Curriculum Mapping .uk

|Term |Autumn 1 |Autumn 2 |Spring 1 |Spring 2 |

|English | | | |

| |Purpose: |Week 1: Poetry Fireworks |Week 1: Poetry |

| |To inform | |Fire theme |

| |Inspiration: |Week 2: Fictional superheros - comics | |

| |Experiences from their holidays | |Week 2: Diary |

| |Outcome: |Week 3: Fictional superheros - comics |Samuel Pepys |

| |A short recount of a day from their holiday. | | |

| | |Week 4: Biography Florence Nightingale |Week 3: Setting description |

| |Week 1 (4 days) : Simple sentence structure | |Focus on what London was like at the time of the Great Fire |

| |Rules: What should the rules be in our class. Postcard making |Week 5: Biography Florence Nightingale | |

| |(something from their summer holidays – independent piece in books as | |Week 4: Explanation text About the fire |

| |assessment) |Week 6: Letter | |

| | |Writing to Santa |Week 5: Explanation text |

| |Week 2: | |About the fire |

| |Purpose: |Week 7: Narrative | |

| |To explain |Lily and the Snowman (Literacy Shed) |Week 6: Recount |

| |Inspiration: | |Of ‘our fire’ |

| |A visit to the nature area to discover habitats of snails. |Week 8 (4 days): Character description: Lily and the Snowman | |

| |Outcomes: |(Literacy Shed) |Experience afternoon – burning our tudor houses. |

| |Instruction on how to care for an animal. | | |

| | |Launch day – superheros/Florence Nightingale | |

| |Weeks 3 and 4: | | |

| |Purpose: | | |

| |To entertain. | | |

| |Inspiration: | | |

| |The Storm Whale by Benji Davies. | | |

| |Outcome: | | |

| |An innovated narrative based on the original book. | | |

| | | | |

| |Week 5: | | |

| |Purpose: | | |

| |To inform; To entertain | | |

| |Inspiration: | | |

| |The Storm Whale | | |

| |Outcome: | | |

| |A newspaper report on the storm and the whale washing up on the beach. | | |

| | | | |

| |Week 6: | | |

| |Purpose: | | |

| |To evaluate | | |

| |Inspiration: | | |

| |Guided reading text – Woolf by Alex and Patrick Latimer | | |

| |Outcome: | | |

| |Pupils have studied the book in guided reading and will write a book | | |

| |review. | | |

| | | | |

| |Week 7: | | |

| |Purpose: | | |

| |To inform | | |

| |Inspiration: | | |

| |Literature festival | | |

| |Outcome: | | |

| |A recount of the trip to the literature festival. | | |

| | | | |

| |Week 8: Grammar and SPaG focus | | |

|Maths | | | | |

| |Week 1 (4 days): Number: Place value |Week 1: Money |Week 1: Multiplication |Week 1: Recap number calculation (+) |

| | | | | |

| |Week 2: Number: Place value |Week 2: Money |Week 2: Multiplication |Week 2: Recap number calculation (-) |

| | | | | |

| |Week 3: Number: calculation (+) |Week 3: Time |Week 3: Division |Week 3: Data handling / statistics |

| | | | | |

| |Week 4: Number: calculation (+) |Week 4: Time |Week 4: Fractions |Week 4: Shape (including mathematical movement) |

| | | | | |

| |Week 5: Number: calculation (-) |Week 5: Shape |Week 5: Measure |Week 5: Time |

| | | | | |

| |Week 6 Number: calculation (-) |Week 6: Shape |Week 6: Measure |Week 6: Money |

| | | | | |

| | |Week 7: Data handling / | | |

| | |statistics | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Week 8: Estimation(+ / -) | | |

|Geography |What a wonderful world |


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