Researching Your Family Tree: An Introduction to Genealogy

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Member Questionnaire

We are growing as a chapter, and we want to include every member who is interested in becoming more involved in chapter activities. You can complete the survey online, or you can print it out and write your responses. To select an item using the computer, click the box in front of the item and type a capital X. Email the completed survey to (name and email address), or mail the survey to (name and mailing address).

1. I would be interested in volunteering:

for activities that I can do at home with a computer

as a committee member (see the list of committees below)

as a committee chairman

as a hostess for meetings

2. I would be willing to:

help organize fundraisers

call members who have not attended meetings recently

pick-up members who need transportation to meetings

serve as a “buddy” to a new member introducing her around and making sure she feels welcome at meetings

visit or write letters to elderly members who can no longer attend meetings

Please mark areas of interest.

American Heritage - Promotes participation in contests for arts and sculpture; fiber arts; historic preservation; music; crafts, literature and drama; cultural events and traditions; and quilt oral history project.

American History - Promotes the study of U.S. history through student participation in the American History and the Christopher Columbus Essay Contests.

American Indians – Encourages the chapter to support Bacone College, Chemawa Indian School, and Indian Youth of America Summer Camp Program.

Americanism – Encourages members to become involved in their local naturalization process and assists new immigrants with citizenship.

Children of the American Revolution - Encourages membership in C.A.R. and provides leadership and guidance to C.A.R. members.

Commemorative Events - Coordinates celebration of DAR observances that support historical, educational, and patriotic objectives.

Community Classroom - Encourages Daughters to volunteer and provide additional support to children in classrooms and schools in their own communities.

Community Service Awards – Recognizes individuals in the community for outstanding voluntary achievements.

Conservation - Dedicated to protecting and promoting the responsible use of natural resources.

Constitution Week - Emphasizes the responsibilities of learning about, protecting, and preserving the Constitution.

DAR Good Citizens - Recognizes outstanding young people who exhibit the qualities of good citizenship in their homes, schools, and communities.

DAR Magazine - Promotes subscriptions to the American Spirit Magazine.

DAR Project Patriot – Supports America’s service personnel in current conflicts abroad by sending comfort items and other requested items.

DAR Scholarship – Promotes contributions to scholarship funds and publicizes available scholarships through high-school guidance offices.

DAR School – Promotes contributions and support of the DAR schools.

DAR Service for Veterans - Helps veterans through volunteer service and donates items that are needed to support disabled, needy, and hospitalized veterans.

Genealogical Records – Collects, preserves, and increases the holdings of unpublished genealogical source materials in the DAR Library and makes those same records available through an online index.

Historic Preservation - Promotes chapter historic preservation projects in the local community and presents the Historic Preservation medal to qualified individuals.

Junior Membership – Promotes active participation of junior members ages 18 to 35.

Lineage Research – Helps prospective members find a provable patriot, document the lineage, and gather records for their DAR applications.

Literacy Promotion - Promotes active involvement in literacy programs for children and adults.

Membership – Helps new members and prospective members feel welcome at meetings and encourages active participation in chapter activities.

National Defense – Advocates for a strong American military defense and unwavering faithfulness to the ideals of the U.S. Constitution.

Public Relations and Media Committee – Contacts local news outlets in order to promote the DAR and publicize chapter activities.

The Flag of the United States of America – Promotes the respectful use of the U.S. flag and its etiquette.

Volunteer Information Specialist - Designs, builds, and maintains the chapter website and assists with the computer needs of the chapter.

Women's Issues – Addresses current issues important to today’s women in the areas of health, career, and family


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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