Current Topics in Biology - Okanogan Middle School

[Pages:2]Current Topics in Biology

Okanogan High School Ms. Ferguson

CTB is a second year course in the study of living organisms. The CTB course is designed to meet the needs of students going to college and/or students planning to pursue a career in a science related field such as agriculture, medicine, nutrition, or biotechnology. Each unit of study is based upon skills and knowledge covered in the basic, first year biology course. Each unit of study will include textbook reading and review questions, audiovisual resources, group research projects and presentations, problem solving activities, laboratory exercises and cumulative final lab practical and written exams (quarter tests).

CTB Units

Advanced Human Genetics Quarter One Intro to Mendel's work and Laws/review meiosis Probability and Punnett Squares Mono/Di/Tri hybrid crosses with Dom/Rec traits Patterns of inheritance besides Dom / Rec Impact of Environment on gene expression Gene linkages and gene mapping Karyotyping Humans Human Genetic Disorders

Molecular Genetics Quarter Two DNA structure/function/mutations Human Genome Project Gene switches/operons Genetic Engineering /plasmids/recombinant DNA Applications of GE: designer babies curing disease GMO forensics Ethics Ag health Medicine Law

Immune and Lymphatic Systems Lymph System Organization/organs/tissues/cells Nonspecific Defenses Specific Defenses Disorders and Diseases of the Immune System Epidemiology and the CDC

Fire Recovery Field Study Quarter Four *All topics include guest speakers = mandatory attendance. *Unit has mandatory field trips Forest Ecology Tree Anatomy Species Identification in the field Field Study Protocols Prescribed Burn Entomology Data Analysis Study Presentation

Quarter Projects/Exams

Exams are comprehensive/written/open-notebook/ individual

Lab Projects are applied knowledge from quarter of study/with a partner or group

Quarter One: Mendelian Genetics Exam Beaker Babies Lab Practical

Quarter Two: Molecular Genetics Exam Engineering a Cow to Give Flavored Milk Lab Practical

Quarter Three: Human Immune System and Disease Exam CDC Solve the Zombie Apocalypse Outbreak Lab Practical

Quarter Four: No written exam Oden Road Fire Study This field research project includes a public presentation from 6-8pm Tuesday June 6, 2017. *The presentation is the final exam and lab practical grade for the fourth quarter. This is a field study working with professional biologists. The data collection day will be Wednesday May 3rd or May 10th depending on snow this winter. *This day long lab experience cannot be made-up ? attendance is mandatory.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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