Tucson Medical Center - Roswell

Eastern New Mexico University-Roswell

Training Center

Policy and Procedures

Effective August 2010

Web sites



Policies and Procedures


1. Course rosters must be properly completed when submitted or they will be returned to the lead instructor. If rosters are illegible, they will be returned to the lead instructor.

2. Payment for cards is expect with the roster, If payment is not received and prior arrangements were not made, rosters will be returned to the Lead instructor.

3. A lead instructor, or course director must be affiliated with the ENMU-R TC and sign all rosters.

4. The Training Center affiliation of all assisting instructors must be on all course rosters. It is the responsibility of lead instructors to ensure that assisting instructors hold valid American Heart Association Basic Life Support Instructor, Advanced Cardiac Life Support Instructor, Pediatric Advance Life Support cards and to include a copy (front & back) of these cards with the course roster. All Lead instructors MUST be aligned with ENMU-Roswell.

5. Course Rosters must be submitted within 10 day of the course date. Rosters submitted more than ten (10) days from the course completion date will have a $10.00 fee added, for every ten days.

6. All Healthcare Providers, which includes BLS, ACLS and PALS, must take the final written exam and this score must be recorded on the rosters. Please remember that passing score is 84%. (Please see score card)

7. All course rosters must list the full name, complete address, and zip code of participants. The roster must reflect whether the course is renewal or initial training.

8. Evaluations or summaries of Evaluations must accompany ALL rosters. Any course that has more than 16 students, lead instructors must complete a summary. If the instructor wishes the TC will process a summary for them at a 10.00 fee for each summary. All Training Sites are required to submit a summary of each AHA course.

9. Course rosters must include information demonstrating appropriate instructor/student, student/mannequin ratios and adequate time frames. BLS training requires one instructor to one mannequin for every three students. Student skill sheets, student course evaluations must be submitted with all course rosters. BLS=9 student to 1 instructor, ACLS, PALS and PEARS= 6 Student to 1 instructor.

10. Course completion cards are not issued in advance of any course. Cards will be issued only after completed paperwork reflecting adherence with AHA guidelines is submitted.

11. Course completion cards are mailed to the lead instructor, unless specified on the roster.

12. Complements and Complaints about instructors, TC Faculty or the TC should be in writing and directed to the Training Center Assistant Coordinator. Complaints may also be documented on the student evaluation comment form and sent directly to ENMU-Roswell TC. Comments about performance of instructors and suggestions are encouraged. All information is confidential.

13. Course fees and advertising must be in accordance with current American Heart Association guidelines. A disclaimer must be put in the pre-course material.

14. Replacement course completion cards are issued on request to persons completing a course in which the ENMU-R TC issued course completion cards. A fee will be charged to replace cards. This is to be through the Training Center. (See “Fee Schedule”) This will also include instructors.

15. TC Facility and Regional Facility must notify ENMU-R TC, in writing, at least 4 weeks in advance of planned instructor courses.

16. Instructors should have access to the Internet and an email address. This will prove to be helpful as AHA guidelines change. All instructor information must be kept current with the TC.

17. In order to be a lead instructor, for ACLS and PALS, you must have assisted with at lease eight classes or two years, and then be re-monitored for this position. This is to ensure that all quality AHA course are being taught.


18. A limited supply of mannequins and teaching aids are currently available for checkout from the ENMU-R TC. Instructors wishing to use these resources must plan well in advance. An advance notice of 10 days is recommended.

19. Equipment must be clean and ready for the next instructor use.

Instructor Renewal

20. It is the responsibility of each instructor to maintain his or her instructor status in accordance with American Heart Association and ENMU-R TC guidelines. Warnings of expiration dates and/or teaching requirements are sent to alert instructors of expiration dates or teaching requirements. This will be done once a year. (See instructor renewal process on page 7)

21. All instructors must stay current with the Training Center. This will assist with getting information out.

22. Newsletters are posted on the ENMU-R website and should be viewed at least twice a year. Newsletters will NOT be mailed.

Training Center Faculty

23. Help coordinate and teach an Instructor course.

24. Coordinate and instruct an Instructor course, and be monitored by an approved TFC, Regional Faculty or National Faculty.

25. Orientation with TC Staff. This will cover the Program Administration Manual, ENMU-Roswell’s Policy and Procedures, all paperwork.

26. Written exam.

Training Sites

27. All Training Sites must have access to the Internet, and email. On occasion you will be asked to download information and distribute to instructors. This will be the responsibility of the coordinator, or appointed person. TS coordinators must have access to CD ROMs. This is vital for instructing both ACLS and PALS.

