Current Events - Verona Public Schools



Current Events EXAMPLE


*Use this worksheet in order to write out your summary as a paragraph. Include all of the information above.

Final paragraph:

Venus, one of the many planets scientists actively research, is said to have active volcanoes! In the News Brief, “Venus may have active volcanoes”, by Christopher Crockett, “New observations from the Venus Express Spacecraft may be evidence of volcanoes erupting on the planet” (Crockett, Par. 2). Additionally, the News Brief states that the Spacecraft detected infrared light coming from the planet, which could be from the hot lava. Also, other missions found mountains that were thought to be volcanoes, evidence of flowing lava, and high levels of SO2, which comes from volcanoes. This is important because discovered information allows researchers to conclude that active volcanoes could be present. To sum up, as observed by the Express Spacecraft, there is evidence that supports the idea that Venus may have active volcanoes, much like Earth.


Broken down with elements:

Venus, one of the many planets scientists actively research, is said to have active volcanoes! (TOPIC SENTENCE) In the News Brief, “Venus may have active volcanoes”, by Christopher Crockett, “New observations from the Venus Express Spacecraft may be evidence of volcanoes erupting on the planet” (Crockett, Par. 2). (DIRECT TEXT QUOTE WITH IN-TEXT CITATION- AUTHOR’S LAST NAME AND PARAGRAPH #) Additionally, the News Brief states that the Spacecraft detected infrared light coming from the planet, which could be from the hot lava. (PARAPHRASED EVIDENCE #2 FROM TEXT) Also, other missions found mountains that were thought to be volcanoes, evidence of flowing lava, and high levels of SO2, which comes from volcanoes. (PARAPHRASED EVIDENCE #3 FROM TEXT) All of this, discovered information allows researchers to conclude that active volcanoes could be present. (QUICK DESCRIPTION/EXPLANATION OF EVIDENCE) To sum up, as observed by the Express Spacecraft, there is evidence that supports the idea that Venus may have active volcanoes, much like Earth. (CONCLUDING SENTENCE)


Article Title and Author’s Last Name:

“Venus may have active volcanoes, “by Christopher Crockett

Main Idea (Included in topic sentence):

Venus, one of the many planets scientists actively research, is said to have active volcanoes! 

Fact #1: (Include direct quote and citation)

In the News Brief, “Venus may have active volcanoes”, by Christopher Crockett, “New observations from the Venus Express Spacecraft may be evidence of volcanoes erupting on the planet” (Crockett, Par. 2). 

Fact #2: Paraphrased

Additionally, the News Brief states that the Spacecraft detected infrared light coming from the planet, which could be from the hot lava.

Additionally- transition word

Fact #3: Paraphrased

Also, other missions found mountains that were thought to be volcanoes, evidence of flowing lava, and high levels of SO2, which comes from volcanoes. 

Also- transition word

Quick description/explanation of evidence:

This is important because discovered information allows researchers to conclude that active volcanoes could be present. 

Concluding sentence:

To sum up, as observed by the Express Spacecraft, there is evidence that supports the idea that Venus may have active volcanoes, much like Earth. 

To sum up- transition words


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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