West Virginia Department of Education

Project Title: World of Conflict

Project Idea: Conflict Resolution

Entry Event:

At the beginning of this unit, present this scenario to your students, allow them to brainstorm, and decide how they would deal with this conflict.


“Your high school basketball team is playing in the regional championship tonight.  If they win they will travel to the state tournament.  All of your friends are going to the game and for Mexican food afterwards. Unfortunately, you were grounded for receiving a D in English, and are not allowed to go to the game or dinner.  What do you do?”

Content Standards:

|Standards Directly Taught or Learned |Identified Learning Targets |Evidence of Success in Achieving Identified Learning Target |

|Through Discovery | | |

|SS.CS.3 |Define of working cooperatively, resolutions |Students will complete vocabulary Frayer, defining personal, |

|Analyze and apply ways the U.S. and |  |regional, and world conflict. |

|the world conflicts can be resolved | |  |

|in a cooperative and peaceful manner.|Define what are personal, local, regional, and world |Students will complete graphic organizer in which they identify |

| |conflicts |examples of local, regional, and world conflicts and how they were |

| | |resolved. |

| |Identify what are and are not considered personal, |  |

| |local, regional, and world conflicts. | |

| |  | |

| |Demonstrate conflict resolution |The role play rubric will assess their knowledge of economic, |

| |  |humanitarian, and technological incentives and conflict resolution |

| |Utilize current and historical information on conflict |skills. |

|SS.CS.22 |Investigate causes and consequences of regional |Completion Roles of Extremist in Middle East Conflict organizer. |

|Demonstrate an understanding of the |conflicts | |

|competing ideologies of communism and|  | |

|democracy and the conflict between | | |

|the United States and the Soviet |Assess the influence of terrorist and extremist groups |Next, determine and assess the influence of terrors and extremist |

|Union superpowers from the post WWII |in the future. |groups on regional conflict. |

|era through the early 1990s. |  | |

| |Anticipate the future effects of conflicts and |Then anticipate the impact of these extremist groups on conflict. |

| |extremist groups. | |

|SS.CS.26 |Assess the influence of terrorist and extremist groups |Determine and assess the influence of terrorist and extremist |

|Demonstrate an understanding of |in the future. |groups on regional conflict. |

|America’s continued role in shaping |  | |

|the complex global community since |Anticipate the future effects of conflicts and |Then anticipate the impact of these extremist groups on conflict. |

|September 11, 2001.Assess the results|extremist groups. | |

|of American foreign policy relating | | |

|to the Middle Eastern countries. | | |

|Analyze both positive and negative | | |

|aspects of the Internet and social | | |

|networking in revolutionizing popular| | |

|thought, and organizing people | |Creation and completion of a multi-media presentation evaluating |

|throughout the world. |Evaluate what role, technology, communications, |the role of technology, communication, transportation, information |

| |transportations, information processing, weapon |processing, and weapons development on conflict resolution as |

| |development, in conflict resolution. |assessed by Multi-media presentation rubric. |

| | | |

|TCS.MW.41 |Evaluate what role, technology, communications, |Determine and assess the influence of terrorist and extremist |

|Compare the positive and negative |transportations, information processing in conflict |groups on regional conflict. |

|impacts of technology on culture |resolution. | |

|(e.g. social networking, delivery of | | |

|news and public media, and | | |

|intercultural communications). | | |

|DSS.9-12.14 |Model development of personal goals for appropriate |Given a twist within their conflict resolution scenario utilizing |

|Acquire a Diverse and Knowledgeable |conflict resolution. |appropriate coping strategies to remain composed and focused and |

|World View. Describe how | |meet their personal goals using a self-evaluation and peer |

|characteristics of diverse world | |evaluation form. |

|regions and individual communities | | |

|contribute to varying world views. | | |

Performance Objectives:


Causes and consequences of historical and current conflicts and how they were resolved.

How to resolve conflict.

Role of technology, communication, transportation, information processing, and weapons development on conflict 


Examples of local, regional, and world conflicts and how they were resolved.

Negotiating points for a developing country.


Complete a carousel report analyzing American involvement.

Fill out notes sheet for completion in a carousel

Complete a Frayer Diagram defining personal, regional, and world conflict.

Create a graphic evaluating the role of technology, communication, transportation, information processing, and weapons

development on conflict resolution. (Multi-media presentation rubric)

Develop a position a position regarding one nation that is developing nuclear weapons, and formulate a plan of action 

including incentives, to negotiate a peaceful resolution. (Culminating Project Handout)

Complete a rating chart examining the effectiveness of a government framework to negotiate peace.

