Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering

Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering

(Hingna Road, Wanadongri, Nagpur)

Department Of Electrical Engineering

Name of the Programme: B.E. (Electrical Engineering)

Session: 2015 – 2016 Term: even

Semester: Second Section: E


Course Title: Electrical Engineering

Course Code: EL-1101



Page No.

A) Faculty Details ……………………..………..…………………..……………………….(02)

B) Course Details ……………………………………………………………………..…….(02)

C) Course Prerequisites ……………………..…..……….………………………………...(02)

D) Course Schedule …………………………………………………………………..…….(02)

E) Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs) ……………………………..…………..(03)

F) Programme Outcomes (POs) ……………………………………..………….………...(03)

G) Program Specific Program Outcomes (PSPO) …………………………..…………..(04)

H) Course Objectives …………………………………………………………...……….....(04)

I) Course Outcomes ………………………………………….…………………..………....(04)

J) Syllabus ……………………………………………………………………….…………..(05)

K) Textbook ……………………………………………………………………..……….…..(07)

L) Reference Books …………………………………………………………......………....(07)

M) Teaching Plan …………………….……………………………………..……………....(08)

N) Tutorials …………………………………………………………………..…………..…..(10)

O) Teaching Methodology …………………………………………………...……………..(11)

P) Course Assessment ……………………………………………………………………..(11)

Q) Suggestions ……………………………………………………………………..……….(11)


Course Teacher : Mrs. Nisha T. Sahu


Phone : 9970472385

Office : EL 212

|Monday |- |

|Tuesday |1 P.M-2P.M |

|Wednesday |10.00AM-11 A.M |

|Thursday |10.00AM-11 A.M |

|Friday | |

|Saturday |11.00 AM - 02.00 PM |

Office Hours :


Course Title : Electrical Engineering

Course Code : EL-1101

Credits : 4

Course Type : Theory (Core)

Compulsory / Elective : Compulsory

Course Website :


This subject gives a general overview of the Electrical Engineering. Brief idea regarding ac and dc circuits, generation of power, different electrical machines, measurement techniques of electrical quantities.


Lecture: 3 hrs / week.

|Sr. No. |Day |Time |Room No. |

|1 |Monday |3 P.M-4P.M |NSC-009 |

|2 |Thursday |1 PM – 2PM |NSC-009 |

|3 | Friday |12-1PM |NSC-009 |

Tutorial: 1 hr / week

|Sr. No. |Tutorial |Roll Nos. |Day |Time |Room No. |Faculty |

| |Batch | | | | | |


Attainable Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) through this course are:

1. To prepare students to succeed in employment, profession and/or to pursue post graduate education in Electrical Engineering discipline in particular and allied engineering disciplines in general.

2. To provide students with a solid foundation in mathematical, scientific and engineering fundamentals required in formulating, analyzing and solving problems in multidisciplinary field in general and electrical engineering field in particular.


Attainable Program Outcomes (POs) through this course are:

a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering,

b) an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.

d) an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams,

e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems,

i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in lifelong learning,


Attainable Program Specific Program Outcomes (POs) through this course are:

l) ability to demonstrate knowledge, technical skills and problem solving techniques in power system design and analysis,

m) ability to design, verify, operate and analyze control systems and electrical drives


The course objectives are:

(1) “Energy is essential to get the work done”. “Electrical energy is the high-grade energy”. The first statement is the principle and the second one is the fact. One must admit that the modern world cannot run without electricity.

