Identification Questions for General Public

Identification Questions for General Public

1. Please give us contact information. Email or phone is best for us.

2. How would you characterize your role in public affairs (spectator, voter, activist, lobbyist, etc.)?

3. Is your age between 20 and 30, 30 and 50, 50 and 70, or above?

4. Are you male or female?

5. Where do you live (City, State, Nation)?

6. What ethnic group are you are part of?

7. What country are you a citizen in?

8. How would you characterize your political position generally or in relationship to various issues (environment, finance, social/family issues, etc.)?

9. Indicate your level of involvement in public issues (very active, interested only seldom active, interested but passive, only occasionally interested, generally uninvolved)?

10. How would you characterize your attitude toward science (trusting, generally trusting, ignorant of it, cynical, adversarial)?

Questions for people from the general populace

1. What public issues concern you presently?

2. Does this issue have a scientific dimension? In what ways?

3. What do you think science says about this issue?

4. What role do you think scientists should play in forming or helping to form public policy?

5. How do you use your knowledge of science in your public engagement activities?

6. What factors other than scientific knowledge do you think should be taken into account when public policy is made?

7. How would you characterize your level of knowledge about current scientific research?

8. How do you learn about what science says about various issues?

9. How would you characterize your attitude toward science?

10. Do you trust science?

11. What do you think scientist think about the public?

12. Do you think policy makers try to accommodate the public? In what ways?

13. Please list any documents you are willing to share with us or direct us to that have been important in your understanding the role of science in public policy or that have informed your thinking about current public issues with a scientific dimension.


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