Hold a discussion on the effectiveness of a government framework to resolve conflict.

Anticipate the impact of these extremist groups on conflict. 

Role play a conflict negotiation in culminating project. (Culminating project handout)

Driving Question: How has conflict resolution within our global community affected peace now and in the future?

Assessment Plan:

| |Role play (Culminating project handout) |

|Major Group Products |  |

| |Create a graphic evaluating the role of technology, communication, transportation, information |

| |processing, and weapons development on conflict resolution. (Multi-media presentation rubric) |

| |Cause and consequences graphic organizer of historical and current conflicts |

|Major Individual Products |A rating chart illustrating the effectiveness to resolve conflict within various government  |

| |frameworks |

| |Graphic organizer Local, Regional and World conflicts of the Middle East in which they identify|

| |examples of local, regional, and world conflicts and how they were resolved. |

Assessment and Reflection:

|Rubric(s) I will use: (Check all that apply.) |Collaboration |X |Written Communication | |

| |Critical Thinking & Problem Solving |X |Content Knowledge | |

| |Oral Communication |X |Other |X |

| | | |Global Conflict Mediation Rubric | |

|Other classroom assessments for learning: (Check all |Quizzes/ tests |X |Practice presentations |X |

|that apply) | | | | |

| |Self-evaluation | |Notes | |

| |Peer evaluation | |Checklists/observations | |

| |Online tests and exams | |Concept maps |X |

|Reflections: |Survey |X |Focus Group | |

| |Discussion |X |Task Management Chart | |

| |Journal Writing/ Learning Log |X |Other | |

Map the Product: The culminating project handout defines the role the students will play.  Divide students in groups based on learning style and preferences.  Choose a nation that is currently developing nuclear armaments.  This will make the role play more real for the students.  Have groups develop their group contract which should have been taught before the project. Introduce the culminating project handout and rubric.  Students will have acquired the content knowledge through the project.  Have students begin researching the needs of this country to develop social, political, and economic incentives.  Have the students prepare a plan with which to negotiate the end of nuclear weapon development.  Next, have guest speakers come and work hand in hand with students on the skills needed to negotiate conflict.  Also stress the importance of how to deal with unknown as in a twist.  Students will then take their knowledge, notes on incentives to the role play to negotiate peace.


|Knowledge and Skills Needed |Already Have Learned |Taught Before the Project |Taught During the Project |

|1.  Where classroom resources are located |X | | |

|2. How to write a group contract. | |X | |

|3. Use and cite electronic and non-electronic resources. |X | | |

|4. How to think critically. |X | | |

|5. Students will have examined and analyzed the causes and consequences of | | |X |

|regional conflicts | | | |

|6. Students will know how to analyze and explain the political, social and | | |X |

|economic causes and consequences of American involvement in major conflicts. | | | |

|7. Students will know how to demonstrate ways citizens can work cooperatively| | |X |

|to resolve personal, local, regional, and world conflicts peacefully. | | | |

|8. Students will know how to evaluate the role of technology in conflict | | |X |

|resolution. | | | |

|9. Students will research a nation developing nuclear weapons and develop a | | |X |

|position on regarding their needs.  Then formulate a plan including | | | |

|incentives to negotiate with the conflicting nation. | | | |

|10. Participate in a role play where students use their plan to try to | | |X |

|negotiate concession with the nation. | | | |

|11. Use coping strategies when given a twist. | | | |

Resources: (All resources, handouts, assessment tools, etc. are added to the end of this document)

School-based Individuals:

Technology integration specialist  

Media specialists  

Social Studies Educators  

Possibly school counselor to review coping strategies



Internet capability  

Web Sites (Suggested PBL Web Sites attached)



Panelists from school board, and or agency



Graphic Organizers  



Rating Scales  

Exit strategies

Manage the Process:

Phase 1: Pre-planning. This gives you time to prepare handouts, locate internet sites and place on favorite task bars.  In addition, you can form groups for the PBL based on abilities, interests, and preferences.  Also, you can schedule time if needed in computer labs for the research and investigate portions of the project.


Phase 2: Teachers begin by introducing entry event.  Students and teacher should create a need –to-know list. You can use a KWL Chart; you should announce formed groups, and presentation schedules.  This should include a flow chart or time table of milestones and due dates.  Also, you should introduce the culminating project’s rubric and assess for comprehension of the rubric’s elements.  Include direct instruction on creating a successful group contract.  Students will then hold groups initial meetings.  They will construct a group contract, and assign tasks.


