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American History IUnit 2: Confederation, Constitution, and Compromise***********************************************************************************Assignment Due Dates:Vocabulary 2a: Primary Source 1: Vocabulary 2b: Binder Check: Primary Source 2: Discussion Questions: Current Event: Essay: Quiz Date: Test Date: **************************************************************************************STUDENT OBJECTIVES:Students will be able to analyze key political, economic, and social turning points from colonization through Reconstruction in terms of cause and effect.Students will be able to analyze the political issues and conflicts that impacted the United States through Reconstruction and the compromises that resulted.Students will be able to explain how judicial, legislative, and executive actions have affected the distribution of power between levels of government.VOCABULARY TO KNOW:Unit 2a: Early American GovernmentAntifederalistsArticles of ConfederationBill of RightsChecks and BalancesConfederationElectoral CollegeExecutive BranchFederalismFederalist PapersFederalistsGreat CompromiseJudicial BranchLand Ordinance of 1785Legislative BranchNorthwest Ordinance of 1787RatificationRepublicShay’s RebellionThree-Fifths CompromiseUnit 2b: The Federalist PeriodAlexander HamiltonAlien & Sedition ActsBank of the United StatesDemocratic-RepublicansExecutive CabinetExcise taxJay’s TreatyJudiciary Act of 1789Miami ConfederacyPinckney’s TreatyProtective tariffTwo-party systemWhiskey RebellionXYZ AffairDISCUSSION QUESTIONS:Why were states afraid of centralized authority and a strong national government?What was the main problem with the system of representation established by the Articles of Confederation?Describe THREE weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation.How did the Land Ordinance of 1785 provide for the orderly development of the Northwest Territory?What was the main cause of Shay’s Rebellion?What was the major issue over representation at the Constitutional Convention? How did the Great Compromise solve this problem?In what ways id the new system of government fulfill the nation’s need for a stronger central government while alleviating fears of a government with too much power?Do you agree or disagree with a system of checks and balances? Explain.Who had the more valid argument, federalists or antifederalists? Explain your answer.Why did the antifederalists demand a Bill of Rights?How would you judge President Washington’s thinking of putting two such opposed politicians as Hamilton and Jefferson on his cabinet? Explain.How was the Whiskey Rebellion an opportunity for the federal government to demonstrate its authority?Would you have supported Hamilton’s economic plan? Why or why not?Were the Alien and Sedition Acts a violation of the First Amendment? Were they necessary?Should the United States have officially supported the French revolutionaries against the British? Support your answer with historical evidence.-666427353329When Washington resigned his command of the Continental Army, Jefferson said: "The moderation and virtue of one man probably prevented this Revolution from being closed by a subversion of the liberty it was intended to establish." Yet when Washington became president, Jefferson believed he was too conservative. Did Washington ultimately preserve or limit the spread of liberty in America?00When Washington resigned his command of the Continental Army, Jefferson said: "The moderation and virtue of one man probably prevented this Revolution from being closed by a subversion of the liberty it was intended to establish." Yet when Washington became president, Jefferson believed he was too conservative. Did Washington ultimately preserve or limit the spread of liberty in America?ESSAY TOPIC (THEMATIC):ESSAY GUIDELINES:The essay needs to follow the guidelines for an analytical, five-paragraph essay. It should have at least five paragraphs, an argumentative thesis statement, specific historical examples, and at least one quotation.The length requirement is 2-3 pages, double-spaced, typed, 1-inch margins, 12 point font.Use Chicago Manual Style (footnotes or endnotes) for any citations.Don’t forget to check your spelling and grammar before submitting your final copy. I recommend having another student peer-edit your essay or bringing it into me early to check it over.A note on plagiarism: Copying and pasting—either parts or whole essay—from the internet is cheating. If you are discovered to have done this, you will receive a zero on this assignment and a written referral to the office.CURRENT EVENT REQUIREMENT:You must find an article from either a print newspaper or a news website that focuses on one of the following issues:US ConstitutionBill of RightsIndividual FreedomsGovernmental powerUS PresidentsForeign PolicyRebellionAfter you find an article on an approved topic, you need to either print out the article or cut it out of the newspaper.Read over the entire article and then complete a current events worksheet on what you read.*********************************************************************************************At the end of this unit, you will BE ABLE TO:4.1 Analyze the political issues and conflicts that impacted the United States through Reconstruction and the compromises that resulted.4.4 Analyze the cultural conflicts that impacted the United States through Reconstruction and the compromises that resulted.5.2 Explain how judicial, legislative, and executive actions have affected the distribution of power between levels of government.2.1 Analyze key political, economic, and social turning points from colonization through Reconstruction in terms of causes and effects (e.g., conflicts, legislation, elections, innovations, leadership, movements, Supreme Court decisions, etc.).2.2 Evaluate key turning points from colonization through Reconstruction in terms of their lasting impact (e.g., conflicts, legislation, elections, innovations, leadership, movements, Supreme Court decisions, etc.). ................

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