Software development manager amazon salary seattle


Software development manager amazon salary seattle

Warehouse managers oversee storage facilities for general merchandise, refrigerated goods and other products destined for distribution to businesses and consumers. The industry does not sell the goods, only stores them. Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics show that as of May 2011, more than 646,000 individuals worked in warehousing in the U.S..

Management salaries varied by job title. Chief executives of warehouses provide the overall direction of the facility. The answer only to the board of directors or to shareholders. They delegate tasks to their administrative staff or other members of the management team. Most CEOs hold a minimum of a master's degree in business or related subjects. They

reach their positions only after many years of management in the industry. In 2011, chief executives in warehousing earned a mean $83.71 per hour or $174,110 per year, according to the BLS. Operations managers handle the day-to-day activities of their warehouses. They manage staff, assign duties and prepare schedules. They are answerable only to

chief executives and might have duties that overlap the higher authority. They carry out the goals of the chief executive and the corporation. The minimum entry requirement is an associate's degree, though depending on their area of responsibility, they may also hold a bachelor's degrees or higher. Warehouse operations managers made a mean $50.37 per

hour or $104,770 per year in 2011, the BLS says. Financial managers are responsible for the money side of warehousing. They produce and analyze financial statements and forecasts, ensure that the financial details meet all legal requirements, supervise financial staff such as accountants and budget clerks, and look for ways to cut costs and improve

profits. They need a minimum bachelor's degree in finance, accounting or business administration, though many also hold master's degrees. Financial managers in warehousing earned an average of $49.77 per hour or $103,520 per year as of 2011. Transportation managers coordinate the movement of goods among warehouses, customers and suppliers

through vehicles such as trucks and railcars. They set transportation policies and standards, including the handling of potentially dangerous goods. They negotiate transportation contracts, monitor spending so it meets budgets, and supervise workers who assign product classification, prepare billings or handle vehicles. Most positions require a bachelor's

degree, though several years of related work experience are just as important. The BLS reports that in 2011, transportation managers for warehouses earned $38.19 per hour or $79,440 per year. Financial managers earned a median annual salary of $127,990 in May 2018, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. On the low end, financial managers

earned a 10th percentile salary of $87,530, meaning 90 percent earned more than this amount. The 90th percentile salary is $168,790, meaning 10 percent earn more. In 2018, 653,600 people were employed in the U.S. as financial managers. on Thursday announced its first-ever software developer's kit for anyone who wants to create active

content for its popular Kindle e-readers. The Kindle Development Kit (KDK) will be available in limited beta form next month and the new software and other content from the initiative is expected to be in the Kindle Store later this year, Amazon said in a statement.Examples of what kind of content people can expect for their Kindles include travel books with

real-time weather updates and current events, cookbooks that recommend menus for people with allergies or different kinds of parties, and the inclusion of word games and puzzles for the Kindle.The KDK gives software developers access to programming interfaces, sample code, tools and documentation to build content for Kindle's high-resolution

electronic paper and to use its 3G capability and other functions.Software developer Handmark is already at work developing active Zagat restaurant guides for the Kindle, while Sonic Boom is making word games and puzzles for the device, Amazon said. EA Mobile plans to bring some of its games to the Kindle.In February, participants in a limited beta test

of the KDK will be able to download the kit and access other support, as well as test their content on the Kindle Simulator, which simulates the 6-inch Kindle or 9.7-inch Kindle DX on Mac, PC and Linux desktops. Information about the KDK is available at . Note: When you purchase something after clicking links in our articles, we may earn a small

commission. Read our affiliate link policy for more details. When organizations need to increase the skills of their employees, they turn to training and development managers to create educational programs. These professionals determine employee needs for training, then make sure they meet corporate goals. Training managers create a budget, hire

training staff, create programs and schedule classes. They teach training methods to instructors and evaluate the effectiveness of training programs. They earn their salaries by interacting with people, such as when teaching new courses or giving presentations. Training and development managers earned an average $99,280 per year, or $47.73 per hour, as

of May 2011, states the Bureau of Labor Statistics. However, salaries could dip below $52,510 annually or rise above $153,160 per year. In 2011, the biggest employer of training and development managers was the management of companies and enterprises. This industry took over the management of organizations either by maintaining a controlling

interest in the stock or by developing strategic plans on a consulting basis. It provided jobs for 4,390 of 27,150 total managers and paid average salaries of $103,570 annually. The highest-paying employers were computer and peripheral equipment manufacturers, with average salaries of $142,270 per year. Ranking second for compensation were

wholesalers of drugs and druggists' merchandise, with a mean $135,220 per year. The state with the most jobs for training and development managers in 2011 was California, with 2,640 positions, earning an average $115,490 annually. The state with the highest-paying employers was Delaware, with mean wages of $126,800 per year. For urban areas, New