1.     Launch event

2.     Form groups based on knowledge of abilities, interests and preferences.

3.     Review timeline of due dates

4.     Introduce culminating project rubric

5.     Instruction in writing contracts

6.     Students write their group contracts (Students define roles and responsibilities.)

Phase 3: Introduce vocabulary and teach vocabulary for this PBL.  You can use several strategies to differentiate including…Use Frayer graphic organizer for acquisition of vocabulary. Assessments can be conducted using exit strategies, and quizzes.


1.     Direct Instruction of vocabulary, 

2.     Vocabulary Frayer

Phase 4: Student should now examine and list current and historical conflicts. Introduce and assign a cause and consequences graphic organizer identifying and analyzing the political, social, and economic causes and consequences of Operation Desert Storm, Operation Enduring Freedom/Afghanistan military crisis, Operation Iraqi Freedom/War in Iraq. Students will utilize all classroom resources to complete the organizer. Students will share information using a report carousel. Each student will fill out notes sheet for completion. Observation of the carousel will determine comprehension.


1.     Complete cause and consequences graphic organizer

2.     Analysis of American involvement

3.     Review of vocabulary

4.     Carousel Report- Open discussion of the causes of the various conflicts and analysis of American involvement. (see teaching strategies attachment.)

5.     Assessment of key vocabulary.


It is valuable to model direct instruction of critical thinking using think aloud, or the “I do, we do, you do” strategy, if needed( teaching strategies attachment).


Phase 5 Students will illustrate their understanding how conflicts are resolved. Students can complete a graphic representation in which they identify an example of a local, regional, and world conflict of the Middle East and determine how they were resolved and record on the local, regional and world conflict graphic organizer. Then students will investigate and organize information in the learning targets; and make comparisons between the effectiveness of conflict resolution based on the type of government in which it occurs. Use the rating guide to allow students to determine the effectiveness of the conflict resolution. Then hold a round table discussion in order to make comparisons between the students.


1.     Complete Local, Regional, and World conflicts of the Middle East graphic organizer.

2.     Compete rating chart

3.    Hold round table discussion of results.


Phase 6: Students identify and explain what role, technology, communications, transportations, information processing, weapons development, in conflict resolution. Then they will create a multimedia project in which they evaluate the role of technology as it contributes to or helps resolve conflicts.   You can score the completion of multi-media project using a rubric. (multimedia presentation rubric)


1.     Research what role technology, communications, transportations, information processing, and weapons development play in conflict resolution.

2.     Create a multimedia project. (multimedia presentation rubric)


Phase 7: Students will research and gather information and record information on terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, population growth, and religious conflict. Then they will formulate actions and anticipate the challenges of conflict resolution. Students will research and record the information in a graphic.


1.     Complete Role of Extremist in the Middle East graphic organizer.


Phase 8: Instruction in conflict negotiation should be conducted.  A guest speaker like a school counselor, local politician, or police negotiator can model how to negotiate using incentives and such.  Also, students should be instructed on how to deal with the unexpected.  Specifically, they should learn how to regroup, brainstorm, and have an opportunity to practice as a group.

1.     Instruction on conflict negotiation.

2.     Instruction in dealing with the unexpected.


Phase 9: Students will develop a position regarding one nation that is developing nuclear weapons, and formulate a plan of action including incentives, to negotiate a peaceful resolution. Students will demonstrate conflict resolution through a collaborative role play, in which they demonstrate, and utilize current and historical information. The role play rubric will assess their knowledge of economic, humanitarian, and technological incentives and conflict resolution skills. When given a twist, students will be able to apply coping strategies to regroup, and continue with negotiation. (The country with which you are negotiating can reflect current issues.)


1.     Provide students with Culminating Project handout.

2.     Research the nation that is developing nuclear weapons and develop a position on their needs. 

3.     Students will bring their plan and knowledge of conflict resolution to role play diplomacy with the conflicting nation.

