Current Events Criteria - Flagstaff Unified School District

Current Events Criteria

The current events assignment will help you to stay informed of important events of today. You will practice your analyzing, interpreting, summarizing, and writing skills through this assignment. You will be able to make connections from the past with current events of today.

• Due every two weeks worth 15 points.

• Attach a copy of a news article to your assignment with a name label.

• Typed responses are preferable, unless you do not have access to a computer, double spaced and no more than 12 point font.


• Choose one of the following formats:

o Summary - Write a paragraph (5-7 complete sentences) summarizing a news article. It must include: Focus and opinion sentence.

• Important people – Research the main person in the article. List the back ground information about this person. Examples: full name, age, birth date, origins, official title or position.

o Tell me why they are in the news and how it relates to Social Studies.

• State/Country information – Research the basic information about a country or state the article relates to. Include the capital city, population, latitude and longitude (of capital city or event location), major cities, important landmarks. If it is a country include major religions, ethnic groups, and type of government.

o Tell me why this state or country is in the news and how it relates to Social Studies.

• Political cartoon - Draw a political cartoon that interprets an article including a short explanation. Or, choose to analyze a political cartoon. Your analysis should be one paragraph including an opinion statement. Use the political analysis guideline.

• Political opinion – Choose an article that presents a political issue. Define what the issue is and state your personal opinion or argument. Your statement should be at least one paragraph in length.

Acceptable resources include: Internet (news related, reputable sites: msn, cnn, etc.)

Magazine (Time, Newsweek, National Geographic, etc.)

Newspaper (Arizona Republic, Daily Sun, etc.)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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