Science in Public Policy Survey (Survey)

Science in Public Policy Survey (Survey)

Survey Results

1. Are you a

A) Ballot

Method: Multiple Selection

Options: Allow Bypass

Maximum Selections: [1]

Descriptions: Please choose one

Number of Choices: 6

B) Results Spread


Total 1.00

N 3

Table Sorted By Total

|Choices |Total |

|activist |3 |

|scientist |0 |

|policy maker |0 |

|administrator |0 |

|lobbyist |0 |

|member of the general public |0 |


Results Chart (1. Are you a)

2. Please give us contact information. Email or phone is best for us.

A) Ballot

Method: Open-Ended

Options: Allow Bypass

Maximum Number of Characters: [12288]

Descriptions: Click in the box to enter text.

B) Text Responses

Total Number of Respondents (N): 3

Number of responses to this question (n): 3

1. world@

2. 28-233-8066


3. askorganic@

3. How would you characterize your role in public affairs (spectator, voter, activist, lobbyist, etc.)?

A) Ballot

Method: Open-Ended

Options: Allow Bypass

Maximum Number of Characters: [12288]

Descriptions: Click in the box to enter text.

B) Text Responses

Total Number of Respondents (N): 3

Number of responses to this question (n): 3

1. Community organizer, activist

2. Voter, activist

3. Producer/activist

4. Is your age between 20 and 30, 30 and 50, 50 and 70, or above?

A) Ballot

Method: Open-Ended

Options: Allow Bypass

Maximum Number of Characters: [12288]

Descriptions: Click in the box to enter text.

B) Text Responses

Total Number of Respondents (N): 3

Number of responses to this question (n): 3

1. 50 and 70

2. 50 and 70

3. 30 and 50

5. Are you male or female?

A) Ballot

Method: Open-Ended

Options: Allow Bypass

Maximum Number of Characters: [12288]

Descriptions: Click in the box to enter text.

B) Text Responses

Total Number of Respondents (N): 3

Number of responses to this question (n): 3

1. male

2. female

3. male

6. Where do you live (City, State, Nation)?

A) Ballot

Method: Open-Ended

Options: Allow Bypass

Maximum Number of Characters: [12288]

Descriptions: Click in the box to enter text.

B) Text Responses

Total Number of Respondents (N): 3

Number of responses to this question (n): 3

1. Fargo, ND USA

2. Outside of Moorhead- rural

3. Fargo, ND USA

7. What ethnic group are you a part of?

A) Ballot

Method: Open-Ended

Options: Allow Bypass

Maximum Number of Characters: [12288]

Descriptions: Click in the box to enter text.

B) Text Responses

Total Number of Respondents (N): 3

Number of responses to this question (n): 3

1. Caucasian

2. white,

3. white caucasian

8. What country are you a citizen in?

A) Ballot

Method: Open-Ended

Options: Allow Bypass

Maximum Number of Characters: [12288]

Descriptions: Click in the box to enter text.

B) Text Responses

Total Number of Respondents (N): 3

Number of responses to this question (n): 3

1. USA

2. USA

3. US

9. How would you characterize your political position generally or in relationship to various issues (environment, finance, social/family issues, etc.)?

A) Ballot

Method: Open-Ended

Options: Allow Bypass

Maximum Number of Characters: [12288]

Descriptions: Click in the box to enter text.

B) Text Responses

Total Number of Respondents (N): 3

Number of responses to this question (n): 3

1. liberal

2. To conserve natural resources.

3. independent

10. Indicate your level of involvement in public issues (very active, interested only seldom active, interested but passive, only occasionally interested, generally uninvolved)?

A) Ballot

Method: Open-Ended

Options: Allow Bypass

Maximum Number of Characters: [12288]

Descriptions: Click in the box to enter text.

B) Text Responses

Total Number of Respondents (N): 3

Number of responses to this question (n): 3

1. very active

2. Interested and individually involved especially in youth

3. very active

11. How would you characterize your attitude toward science (trusting, generally trusting, ignorant of it, cynical, adversarial)?

A) Ballot

Method: Open-Ended

Options: Allow Bypass

Maximum Number of Characters: [12288]

Descriptions: Click in the box to enter text.

B) Text Responses

Total Number of Respondents (N): 3

Number of responses to this question (n): 3

1. trusting

2. Some trusting. becomes political in what we seek importance

3. cynical

12. What public issues concern you presently?

A) Ballot

Method: Open-Ended

Options: Allow Bypass

Maximum Number of Characters: [12288]

Descriptions: Click in the box to enter text.

B) Text Responses

Total Number of Respondents (N): 3

Number of responses to this question (n): 3

1. global warming

2. natural resources, local food food security, nutrition

3. gmo issues, environment

13. Does this issue have a scientific dimension? In what ways?

A) Ballot

Method: Open-Ended

Options: Allow Bypass

Maximum Number of Characters: [12288]

Descriptions: Click in the box to enter text.