28. It is the responsibly of the Training Site Director to maintain instructor records.

29. Invoices will be paid within 30 days of invoice date. Checks that are received after the due date will have a $10.00 processing fee attached. All invoices must be paid prior to ordering additional cards.

30. No blank cards are to be issued. Course completion cards MUST be either typed or computer printed, NO HANDWRITEN CARDS WILL BE ISSUED! Student names and dates must be added before distribution. Cards should be dated with month, day and year (March 15, 2000) for issue date. All four digits of the year should be used. The expiration date is month and year only. (March 2002).

31. Training Sites must submit rosters on a monthly basis. This may be done via email.

Guidelines for Equipment Use

Please Contact Peggy @ 575-624-7249

1. Checkouts are for a 24- hour period unless otherwise approved.

2. Equipment must be scheduled 7 working days in advance.

3. Equipment borrowed on Friday must be returned the following Monday.

4. Equipment may be picked up10:00 AM -4:30PM in the Training Center office.

5. All equipment must be signed out and in on the equipment registration list.

6. The instructor is responsible for the cost of any damage to equipment.

7. There is a $25.00 late fee if equipment is not returned as scheduled.

8. Failure to return equipment in proper condition and in a timely manner may result in loss of checkout privileges.

9. Equipment approval must be obtained through ENMU-R’s TC Staff.

Instructor Responsibilities

1. All responsibilities as stated in the corresponding instructor manual.

2. Have a firm working knowledge of the current provider course materials, which is maintained by teaching on a regular basis and attending instructor updates as offered.

3. For ACLS and PALS instructors, an in-depth knowledge of adult and/or pediatric ECC.

4. Instruct students concerning the objectives of the entire program and evaluate students’ progress toward objectives.

5. Train provider candidates according to AHA guidelines.

6. Up-to-date knowledge of program discipline in accordance with current instructor’s manual and AHA requirements.

7. Must teach at least four classes in two (2) years. BLS instructor must teach at least two courses of at least 5 students per year. ACLS and PALS instructors will participate in at least four courses per two (2) years (Minimum of 4 hours per class).

8. If teaching for more than one TC, the instructor must submit data regarding training activities to the primary TC.

Send appropriate paperwork on instructor status to primary TC with a signature on letterhead from the training site with course date.

9. Maintains TC’s equipment properly and returns equipment promptly after course completion.

10. Instructors will return rosters and course evaluation, with appropriate fees, to the TC within 10 working days of the completion of the course.

• Rosters must be legible, neat and clean.

11. Insure all courses are taught in accordance to AHA standards, including appropriate instructor to student ratio (maximum of 1:8).

12. Insure that the course location is safe and has an environment, which is non-hostile and is free of intimidation.

13. The instructor must successfully complete an Instructor Renewal course.

Renewal Completion Requirements

An AHA instructor must demonstrate understanding of the most recent AHA guidelines by successfully completing an instructor renewal course. All of the following requirements must be completed:

Instructor Renewal Process

1. You must have taught 4 courses of each discipline with in the past two years. This can be “waved” if you have been:

a. Called to active military duty.

b. Illness or injury that has caused the Instructor to take a significant leave from employment or teaching duties. Please get a medical documentation and the TC Coordinator will make the decision.

c. A limited number of course offered in an area because of lack of audience or delay of course material. Again this decision will be made by the TC Coordinator.

2. Instructor Renewal checklist must be completed and returned to the Training Center with in 30 days of the expiration of current cards.

3. All instructors will be monitored once for each of the disciplines, every two years.

4. Attend all Instructor updates.

5. Instructor File must be complete. If there is any question, please call the Training Center.

6. A grace period of 90 days will be observed in the event of illness; must be provided.

ENMU-R Training Center Grievance Process

Purpose: To outline procedures for grievances made by students, instructors or community members against other instructors, students, or staff associated with the ENMU-R AHA Training Programs.

Just as the program has the ability and responsibility to the students, instructors, and community to review deficiencies in students and instructors, so also the students and instructors have the right to discuss grievances with the program.

It is the intent of this Training Center to allow for two-way communication with all students, instructors and community members involved in any grievance.

Most educational and interpersonal problems are best handled between the parties involved. It is the intent of the program to make a sincere effort to listen to any grievance or concern from any student or instructor associated with ENMU-R’s AHA Training Program.


1. The student or instructor shall first openly discuss the grievance with the parties involved.

2. If resolution cannot be reached between the parties, a written complaint is to be submitted to the Training Center Coordinator. A response to this grievance will be made within 5 working days.

