requirements for this unit. In order to achieve a pass grade, all pass criteria must | | | |

|be achieved. | | | |

|Learning Outcome 1: Know how existing advertising campaigns embed advertisements across a range of media products | | | |

|P1: Describe an existing media advertising campaign |Y |David chose an existing campaign, and then described it based on target|Blog |

| | |audience, platforms, call to action and key messages | |

|Learning Outcome 2: Be able to plan a cross media advertising campaign to a client brief | | | |

|P2: Create a plan for a cross media advertising campaign in response to a |Y |David created a plan for a cross media campaign in which he created |Blog |

|client brief | |moodboards and mind maps to show his development of ideas. | |

|P3: Create a pre-production plan for the media components in the planned |Y |Once David planned his idea, he began the pre-production process, in |Blog |

|advertising campaign | |which he created documents to support his product such as script, | |

| | |storyboard, mock-up etc. | |

|Learning Outcome 3: Be able to produce the planned media components | | | |

|P4: Create the media components to be used in the planned campaign |Y |After the pre-production process, David began to record his drinks |Blog |

| | |advert, and took photos for his drinks poster. | |

|Grading Criteria - The Learner can: |Grading Criteria |Teacher comment |Page No./Evidence |

| |achieved (() | |location |

|Merit Criteria | | | |

|The grading criteria are the merit requirements for this unit. In order to achieve a merit grade, all merit criteria | | | |

|must be achieved and all pass criteria must also have been achieved. | | | |

|Learning Outcome 1: Know how existing advertising campaigns embed advertisements across a range of media products | | | |

|M1: Evaluate different cross media advertising campaigns for consistency of message |Y |David evaluated two different cross media campaigns and discussed how |Blog |

| | |effective they were at having a consistent message. | |

|Learning Outcome 2: Be able to plan a cross media advertising campaign to a client brief | | | |

|M2: Justify the choice of planned components by targeted media sector |Y |Once David planned his own campaign, he then justified the reasons |Blog |

| | |behind his choices. | |

|Learning Outcome 3: Be able to produce the planned media components | | | |

|M3: Explain how the created media components comply with the codes and conventions of the media sectors |Y |After he created his campaign, David wrote an evaluation which clearly|Blog |

| | |explains how his products matches codes and conventions. | |

|Distinction Criteria | | | |

|The grading criteria are the distinction requirements for this unit. In order to achieve a distinction grade, all | | | |

|distinction criteria must be achieved and all merit and pass criteria must also have been achieved. | | | |

|Learning Outcome 2: Be able to plan a cross media advertising campaign to a client brief | | | |

|D1: Discuss the legal and ethical constraints within the planned campaign |Y |David created a table which shows all the legal and ethical issues |Blog |

| | |which surround his product, and how he has taken these into | |

| | |consideration for the creation of his campaign. | |

|Learning Outcome 3: Be able to produce the planned media components | | | |

|D2: Demonstrate how the technical and aesthetic properties of the media components meet the client brief |Y |David took 9 screen shots from his campaign and explained how these |Blog |

| | |images highlight the technical and aesthetic properties of his | |

| | |campaign, and how they meet the needs of the client. | |

|OVERALL GRADE (P,M or D) |D | |

I confirm that:

• the candidate’s work is solely that of the candidate concerned and was conducted under the required conditions as laid down in the qualification handbook;  

• internal standardisation has been carried out and that all grades have been correctly recorded and accurately transcribed to the claim being submitted to OCR.

|Completed by: S.Keeble |Date :12/06/2018 |

Please note: This form may be updated on an annual basis. The current version of this form will be available on the OCR website (.uk).


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