Jamaica Customs



The Jamaica Customs Overtime Program (J.C.O.P.) is designed to allow for the input, calculation, storage and reporting of overtime related information for Port Esquivel, Mandeville , St Ann’s Bay and Overtime Processing Unit.

Some of the features offered by the program include:

1. Store , calculate, display, delete and edit Employee salary related information.

2. Display and print reports for a specified time period.

3. Provide for searches to be done for Employee/salary information.

4. Provision for the changing of password, and the creation/management of new users


1. Create and Manage Users

2. Insert and [Modify Employee Information]

3. Insert and [modify Salary information]

4. Insert and [modify Overtime related information based on location]

5. Post , check ,approve and finalize overtime information that have been entered

6. Create C20

7. Print Reports

* [] means optional

The J.C.O.P allows access to different parts of the system based on User Roles. These roles include : Overtime Unit (Checking Officer, Approving Officer and Supervisor/Manager) and Port Esquivel/Mandeville /St Ann’s Bay (Overtime Officer and Supervisor). Overtime Unit role is the MOST privileged, as Users in this role are able to access information for all locations on the system. Posting is done exclusively by Supervisors.

To start the program , type or in the address bar of your browser and press ENTER. CLICK LOGIN .Type your Username and Password, CLICK Log In. The default or Home page is then displayed according to the role the User is in.

Important :

1. Users SHOULD pay attention to the space above HOME (from here on referred to as Main Display Area) when performing any operation. Most messages to the User are displayed here.

2. All dates are to be entered in the format “Year/Month/Day” (yyyy/mm/dd or yyyy-mm-dd). A date picker is provided for each date field[pic]

3. A red asterisk (*) beside any field, means that data MUST be entered in that field

4. Only Supervisors are allowed to Create Users.

Overtime Officer (Port Esquivel/Mandeville /St Ann’s Bay)

The following shows the DEFAULT or HOME page for a User in the role : Overtime Officer

|[pic] |[pic] |

On the left is a tree – view menu which is arranged into four (4) major headings, REGISTER, REPORTS , ADMIN and SHIP ADMIN. The heading REGISTER is further broken down into Insert Into, Edit, Batch Update, Display , Delete and Subsistence. These options may be accessed by just clicking on the particular heading or sub-heading. Above the tree-view menu are options for USERS(Change Password, Create User, Manage User Roles) , C20,RATELOOKUP and HELP.

[pic]Menu items are collapsible. “-“ before any heading or sub-heading means that the menu is already expanded and can be made to collapse by clicking the “-“ sign, while a “+” indicates that the heading can be expanded by clicking the “+” sign.

[pic]IF LOGGED IN SUCCESSFULLY, just click the “+” sign beside HOME to expand the menu.

The plan is for the Overtime Clerk/Data Entry Officer to enter information pertaining to overtime worked on a daily basis

Insert Into

On the menu , under REGISTER, click Insert Into. The following screen is displayed:


SELECT the required LOCATION For example St Anns Bay would select Port Rhodes or Reynolds Pier, Mandeville (Jamalco or Nain) Port esquivel (Rocky Point or Old Harbour Mooring Buoy). Select ship from the dropdown list and enter report date (eg: 2009-01-01) or you can use the pop-up calendar to select report date by clicking the picture to the right of the REPORT DATE text box. [pic]

If the report date is entered using the popup calendar then the date selected would be automatically entered in both the report date and date (date when overtime was done) textbox. If the dates are typed then the date would have to be typed in both text boxes.

Enter start and end time in the format 05:00/5:00 . Select AM or PM from the dropdown box.

[pic]By default “Full” Travelling is selected. If there are cases when no travelling is to be received, “None” should be selected, likewise “Half” for half travelling. For example , if an Employee works from 5:00PM Monday evening to 1:00 AM Tuesday morning. The Employee should receive travelling for 5:00PM – 12:00 AM but SHOULD NOT receive travelling from 12:00AM – 1:00AM. The employee would therefore be entered on the system for these two separate days splitting the time as shown.

[pic]There are times on weekend when the program will automatically add 2 or 1 to hrs worked. There is a checkbox (+2CheckBox) [pic]provided which the user can uncheck to indicate that no plus 2 or 1 is to be added to the hours. This becomes necessary when there is no clear break when overtime is continuous over two dates (weekends).

Select the employee ID from the ID dropdown list. When selected the program will automatically fill in ALL the remaining fields except for SHARE IN .