B) Text Responses

Total Number of Respondents (N): 3

Number of responses to this question (n): 3

1. Yes, measuring the negative impact on the enviroment

2. yes development of land, residues of insecticides, herbcidies

3. yes-adequate scientific research has not been done on genetic modification

14. What do you think science says about this issue?

A) Ballot

Method: Open-Ended

Options: Allow Bypass

Maximum Number of Characters: [12288]

Descriptions: Click in the box to enter text.

B) Text Responses

Total Number of Respondents (N): 3

Number of responses to this question (n): 3

1. It is real and has worldwide impact

2. there is a cause and effect

3. questionable, not enough done to get an accurate read

15. What role do you think scientists should play in forming or helping to form public policy?

A) Ballot

Method: Open-Ended

Options: Allow Bypass

Maximum Number of Characters: [12288]

Descriptions: Click in the box to enter text.

B) Text Responses

Total Number of Respondents (N): 3

Number of responses to this question (n): 3

1. Provide objective, non-partisan documentation

2. if they could be free to express what the findings are. many such as Monsanto dictate reponse results etc

3. scientists should take an active role in this, unbiased research studies need to be conducted

16. How do you use your knowledge of science in your public engagement activities?

A) Ballot

Method: Open-Ended

Options: Allow Bypass

Maximum Number of Characters: [12288]

Descriptions: Click in the box to enter text.

B) Text Responses

Total Number of Respondents (N): 3

Number of responses to this question (n): 3

1. As evidence to support the issues / concerns I engage in

2. I have a BS in food and nutrtion, micobiogy. I tell people the truth. I also challenge them.

3. I may quote from literature published in books and journals

17. What factors other than scientific knowledge do you think should be taken into account when public policy is made?

A) Ballot

Method: Open-Ended

Options: Allow Bypass

Maximum Number of Characters: [12288]

Descriptions: Click in the box to enter text.

B) Text Responses

Total Number of Respondents (N): 3

Number of responses to this question (n): 3

1. Sociological aspects, health impacts, economic backgrounds, cultural backgrounds, rural vs urban, gender,

2. results- and in a way public can understand

3. safety issues, costs involved-both short and long term, how policy affects mankind

18. How would you characterize your level of knowledge about current scientific research?

A) Ballot

Method: Open-Ended

Options: Allow Bypass

Maximum Number of Characters: [12288]

Descriptions: Click in the box to enter text.

B) Text Responses

Total Number of Respondents (N): 3

Number of responses to this question (n): 3

1. Generally informed

2. very much.

3. not adequate enough

19. How do you learn about what science says about various issues?

A) Ballot

Method: Open-Ended

Options: Allow Bypass

Maximum Number of Characters: [12288]

Descriptions: Click in the box to enter text.

B) Text Responses

Total Number of Respondents (N): 3

Number of responses to this question (n): 3

1. print and audio media, internet, publications, studies, education

2. read journals

3. through journals and publications

20. How would you characterize your attitude toward science?

A) Ballot

Method: Open-Ended

Options: Allow Bypass

Maximum Number of Characters: [12288]

Descriptions: Click in the box to enter text.

B) Text Responses

Total Number of Respondents (N): 3

Number of responses to this question (n): 3

1. It has a valuable and important role to play in societies.

2. good

3. the best that money can buy

21. Do you trust science?

A) Ballot

Method: Open-Ended

Options: Allow Bypass

Maximum Number of Characters: [12288]

Descriptions: Click in the box to enter text.

B) Text Responses

Total Number of Respondents (N): 3

Number of responses to this question (n): 3

1. If it is from a reputable source or is based on peer review sources.

2. Science yes. Politics no

3. not all

22. What do you think scientist think about the public?

A) Ballot

Method: Open-Ended

Options: Allow Bypass

Maximum Number of Characters: [12288]

Descriptions: Click in the box to enter text.

B) Text Responses

Total Number of Respondents (N): 3

Number of responses to this question (n): 3

1. I am hopeful that they want to provide them objective and accurate information.

2. More courious about Britney Spears then science. We need to encourgae more hands on in the schools.

3. ignorant

23. Do you think policy makers try to accommodate the public? In what ways?

A) Ballot

Method: Open-Ended

Options: Allow Bypass

Maximum Number of Characters: [12288]

Descriptions: Click in the box to enter text.

B) Text Responses

Total Number of Respondents (N): 3

Number of responses to this question (n): 3

1. Some try to accommodate the public by trying to keep elected if they are an elected policy maker and by supporting all points of view which makes them stand for everything and not effective.

2. Policy makers- no/

3. no, they accomodate business

24. Please list any documents you are willing to share with us or direct us to that have been important in your understanding the role of science in public policy or that have informed your thinking about current public issues with a scientific dimension.

A) Ballot

Method: Open-Ended

Options: Allow Bypass

Maximum Number of Characters: [12288]

Descriptions: Click in the box to enter text.

B) Text Responses

Total Number of Respondents (N): 3

Number of responses to this question (n): 2

1. ,

2. USDA research. Policy, Laws and rules.


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