Assistant vendor manager amazon salary


Assistant vendor manager amazon salary

The average annual salary is 337% higher than the average salary of vendor managers in India. We know the salaries of more vendor managers at Amazon range from a'? 3.8 Lakhs to a'? 15.3 Lakhs with an average annual income of 26 Lakhs. Salary estimates are based on 14 Amazon salaries received from various Amazon employees. Last Updated: December 25 2020 Assess your recent company, teach other job seekers about your company and grow this community Popular Job Accounting Management Support Arts & Entertainment Banking & Finance Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Cleaning & Sanitation Community & Hygiene Community & Social Service Construction Customer Service Driving Education & Services Human Resources Business & Help Desk Industrial Engineering Information Design & Documentation Installation & Maintenance Ricking and Stocking Logistic Support Management Marketing Mathematics Mechanical Engineering Medical Skills Research Capacity Production & Manufacturing Business Management Retail R&D Scientific Research & Development Software Development Sports Therapy Seattle, WA Average Vendor Manager's hourly rate in the US is about $26.96, 26% above the national average. Payroll information is obtained from four data points collected directly from Indeed employees, users, past and present job ads in the last 36 months. Note that all salary figures are approximates based on third-party submissions to Indeed. These numbers are given to Indeed users only for generalized comparison purposes. The minimum wage may vary by jurisdiction and you should consult your employer about the actual salary amount. National Average Associate Vendor Manager Salary ($66K) + $11K (18%) Above Average Amazon Salary ($55K) 4 Salary Update 16 Dec 2020 Location Australia ? Sydney, Australia Area Brazil - Sao Paulo, Brazil Area China ? China Area France ? Paris, France Area Germany India - Bangalore Area ? Chennai Area Italy ? Milan, Italy- Tokyo, Japan Area Luxembourg ? Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Mexico City, Mexico Area Spain - Madrid, Spain Area Turkey, Turkey Area United Kingdom ? London, United Kingdom, Portsmouth, United Kingdom, United States - Los Angeles, California, United States Area ? New York City, New York, U.S. Area ? Phoenix, AZ, U.S. Area ? Seattle, Washington, All years of experience Any experience, 1 year 1 year - 3 years 4-6 years 7-9 Years15+ Profit profit, Commission sharing, Tips are not reported for this role All Amazon salaries Typical Amazon vendor manager salaries are 17,89,095. Amazon vendor managers' salaries range from 5,68,901 to 23,97,323. This estimate is based on estimates based on four Amazon vendor manager payroll reports or statistical methods provided by employees. Considering bonuses and additional rewards, Amazon's vendor managersThe average gross wage is $18,90,957. See all vendor manager salaries and see how this feature stacks up in the market. + All $86,568Avg to see all photos to add photos. Base Salary (USD) The average salary of a vendor manager is $86,568EXPLER BY: Early career vendor managers with 1-4 years of experience earn an average gross compensation of $77,613 (including tips, bonuses, and overtime pay) based on 23 salaries. Midsize vendor managers with five to nine years of experience earn an average of $104,400 based on 12 salaries. Experienced vendor managers. Read more Vendor managers oversee business and vendor (or vendor) relationships. Manage these relationships from the start of the contract to the sales process and when financial analysis may receive strategic assistance. These experts should provide analysis to the vendor's organization, oversee costs, and ensure that the terms and conditions are up to be defended by all parties. You should also be able to identify trends related to your employer's product needs. ... Continue reading Vendor Manager Task Manages company relationships with vendors, ensures that terms and conditions are met, and mitigates vendor risk. Create sales partnerships with vendors that benefit both parties. Identify potential vendors, conduct research, and determine who is offering the best products, prices, and services. Coordinate vendors to develop an efficient supply chain strategy. Tell us about your job, find the value of your market with a report tailored to you that will confidently negotiate your salary to pay factors such as skills and education

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