(2) A life without electricity may be imagined as a living without breathing or breathing without leaving. It develops the subject on the following board topics, like Fundamentals Laws, Circuit Theory Concepts, Basic Electrical Measuring Instruments, and Principles of Electrical Machines.



|1 |To predict the behavior of any electrical and magnetic circuits. |

|2 |To focus on the fundamental concept terminologies of alternating current, phase & phase difference, |

| |representation of ac quantities by phasor. |

|3 |To be conversant with all the instruments used in laboratory. |

|4 |To understand EMF equation, design of equivalent circuit of a transformer (machine), calculation of various |

| |losses in a machine. |

|5 |To deal with various fundamental aspects of DC machine. To identify the type of electrical machine used for |

| |that particular application. |

|6 |To understand the concept of rotating magnetic field in Induction Motor. The behavior of the motors from the |

| |concept of equivalent circuit & phasor diagram has been introduced |


| |

|UNIT-1:- |

|D. C. Circuits |

|Brief Introduction and concept of Electrical Circuits, Active and Passive Elements, Equivalent Resistance, Series/Parallel, |

|star/delta and delta/star transformation, power in dc circuits. |

|Electrical energy sources, Kirchhoff’s Laws, mesh and nodal analysis, Superposition Principle. |

|Magnetic Circuits : |

|Concept of magnetic flux, magneto motive force, magnetic field intensity, magnetic circuit, permeability of free space, relative |

|permeability, reluctance, permeance, laws governing magnetic circuits, comparison between electric and magnetic circuits, B-H curve,|

|leakage flux, core losses. |

|UNIT –2 |

|Single Phase a.c. Circuits : Generation of an alternating voltage, emf equation, concept of phase and phase difference, |

|instantaneous, average and effective values by analytical method, form factor, peak factor for sinusoidal waveform, phasor diagram, |

|Solution of R. L, C Series, Parallel, Series/Parallel circuits with phasor diagrams, power factor, active power, reactive power and |

|apparent power in a.c. circuit, concept of resonance in series and parallel a.c. circuits. |

|UNIT – 3:- |

|Three Phase a.c. Circuits : Single phase and poly phase system, advantages of three phase system, Three phase AC generation, phase|

|sequence, Delta and Star Connections, Line and Phase Quantities, Phasor Diagram, Solution of Three Phase Balanced Circuits, active, |

|reactive, and apparent power. |

|Measuring Instruments Introduction to Electrical Measuring Instruments ( indicating, recording, integrating instrument, |

|principle of operation of instrument moving coil, moving iron, electrodynamometer, induction) |

|UNIT – 4 |

|Single Phase Transformer: Concept of Mutual Inductance, Construction, Theory and operation of Single Phase Transformer, emf |

|equation, equivalent circuits, voltage regulation, losses in transformer, efficiency, classification of transformers, Concept of |

|open and short circuit tests, Elementary problems on efficiency and regulation, Introduction of CT & PT. |

|UNIT – 5:- |

|D. C. Machines: Principle of DC generator, construction, emf equation, types of generators and elementary discussion on their |

|characteristics. |

|Principle of DC Motor, comparison of motor and generator, significance of back emf, voltage equation and torque equation of motor, |

|type of motors and their characteristics, application of motors, need of starter, speed control of D.C. motor, losses and efficiency|

|(only theoretical treatment is expected). |

|UNIT – 6:- |

|Three Phase Induction Motor : Classification of a.c. motors, general principle of induction motor and its construction, Basic idea |

|of revolving field, starting torque, condition for maximum starting torque, torque under running conditions, maximum torque under |

|running conditions, torque slip characteristics. (Only qualitative treatment) |

|Single Phase Induction Motor : Magnetic field produced by single phase and two phase a.c. supply, double field revolving theory, |

|making single phase motor self starting, types of single phase induction motor, principle of working of capacitor start induction |

|motor. Application of Electrical Motors in domestic sector (e.g. mixer, ceiling fan, water pump motor etc.). |


(1) Basic Elec Engg,2e,Mittal and MittalTata McGraw-Hill Education, 01-Sep-2005.

(2) A Textbook of Electrical Engineering, Prof.Sumant Y. Shingare, ElectroTech Publication Engineering Series. 13-June-2010.

(3) A Textbook of Basic Electrical Engineering, Dr.S.B.Bodkhe and Dr.N.M.Deshkar, Professional Publishing House Pvt, Ltd. 5-August-2010.