3. If resolution is not achieved, the complaint will be forwarded to the AHA chairperson of the discipline involved.

ENMU-R AHA Training Center

Benefits to AHA Instructors

• Instructors in good standing will be allowed to renew both provider and instructor status free of charge if they have met all AHA & Training Center requirements. (See renewal process.)

• Instructors may renew annually if they desire to renew more frequently than required by AHA. There will be a small fee for Instructor Cards.

Cost of Replacement Cards

• The cost of BLS replacement cards will be $6.00 per card.

• The cost of PALS and ACLS replacement cards will be $21.00 per card.

• The cost of ACLS or PALS CME form will be $15.00 per CME.

Equipment/Mannequin Decontamination Policy and Procedure

• All mannequins used for BLS will be dismantled and cleaned after each course. Protective latex gloves must be worn and hands must be washed when finished. The external surfaces must be washed thoroughly with warm soapy water and brushes or a rough surface. Mannequin faces must be removed and moistened with bleach solution (1/4 cup of liquid household bleach per gallon of tap water) for 10 minutes. Bleach solution must be made fresh each time and discarded after each use.

• The one-way valves used for mouth to mask ventilation on mannequins must be cleaned in the same manner as the mannequin faces, using household bleach. Those valves showing discoloration, cracks or indications of deterioration must be discarded.

• All surfaces must be rinsed with fresh water and allowed to air dry after soaking in bleach solution.

• If protective face shields are used during the course, the mannequin’s face must be cleaned with 70% alcohol and the surfaces must remain wet for at least 30 seconds between student uses.

Safety for Students and Instructors During ECC Training

It will be the policy of this training center to observe all safety procedures and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Quality Assurance Plan

1. ENMU-R Training Sites are reviewed on a bi-annual basis. The review is documented using the Training Site Quality Assurance Checklist. Failure to do this, puts that Training Site at risk for lose of privileges.

2. Cards are not issued to instructors prior to submission of a course roster, which complies with all AHA requirements.

3. Instructors are required to submit course rosters and student course evaluation forms for all courses. Summaries may be submitted, instructors must retain the originals for at least 2 years.

4. Student Course Evaluations are reviewed by the appropriate Discipline (BLS, ACLS, PALS), Coordinator. The Training Center Coordinator will provide appropriate follow-up when indicated.

Important Numbers

And Web sites

ENMU-Roswell Training Center


ENMU-Roswell toll free


Chris Anne Bell,

EMS Administrative Assistant






ENMU-R Forms

1. Course Rosters, Healthcare Provider and Heartsaver Courses

2. Evaluation

3. Summary sheets

4. Fee Schedule

5. Score Card

BLS for Healthcare Providers (all required) This is the only course with a written test!

|Required Topics |Course Length |

|Adult/child and infant 1 and 2 rescuer CPR |4.5 Hours to 6 hours |

|Ventilation with a Bag mask | |

|Choking | |

|AED use | |

Heartsaver AED Course Topics and Length

|Topic |Required |Optional |Time |

|Adult/child CPR |X | |1.2 hours |

|Adult/child choking |X | |10 minutes |

|Adult/child AED |X | |50 minutes |

|Infant CPR with mask | |X |1.2 hours |

|Infant choking | |X |10 minutes |

|Total time | | |3.5 hours |

Heartsaver in Schools Course Topics and Length

|Topic |Required |Optional |Time |

|Adult/child CPR |X | |1.5 hours |

|Adult/child choking |X | |10 minutes |

|Infant CPR | |X |1.1 hours |

|Infant choking | |X |10 minutes |

|Adult/child CPR with mask | |X |35 minutes |

|Infant CPR with Masks | |X |10 minutes |

|Optional topics | |X |35 minutes |

|Total time | |4 hours |

Heartsaver CPR in Schools (with AED)