York City was the top employer, with 1,730 jobs and average compensation of $129,370 per year. For compensation, San Jose, California, ranked first with an annual average of $157,340. Training and development managers need a minimum bachelor's degree for many positions, although those at the highest corporate levels may require a master's

degree. Educational backgrounds vary, although credentials in human resources, training and development, or business administration are common. An important qualification is experience, preferably in training or human resource positions showing increasing responsibility. Voluntary certification in the profession is available from national organizations. The

definition and content of activities of the software development manager can vary widely.You can find this position under many different names, let?s list just a few of them for illustration: software manager, software development manager, software engineering manager, head of software development, team manager, line manager (in case of hands-off

position), associate director (common for huge multinational companies) and so on.Since we are talking about managerial position there is always a part focused on people management. Since we are talking about managerial position there is always a part focused on people management. The portion of the people management activities can vary, however it

should never get under 50 percent. People management These activities are always present in some form and it depends how much is the position hands-on or hands-off.Line (people) managerWhen the people management activities near to 100 percent we are talking about the position of the line manager or people manager. In software development these

positions are quite rare and there is very often some slice of technical responsibilities. From my experience the ideal number of direct reports in this position is around 25. Companies that employs dedicated line managers have implemented matrix organization structure. That means that there are managers dedicated solely to people management and

managers solely for purpose (projects). From my experience the ideal number of direct reports in this position is around 25. When less, the manager is not fully utilized, when more the manager?s tasks are slipping and sometimes important problems are not solved in time.People management activitiesAdministration Administration is indivisible part of

manager?s job. There are many various tasks that have to be solved with employees every day. It can bechanges in the contract or group of approvals (vacations, business trips, allocation changes, trainings etc.). Allocation To ProjectsIn case that the manager does not lead projects or not all direct reports are working on his/her project, manager is

responsible for allocation of direct reports on projects. In the ideal case the project should fit strong traits of the employee and help with the personal growth of the employee.Hiring processIf you are not sure, don?t hire! It is extremely difficult to get rid of the bad hire. The importance of hiring the right people cannot be higher. If you hire badly that does not

mean the employee will not bring value. The bad employee will absolutely destroy effectivity. If the manager will not deal with the problem quickly, the right employees will start to leave the company. I will state only one rule for a hiring process ? If you are not sure, don?t hire! It is extremely difficult to get rid of the bad hire.People growth, coaching, mentoringIt

?s the manager?s responsibility to recognize strong traits of the employee and develop them. It?s the manager?s responsibility to recognize strong traits of the employee and develop them. Sometimes the trainings are focused on skillsthat your employees lack to improve them. That?s not ideal, we as managers should help with developing the strong traits and

make them even stronger. With this approach we can assemble the teams in a way that members of the team complement each other with their strong traits.There is a whole best-selling book (that I reviewed here) on this topic from the Microsoft chairman of Europe Jan Muhlfeit.TrainingManagers are responsible for finding and recommending trainings for

employees. That will effectively develop the skills they need most. It can be skills that are actually needed or skills that are expected to be needed in the future. The word effectively is in bold intentionally because it happens quite often that employees are sent to the trainings that does not bring value. They are only intended to pump out the training?s budget.

Then it?s a waste of money of the company and time of the employee and only delays the project.Salary and bonusesOne of the most difficult tasks of the manager is salary negotiation. The manager needs to find a balance between being economical and being fair to the employees. One of the most difficult tasks of the manager is salary negotiation. The

manager needs to find a balance between being economical and being fair to the employees. There should be some salary levels widely acknowledged across the company that correspond to the seniority. The manager should be targeting the salaries near to these levels. There areoften exceptions in case of the large domain knowledge of the employee or

other exceptional circumstances that can justify excesses.Bonuses should be based on the performance of the employee over some defined period of time (quarterly, yearly...). If there is a significant change in the value of the bonus in either direction, the reasons should be communicated to the employee. In case that the bonus is lowered there should be

determined steps that should be followed by the employee so the bonus can get to the original level or higher. Seniority determination Developer positions should be divided into several tiers and manager determines what is the seniority of the employee. It?s very dangerous to promote the employee based only on domain knowledge. The seniority should be

corresponding across all projects in the company. Regular feedback and one-on-onesOne on ones are standard part of the manager?s life. When the manageris leading project the employee work on, the 1o1s should take place quite often (even once a week). Project or department issues can be discussed on these meetings. Coaching and mentoring should

be also part of the meeting.If the manager is more in a people manager role to the employee, 1o1s are usually about giving the feedback gathered from the project managers and these meetings take place much less often, often only once in a quarter.You can read some more about one on ones in my blog post.Relationships, sh*t umbrellaManager is

responsible for public relations of his/her department. Manager should maintain relations with other managers, other departments and should point on successes of his/her department or successes of specific employees in his/her department.Manager needs to absorb the heat and only emotionless and verified information should be given as a feedback to

the team. Manager should also serve as some kind of lightning rod for problems caused by the project or people in his/her department. Manager should beable to absorb the heat and only emotionless and verified information should be given as a feedback to the team. Technical responsibilities of Software Development ManagerThis part of the job differs a

lot depending on the needs of the company. This is probably the reason why there are so many different names for the similar position.

As an ArchitectIt?s not very common that the manager also writes code, however the code review is from time to time required even from the manager. It happens very often that the software development manager is

responsible for the high level and architectural design of the product. It?s not very common that the manager also writes code, however the code review is from time to time required even from the manager.The result is that the interview for a software development manager consists also of coding interview and technical screening. Technical manager should

definitely have an overview in the area of his/her expertise. Technical and managerial competenciesIf detailed technical knowledge is required from the software development manager, the candidate will probably lack on the side of themanagerial skills. It?s not easy to find a technical star that is also emphatic, skillful in communication and all the

responsibilities stated in the People management section of this article.As a project managerQuite often the software development manager serves also as a technical project manager. It?s quite logic, since synergy of his/her managerial and technical skills can be used in these positions.Join Hacker Noon Create your free account to unlock your custom

reading experience.

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