CHS – Environmental Science

Name Date Period

H ES: Current Event Articles 


One of the most exciting features of an environmental science course is that environmental issues are in the news every day. In this long-term exercise, you are going to keep a current events journal: a compilation of events that have been reported in the scientific or popular press related to out current unit of study. Your journal should focus on local, national, and/or international environmental issues.

You will submit your current event reports to at the conclusion of each unit throughout the school year. Please write in the due dates as they are given:

|Marking Period |Due Date |

|1 |9/25 |

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For each article, you will need to prepare a typed report. The report will include:

1) A brief summary of the article (5-7 sentences describing the main ideas of the article)

2) A statement of personal relevance (5-7 sentences describing how the article relates to you – how it makes you feel, what it makes you think about, etc.)

3) A bibliography – give an e-mail address at the very least

Reports must be saved as one of the following formats: MS Word, WordPerfect, PostScript, PDF, HTML, RTF, or plain text. It is essential that all articles have a complete and correct citation.


All journal entries will be due at 11:59 pm on the dates given above. Each article will be worth 10 points (4 for the article, 4 for the summary, and 2 for the bibliography) and each marking period will include 30-40 points worth of current events – essentially the same as a quiz or test. You may submit current events early, but late current events will not be accepted. Additionally, you will be penalized for improper citations, insufficient paragraphs, plagiarism, and excessive spelling and/or grammatical mistakes.


In an effort to go “paperless”, your journal entries must be submitted to , I will not accept paper copies. We will take some time at the beginning of the year to explain how to use this website – specifically, how to enroll in the class and how to submit a file.

If your article was found online, you simply need to include its URL in the bibliography of your journal entry. However, if your article was found in paper-form, please physically submit it to your teacher with your name and period on it by the due date.

|Class |Enrollment ID |Password |

|Period 1 H Envi Sci |5578286 |gallo |

|Period 4 H Envi Sci |5578291 |gallo |

|Period 7 H Envi Sci |5578297 |gallo |

|Period 8 H Envi Sci |5578301 |gallo |


The articles can come from any combination of the following sources:

1) Newspapers (e.g., Philadelphia Inquire, New York Times)

2) Internet sites (many excellent sites are given in your text, also see the sites ens- and for daily environmental press releases)

3) Magazines (e.g., Newsweek, Popular Science) and scientific journals (e.g., Nature, Science)

4) Optional sources

1. Editorial cartoons – 1-4 frames with summary

2. Brochure (2 or 3 fold) – include the whole brochure

3. Letters to Editor /Advice Column – at least 2 articles with responses

4. Debate – show both sides of subject

5. Political/Campaign Materials – materials from the major candidates showcasing their position on an issue you choose

6. A creative idea of your own – ask me for permission first!

The only restriction is that there can be no more than 3 articles from any 1 source during each marking period (for example: you could have 3 from the internet, 2 from newspapers, and 1 from an optional source). Often you will find an article on the internet that was first published in a magazine or newspaper – consider that article to be a magazine or newspaper article (not an internet article). Remember, use the source that published the feature first.

Please do not include articles from sites such as or Wikipedia (or other general reference sites). These are not “current events”.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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