Scoring Guide

Scoring Guide POL 200: Current Event #4

Exemplary (Exceeds the Standard): (93-100)

❑ All proficient criteria are met

❑ More advanced work is shown (e.g., background info is included, additional research is obvious, multiple viewpoints are discussed)

❑ Analytical essay engages the reader’s attention

Proficient (Meets the Standard): (80-92)

❑ Approved current event is attached to piece of paper & includes source name,

date, section & page number and/or web address. It is turned in with essay.

❑ Current event article is directly related to Chapter 11 or 12 content.

❑ Article is a NEWS article, NOT an opinion piece.

❑ Summary of article is included: who, what, when, where, why and how.

❑ Written analysis explains connection of article to powers or activities of Congress or the President.

❑ Written analysis interprets information, includes your opinion, and uses examples to justify opinions.

❑ Paper is written in standard essay format with a title, thesis, and paragraphs

❑ Paper is double-spaced, with Times New Roman 12 point font & standard one inch margins

❑ Spelling, grammar, punctuation errors are minor

❑ Current event analysis demonstrates understanding of an issue in chapters 11 & 12 and is long enough to thoroughly cover the topic

Progressing (Progressing Toward the Standard): (60-79)

❑ Fewer than nine of proficient criteria are met

❑ Task must be revised

Not Yet Meeting the Standard: (0-59)

❑ Fewer than seven of the proficient criteria are met

❑ More work is needed


Teacher Evaluation


Task: Clip or copy a news article directly related to Chapter 11 or 12. For example, any news article concerning powers or activities of Congress or the President would be a topic directly related to the information in Chapters 11 & 12.

Read the article thoroughly (remember you will be the expert) and highlight important passages (e.g. who, what, where, when, why and how). Decide your point of view. How do you feel about the topic? What questions might still need to be answered? Do you need to do some additional research on people or events mentioned in the article? In other words, make sure you know the background for the topic/event as well as the current situation.

Analyze current event: The word “analyze” means to break down, separate, or take apart. You should think about the article in detail in order to discover essential features or meaning of the topic/event.



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