(4) A Textbook of Electrical Technology, Volume-I B.L.Theraja and A.K.Theraja S.Chand and Company Ltd. Ram Nagar, New Delhi - 110055


(1) Basic Electrical Engineering, Abhijit Chakrabarti, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2009.

(2) Basic Electrical Engineering,V.K.Mehta and Rohit Mehta, S. Chand Limited, 2008

(3) Basic Electrical Engineering,2e,Kothari and Nagrath, D.P.Kothari, I.J.Nagrath. Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2001


|Lecture No |Unit No |Details of Topic to be covered |

|1 |01 D.C.CIRCUITS |Introduction to Electrical Engineering and concepts of Electric Circuit, Active and Passive |

| | |Elements viz. voltage and current sources, resistors, inductors and capacitors (their definitions |

| | |and properties) |

|2 | |Ohm’s law, Concepts of Series/Parallel circuits, Equivalent Resistance, Current division formula |

| | |and voltage divider rule |

|3 | |Star/delta and delta/star transformation, power in dc circuits. |

|4 | |Kirchhoff’s Laws, mesh analysis |

|5 | |Nodal analysis, Superposition Principle. |

|6 | 01 |Concept of magnetic flux, magneto motive force, magnetic field intensity, magnetic circuit, |

| |MAGNETIC CIRCUITS |permeability of free space, relative permeability, reluctance, permeance, magnetic field due to |

| | |straight current carrying conductor, right hand grip rule |

|7 | |Laws governing magnetic circuits, comparison between electric and magnetic circuits, Force on |

| | |current carrying conductor in a magnetic field, Flemings left hand rule. |

|8 | |B-H curve, leakage flux, core losses |

|9 |02 |Introduction to terms related to alternating quantities, Generation of an alternating voltage, emf|


|10 | |Instantaneous, average and effective (rms) values by analytical method, form factor, peak factor |

| | |for sinusoidal waveform, |

|11 | |Representation of sinusoidal quantities by phasor, Concept of phase and phase difference |

|12 | |Current and voltage relations in pure Resistive, Inductive and Capacitive circuits, active power, |

| | |reactive power and apparent power in a.c. circuit, power factor |

|13 | |R – L series and R – C series circuits with phasor diagrams |

|14 | |R – L – C Series circuits with phasor diagrams, concept of resonance in series a.c. circuits |

|15 | |R – L – C Parallel circuits with phasor diagrams, concept of resonance in parallel a.c. circuits. |

|Mid Semester Examination – I |

|16 |03 |Introduction to poly phase system, advantages of three phase system, Generation of three phase |

| |THREE PHASE A.C. CIRCUITS |alternating voltages |

|17 | |Phase sequence, Interconnection of three phases, Relationship between Line and Phase Quantities |

| | |for star connection, Active, reactive, and apparent power in three phase star connected circuits, |

| | |Phasor Diagram |

|18 | |Relationship between Line and Phase Quantities for delta connection, Active, reactive, and |

| | |apparent power in three phase delta connected circuits, Phasor Diagram |

|19 |03 MEASURING INSTRUMENTS |Electrical Measuring Instruments ( indicating, recording, integrating instrument, |

|20 | |principle of operation of instrument moving coil, moving iron, electrodynamometer, induction) |

|21 |04 |Definition and classification of transformers, Concept of Mutual Induction, Principle of operation|


|22 | |Construction, Concept of ideal transformer, emf equation, Transformation ratio |

|23 | |Rating, Equivalent circuit, Concept of no load current, Transformer on load (using equivalent |

| | |circuit) |

|24 | |losses in transformer, Concept of open and short circuit tests (No numerical), efficiency, |

|25 | |Concept of voltage regulation, approximate formula, Elementary problems on efficiency and |

| | |regulation (contd…) |

|26 | |Elementary problems on efficiency and regulation, Introduction to CT & PT. |

|Mid Semester Examination – II |

|Lecture No |Unit No |Details of Topic to be covered |

|27 |05 |Principle of DC generator, construction of DC generator |

| |D.C.MACHINES. | |

|28 | |Emf equation, types of generators and elementary discussion on their characteristics. |