4.     Formulate action plan to present incentives to resolve this conflict. (Optional twist)

Project Reflection and Evaluation:

Students will complete the Project Evaluation.

| |Global Conflict Mediation Rubric | | |

|  |3 points |2 points |1 point |0 points |

|Position Stated |Position stated correctly, |Position stated correctly, but with general |Position stated |Position stated incorrectly. |

| |with specific references to|information related to conflict. |correctly, but with one | |

| |conflict. | |or more mistakes in | |

| | | |reference to conflict. | |

|Caucus |Worked to communicate and |Worked to communicate and brainstorm with members |Worked passively to |Remained idle or indifferent |

| |brainstorm with members of |of similar delegates. |communicate and |during caucus sessions. |

| |opposing factions. | |brainstorm during caucus| |

| | | |sessions. | |

|Offers economic, |Offered several creative |Offered some incentives that relevant to the |Offered few incentives |Offered no incentives to |

|humanitarian, and |incentives that are |country's need to reach resolution. |that are that are |reach resolution. |

|technological incentives.|relevant to the country's | |relevant to the | |

| |needs to reach resolution. | |country's need to reach | |

| | | |resolution. | |

|Effort To Reach Agreement|Came up with sound proposal|Came up with a sound proposal idea. |Participated in |Did not attempt to reach |

| |ideas two or more times. | |discussions about |agreement. |

| | | |possibilities for | |

| | | |agreement. | |

|Quality of Effort To |Ideas involved views of all|Ideas involved views of some delegates and/or |Ideas showed a basic |Did not attempt to reach |

|Reach Agreement |delegates and involved all |involved at least one relevant issue. |understanding of the |agreement. |

| |relevant issues | |problem. | |

|Applying coping |Delegates apply coping |Delegates apply some coping strategies, try to to |Delegates try to apply |Delegates become flustered |

|strategies when given a |strategies, decide to |regroup and address the new information. |coping strategies but |and cannot regroup and fail |

|twist. |regroup and begin | |cannot regroup and fail |to address the new |

| |brainstorm again to address| |to address the new |information. |

| |the new information. | |information. | |

|Overall knowledge |Excellent; had specific |Good; had specific knowledge of self and the |Adequate; understood |Poor; had little to no |

| |knowledge of self and other|problem at hand. |problem at hand |knowledge |

| |characters and the problem | | | |

| |at hand. | | | |

|The Agreement Itself |Plausible; took all views |Plausible; took all views into consideration. |Plausible; took more |Not plausible and possible |

| |into consideration; used | |ideas from one point of |irrelevant |

| |creative or inventive | |view than others. | |

| |ideas. | | | |

| | | | |OR |

| | | | |No agreement reached. |

Name _____________________ Frayer Model

Date ______________________

|Definition |Picture |

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|Definition |Picture |

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|Examples |Non-Examples |

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Local, Regional, and World Conflicts in the Middle East

Directions: Research and identify one example of a local, regional and world conflict in the Middle East. Then record where, when, who and what caused the conflict. Then record how the conflict was resolved.

| |Who was involved? |Where did the conflict take |When did the conflict take place?|What caused the conflict? |Resolution |

| | |place? | | | |

|Local | | | | | |

|Regional | | | | | |

|World | | | | | |

Multi-media Presentation Rubric

Student Name______________________________


• The presentation specifically identifies 5 historical and current conflicts and how they were resolved.

• The presentation clearly states what role technology, communication, transportation, information processing, or weapons development played in the resolution.

• The presentation gives specific information to support the conclusions that are drawn and described.

• The multimedia aspect is organized, attractive, and easy to follow. There are no errors that distract from the presentation.

• The presenter had rehearsed, and could answer questions from the audience.


• The presentation identifies historical and current conflicts and how they were resolved.

• The presentation states what role technology, communication, transportation, information processing, or weapons development played in the resolution.

• The presentation gives information to support the conclusions that are drawn and described.

• The multimedia aspect is organized, attractive, and easy to follow, with few distractions or errors.

• The presenter had rehearsed, and could answer most questions from the audience.

2=somewhat good

• The presentation attempts to identify some historical and current conflicts and how they were resolved.

• The presentation attempts to identify what role technology, communication, transportation, information processing, or weapons development played in the resolution.

• The presentation attempts to support the conclusions that are drawn and described.

• The multimedia aspect is somewhat organized. Some graphics or information are unclear and detract from the presentation.

• The presenter had somewhat rehearsed, and could answer some questions from the audience.

1=Not Acceptable

• The presentation does not identify any historical and current conflicts and how they were resolved.

• The presentation does not identify what role technology, communication, transportation, information processing, or weapons development played in the resolution.

• The presentation does not support the conclusions that are drawn and described.

• The multimedia aspect is not organized. Many or all graphics and information are unclear and detract from the presentation.

