SCORING GUIDE FOR CURRENT EVENTS Name: ____________________________________ Date:_____________ Period:___

|Standard |Learning Target |Mastery |Proficient |Approaching |Developing |Beginning |

|WHST.7.9. |I can compose written |-Includes a realistic prediction, |-Includes a prediction, based on |Prediction lacking detail or |--Includes a prediction with |-Unable to determine |

|Draw evidence from |responses and include evidence|based on the facts in the article, |the facts in the article, about |incomplete |incomplete facts presented or |level of proficiency |

|informational texts to |to support my analysis and |about what might happen next, |what might happen next. |-Includes personal |illogical thinking |due to lack of |

|support analysis |reflection (Product) |demonstrating your understanding | |reflection/reaction but does | |evidence |

|reflection, and research. | |that there are no simple solutions |-Includes a personal |not seem truly involved in |-Personal reflection lacking or | |

| | |to complex situations. |reflection/reaction e.g. your |what s/he is reporting |seems flat | |

| | | |opinions, feelings, possible | |-No clear connection to another | |

| | |-Includes a thoughtful personal |personal or family connection, |-Makes an attempt to find a |event | |

| | |reflection/reaction e.g. your |global significance. |connection to another event | | |

| | |opinions, feelings, possible | | | | |

| | |personal or family connection, | | | | |

| | |global significance. | | | | |

| | |-Connects the event to another | | | | |

| | |event | | | | |

|RH.7.7 |I can use all the |-Identifies cardinal directions |-Identifies relative location, |-Misidentifies relative |-Incompletely identifies |-Unable to determine |

|Integrate visual |informational formats |with complete compass rose |e.g. cardinal directions and |location, e.g. cardinal |location. |level of proficiency |

|information (e.g., in |available to develop a deeper | |surrounding region. |directions and region. |-Map may be included but not |due to lack of |

|charts, graphs, |understanding of the content |-Includes detailed map with |-Includes map with surrounding |-Includes map without all |hand-labeled or lack surrounding |evidence |

|photographs, videos, or |or concepts presented. |surrounding countries and important|countries and important bodies of |surrounding countries and |countries and | |

|maps) with other |(Skill) |bodies of water and mountains, if |water and mountains, if any. |important bodies of water and | | |

|information in print and | |any. | |mountains, if any. | | |

|digital texts. | | | | | | |

|WHST.7.8 |I can follow a standard format|-Correctly cites source, with no |-Correctly cites source, with no |Correctly cites source, with a|-Source missing, or cited |-Unable to determine |

|Quote or paraphrase the |for citation to create a |errors, from an appropriate online |errors, from an appropriate |minor error, from an |incorrectly/incompletely. |level of proficiency |

|data and conclusions of |bibliography for sources |news source or newspaper. |newspaper or online source. |appropriate newspaper or |-Article not attached. |due to lack of |

|others while avoiding |paraphrased or quoted in my |-Article attached |-Article attached |online source. | |evidence |

|plagiarism and following a |writing (Knowledge) | | |-Article attached | | |

|standard format for | | | | | | |

|citation. | | | | | | |

MLA formatting: Times New Roman or Arial 12. Double spaced font


My African country is: _____________________________________

Find an article about the country from a newspaper or online news source:

BBC World News

National Geographic News

Time for Kids

Time Magazine

CNN Student News

ABC World News

Try to find an article from the past few weeks or months; you can choose an older article if necessary. Read it carefully. Print a copy of the article to attach to this assignment. Then write a summary and personal reflection.

_____ Write your name, date and period in the upper right hand corner.

_____ Write the title of the article centered on the page.

Requirements: two paragraphs and a hand-drawn or hand-labeled map

Blank outline maps can be found here:

_____ Include a hand-drawn or hand-labeled map which shows your nation and the surrounding countries, and important bodies of water and mountains, if any. Put this in the upper ¼ of your paper. Color the map!

Paragraph One:

_____ Write a clear summary covering who, what, when, where, why and how about the event.

_____ Write at least two sentences about the cause and the effect of the event.

Paragraph Two:

_____ Write your personal reaction to the event. (How do you FEEL about it?)

_____ Make a connection between this event and something else you know about.

_____ Make a prediction about what will happen next.

_____ Cite the source of the article at the bottom (use correct Works Cited format – see your comp book notes).


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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