|29 | |Principle of DC motor, comparison of DC motor and generator |

|30 | |Significance of back emf, voltage equation and torque equation of motor, |

|31 | |type of motors and their characteristics, application of motors, need of starter, |

|32 | |Speed control of D.C. shunts motor, losses and efficiency (only theoretical treatment |

| | |is expected). |

|33 |06 |Classification of a.c. motors, Basic ideas of revolving field, Synchronous speed, |


|34 | |General principle of induction motor, Slip and rotor current frequency, Elementary |

| | |problems on slip and motor speed |

|35 | |Construction, Types of three phase Induction Motor, Concept of starting torque, |

| | |condition for maximum starting torque (No derivation), |

|36 | |Concept of torque under running conditions, Condition for maximum torque under running|

| | |conditions (No derivation), torque slip characteristics (Only qualitative treatment) |

|37 |06 |Magnetic field produced by single phase and two phase a.c. supply, double field |

| |SINGLE PHASE I.M. |revolving theory |

|38 | |Making single phase motor self starting by split phase method, types of single phase |

| | |induction motor, working of capacitor start induction motor only. |

|39 | |Principle and working of Shaded pole I. M. Application of Electrical Motors in |

| | |domestic sector (e.g. mixer, ceiling fan, water pump motor etc.). |

|End Semester Examination |

Note:- As and when required, extra classes will be engaged.


|Sr. |Topic |

|No. | |

|Week |Topic |

|First |Equivalent resistance Series and parallel |

|Second |Star / Delta transformation |

|Third |KCL, KVL, Mesh analysis |

|Fourth |Calculation of Reluctance, mmf and flux in magnetic circuits |

|Fifth |EMF equation, instantaneous value, rms value, peak factor, form factor of sinusoidal waveforms |

|Sixth |Problems on R – L – C series, parallel circuits |

|Seventh |Problems on R – L – C series, parallel circuits |

|Eighth |Problems on three phase AC circuits |

|Ninth |Problems on three phase AC circuits |

|Tenth |Extension of ranges for ammeter and voltmeter |

|Eleventh |Problems on EMF equation, turns ratio of single phase transformer |

|Twelfth |Elementary problems on regulation and efficiency |

|Thirteenth |Problems on EMF equation of DC generator |

|Fourteenth |Problems on Synchronous speed and slip of three phase Induction motor |

Note:- Tutorial sheets will be provided in hard format.


Assessment is based on the following components:

1) Teacher’s Assessment: 10 Marks

Grading is based on the following components that are weighted as described below:

1) Teacher’s assessment: - 10 marks which is divided as under

a. Home Assignment: - 4 marks

b. Presentation / Test : - 4 marks

c. Attendance: 2 marks

Continuous Assessment: - 40 marks which is divided as under

a. Attendance: - 10 marks

b. Journal: - 10 marks

c. Performance: - 10 marks

d. Viva: - 10 marks

2) Mid Semester Examination – I: 15 Marks

Based on Unit - I and II of the syllabus.

3) Mid Semester Examination – II: 15 Marks

Based on Unit – III and IV of the syllabus.

4) End Semester Examination: 60 Marks

Based on Units – I to VI of the syllabus.


• Students are advised to attend all theory and tutorial classes on regular basis. This will help them in understanding the subject in depth.

• Revise the course taught in the class on the same day and complete the homework given in Theory and Tutorial class on regular basis.

• Take advantage of office hours. This is time we have set aside to meet with students. All office hours will be posted on the course website.

• Generally, for each hour in the classroom the student should work at least an additional 1.5 hours engaged in self – study (reading, solving problems). This will help them in mastering the fundamental concepts.

• Please do not hesitate to ask about any difficulty during this course.

• Any query regarding assessment of course shall be raised with the Course Teacher within 3 days of announcement of marks.


Name and Signature of the Faculty : (PROF.Mrs.N.T.Sahu)


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