• The presenter had somewhat rehearsed, and could answer some questions from the audience


Rating Chart



Directions: Examine each historical conflict and the framework of government that was involved in the conflict. Applying the 5 point scale, decide how effectively conflicts were resolved within that framework. Then record your decision in the corresponding column.

|  |Operation Desert Storm |Operation Enduring Freedom |Operation Iraqi Freedom |

|Totalitarian |  |  |  |

|Constitutional |  |  |  |

|5=The government cooperated effectively to resolve the conflict. They negotiated the exchange of humanitarian, economic, and social incentives to negotiate peace. |

|4=The government cooperated in resolving the conflict. They negotiated for the exchange of humanitarian, economic, and social incentives to negotiate peace when |

|3=The government cooperated in resolving the conflict when faced with human, and economic loss. The compromised the loss of some economic, social, and humanitarian concessions to |

|negotiate peace. |

|2=The government cooperated in resolving the conflict when faced by human, economic and infrastructural destruction and political defeat. They compromised economic, social, |

|humanitarian and territorial concessions to negotiate peace. |

|1=The government only cooperated in resolving the conflict when faced with massive human, economic, and infrastructural destruction and political defeat. They were not involved in |

|compromising any concessions decisions that were made by outside forces. |

|Region |Causes and Consequences of conflict |List any Extremist Groups |Has the conflict given rise to |Anticipate what might happen if the conflict or extremist group |

| | | |these extremist groups? |continue. |

|Operation Desert |  |  |  |  |

|Strom | | | | |

|Operation Enduring|  |  |  |  |

|freedom | | | | |

|Operation Iraqi |  |  |  |  |

|Freedom | | | | |

Technology: Internet capability, Web Sites

• World War I



• Great Depression


• World War II




• Cold War





• Korean Conflict





• Vietnam






• Operation Desert Storm/ Gulf War


2. wgbh/pages/frontline/gulf/


• Operation Enduring Freedom/Afghanistan military crisis

Operation Iraqi Freedom/War in Iraq





Teaching Strategies

I do, We do, You do- In this process the teacher models the lesson for the students. Next the teacher works along with students which allows for distributed practice and assessment of learning. Finally students will practice the on their own.

Exit strategies-Exit strategies include a daily summarizer to assess for learning, including Ticket Out the Door, learning logs, and 3:2:1 summarizer.

Carousel Report-To facilitate the report divide students into two groups. Organize students into an inner circle and an outer circle, where each student had a partner. The inner students will report to one student about what they discovered while the outside ring records the information.

Think aloud- Model aloud how to complete the process, then have each student do the same so you can assess if they are completing the process correctly.

Causes and Consequences


Part I: You will be assigned either: Operation Desert Storm, Operation Enduring Freedom, or Operation Iraqi Freedom. Identify and record political, social, and economic causes of current and historical. Then identify and record political, social, and economic consequences.



Part II:Then participate in a report carousel and record what your other students learned.

Part III: make an analysis on America’s involvement in these conflicts.

1. What conclusion do you draw about America’s involvement in Operation Desert Storm?

2. What conclusion do you draw about America’s involvement in Operation Enduring Freedom?

3. What conclusion do you draw about America’s involvement in Operation Iraqi Freedom?


Culminating Project Handout

You are a diplomatic envoy in negotiations with ____________ Currently, the _____________government has been expanding their nuclear capabilities which include nuclear armaments. You have been assigned to resolve this conflict using incentives, to negotiate the cessation of the nuclear program.

Directions: Research the country who is expanding their nuclear capabilities. Examine political, economic, and social needs of that nation. Decide as a team which ones would work as incentives in your negotiation. Prepare a proposal to submit in a 1 page, double-spaced, persuasive essay. Be prepared to reconvene and brainstorm other incentives your team is willing to offer. Then you will come to the diplomatic meeting with your essay and notes to negotiate a peaceful resolution with the nation.


Project Evaluation

Directions: Read each question and decide if your diplomatic team addressed each in the role play.

| |Yes |No |

|1.) Your diplomatic team used prior knowledge of conflicts and conflict resolution to brainstorm possible | | |

|solutions to the nations continuing proliferation of nuclear weapons. | | |

|2.)Your diplomatic team had researched economic, social, and humanitarian incentives in reference to the | | |

|assigned nation. | | |

|3.) Your diplomatic team had a plan with which to negotiate with the assigned nation which included economic, | | |

|social, and humanitarian incentives. | | |

|4.) Your diplomatic team used conflict negotiation skills during the role play. | | |

|5.) Your diplomatic team successfully resolved the conflict and came to a consensus with the nation. | | |

|6.) Your diplomatic team regrouped and brainstormed when presented with a twist within the role play. | | |

|(Optional) | | |


Role of Extremists in Middle Eastern Conflict

Record information from carousel here.

What did your classmates find?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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