|Topic |Required |Optional |Time |

|Adult/child CPR |X | |1.2 hours |

|Adult/child choking |X | |10 minutes |

|Adult/child AED |X | |1 hour |

|Infant CPR with mask | |X |1.1 hour |

|Infant choking | |X |10 minutes |

|Optional topics | |X |35 minutes |

|Total time | | |4.5 hours |

Heartsaver First Aid Course Topics and Length

|Topic |Required |Optional |Time |

|Adult First Aid |X | |1.7 hours |

|Environmental Emergencies | |X |.5 hours |

|Bandaging | |X |5 minutes |

|Splinting | |X |10 minutes |

|Adult/child CPR with mask | |X |1.3 hours |

|Adult/child AED | |X |50 minutes |

|Infant CPR with mask | |X |1.2 hours |

|Infant Choking | |X |10 minutes |

|Total time | | |6.2 hours |

Heartsaver Pediatric First Aid Course Topics and Length

|Topic |Required |Optional |Time |

|Pediatric First Aid |X | |2.3 hours |

|Optional Pediatric First Aid emergencies | |X |10 minutes |

|Bandaging | |X |5 minutes |

|Splinting | |X |5 minutes |

|Asthma care training | |X |20 minutes |

|Rescue breathing | |X |20 minutes |

|Adult/child CPR with Mask | |X |1.3 hours |

|Infant CPR with masks | |X |1.2 hours |

|Adult/child AED | |X |50 minutes |

|Total time | |6.6 hours |

Heartsaver Family and Friends ™ (for Adult/Child): Program topics and length

|Required topics |Program Length |

|Adult/child CPR |1 hour 15 minutes |

|Adult/child choking | |

Heartsaver Family and Friends ™ (for Infants): Program topics and length

|Required Topics |Program Length |

|Infant CPR |1 hour 15 minutes |

|Infant choking | |

Heartsaver Family and Friends ™ (for All ages): Program topics and length

|Required Topics |Total Program Length |

|Adult/child CPR |2.5 Hours |

|Adult/child Choking | |

|Infant CPR | |

|Infant choking | |

Heartsaver Family and Friends ™ First Aid for Children:

Program Topic and Length

|Required Topic |Program Length |

|Child Fist aid |45 minutes |

Eastern New Mexico University-Roswell

EMS Education Program

TC Fee Structure

Effective: March 2007

Basic Life Support Courses:

CPR for Friends and Family If instructor purchases books from the vendors, there is no charge. Books purchased from the TC are $1.50 each. Rosters turned in after 30 days of the end of class are subjected to a $10.00 service charge

Heart Saver: $6.00 per student

BLS Provider: $6.00 per student

Replacement Cards $6.00 per student

BLS Instructor Cards $6.00 per student

ACLS and PALS Instructor cards $2100 per student

ACLS and PALS Provider cards $21.00 per student

Fees for Training Sites

HeartSaver and BLS Provider $4.00 per students

ACLS and PALS Providers $11.00 per student

Equipment Rental

Tool Kits DVD Rentals $15.00 per day for BLS and HeartSaver, ACLS and PALS Tool kits $20.00 per day

Manikins: 15.00 per manikin for 4 days. Please give at least 2 weeks notice, as the TC has a limited amount of manikins, AED’s and BVM’s.

Late Roster Fee: There will be a $10.00 late fee, if the roster is more than 10 day past the last day of the class.

Late fees will equal to the initial rental cost will be charge for each day late. Course completion cards will not be issued until all fees are paid. Equipment rental subject to availability.

The American Heart Association strongly promotes knowledge and proficiency in CPR and has developed instructional materials for this purpose. Use of these materials in an educational course does not represent course sponsorship by the American Heart Association, and any fees charged for such a course do not represent income to the association.

Eastern New Mexico University - Roswell

American Heart Association’s

Training Center


Date:______________________ Instructor Name:________________________

Indicate on a scale of 1 to 5 your opinions. Also, include any comments (your comments are strongly encouraged) you feel are appropriate. Your comments WILL NOT BE USED against you, so please be honest and precise in your comments. This is the only way we can improve.


Evaluation Scale

Unsatisfactory Poor Adequate Good Excellent

1 2 3 4 5

1. Organization of classroom: 1 2 3 4 5

2. There was enough equipment, and in good working condition 1 2 3 4 5

3. Instructor presented the material with knowledge and clarity 1 2 3 4 5

4. Overall evaluation of instructor’s classroom ability: 1 2 3 4 5

5. Instructor presented adequate and helpful feedback 1 2 3 4 5

6. Overall this course met my expectations: 1 2 3 4 5

7. Classroom environment is open and allows for learning: 1 2 3 4 5

8. Instructor is able to apply lecture material to real life applications 1 2 3 4 5

9. Instructor was able to questions and help my learning 1 2 3 4 5

Were AHA textbooks with CD received in time to read the pre-course material? Yes__ No_

Why did you take this course? ___________________________________________________________


What could we do to improve this course? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Please return your completed evaluation to the instructor. If you prefer, you may mail or FAX the evaluation to:


P.O. Box 6000

Roswell, New Mexico 88202

575-624-7249–FAX 575 624-7100


Send or mail this form directly to the Regional AHA Office, call for address


Signature (required if any action is being requested):            Date: _________

If you would like feedback on your comments, please fill out the following:


Address, city, state and zip code._______________________________________

Day time phone Number:______________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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