[pic]For St Ann’s Bay the miles populated is based on the location selected while for Mandeville and Port Esquivel the “clocked” miles would have to be entered for the selected employee. This is done after selecting the Employee id . After the information is populated the user can just type the clocked miles in the miles textbox and then click outside the text box and wait for the screen to refresh. The travelling amount would be re-calculated.

[pic]For times falling within normal work hours, no overtime is received.

CLICK the INSERT INTO REGISTER button. If the operation was successful a success message is displayed in the main display area.


When Information is entered it is given a status of “entered”. At this point the information entered may be edited by the User. Under REGISTER on the tree view menu select “Edit”. [pic]

Enter or select report date FIRST, then choose the location, ship along with the date to be edited, then click DISPLAY. [pic]

All the information for that location, ship, report date and date is displayed. Click EDIT for the item to be edited. The following screen is displayed (showing all the information for the row that was clicked)


Notice the status is “entered”. Make the necessary changes and click EDIT. The editable fields include : start time, end time, hrs, overtime, travelling rate, miles and travelling.

[pic]When editing, click inside the textbox where the change is to be made, make changes and then click outside the textbox. Wait for the Page to REFRESH

Editing can also be done by selecting an option from the Travelling radio button and checking or un-checking +2 check box when necessary. Editing may also be facilitated by just changing the items in AM/PM dropdown box. For example if you entered start time to be 5:00 PM and it should be 5:00 AM then you can just click the AM/PM dropdown box and select AM and wait for the page to refresh. The program will automatically re-calculate the necessary information.

Click EDIT to save changes


To display information entered. Select Display from the menu.


Enter or select report date FIRST, then choose the location, ship along with the date to be isplayed. Allow page to refresh. The report date selected is ALSO automatically placed into the END DATE textbox by the program. If you want to view all the register for a specific report date period then select the end date from the pop-up calendar beside the END DATE textbox.

[pic]You can choose to type the START DATE in the textbox rather than using the pop-up calendar. If this is done, you will also have to type the same date in the END DATE textbox (if you want to only display information for one (1) day) OR type a different end date in the END DATE textbox or select a different end date using the pop-up calendar. Click DISPLAY

A summary of all the ships for the selected report date range is displayed.

To show individual ship information, select the location and ship to be displayed from the respective drop down list.

[pic]The specific ship selected to be displayed is based on the date that is in the START textbox

If required, click the print button at the bottom of the table to print the register along with the ship information entered for the selected START DATE (report date) ,location, ship and date.


On the File menu click “Print”



To delete information entered, Select Delete from the menu. Enter report date and select location, ship name and date and click DISPLAY. The register is displayed. To delete a single row (employee) from the register, click the DELETE button on the left , beside the row to be deleted and answer the confirmation pop-up.

[pic]To delete the entire action click the DELETE button at the bottom of the table.

Batch Update

This section is used to automatically update employee rates in the register. This becomes necessary especially for those persons who are acting. Once an employee’s status has changed , (thereby affecting their overtime rate) , Overtime Unit SHOULD be notified immediately. This may mean that the rate in the system for the employee in question may not be up to date. This should not stop the employee from being entered. Once Overtime Unit has been notified and the changes have been made, then a batch update can be done for the particular employee. Select Batch Update from the menu, under Register.


Enter the date range and select employee id. A table is displayed, showing all the days the employee worked overtime for the selected date range. If you know the exact dates where the rates are to be adjusted you can check the checkbox corresponding to that date or those dates. Otherwise, press the CHECK ALL button at the bottom right of the table to select all records. Click the UPDATE BATCH button (above the table). A success message will appear in the main display area.

SUBSISTENCE (St Ann’s Bay, Mandeville)


To enter subsistence information, Select Subsistence from the menu. Enter the date range and select the employee id . Click DISPLAY. A table is shown with all the days and times applicable for subsistence to be entered. Initially if no subsistence was entered the times will show 12:00 AM and subsistence amount would show $0.0. To enter the subsistence, click edit and enter the departure and arrival time along with remarks. If needs be the “from” field can also be changed to, for example “HOME”. Click UPDATE and the program will automatically input the “To”, field information and the subsistence information is also calculated.


[pic]To edit the subsistence times, the above procedures are applicable. Also if subsistence was already calculated and it needs to be edited to $0.0, just put Departure and Arrival time to 12:00 AM respectively and click Update.

[pic]Subsistence can ONLY be entered after work has been done at the “out-ports”.

[pic]Subsistence MUST be entered before POSTING takes place.

SUBSISTENCE (Port Esquivel)


To enter subsistence information, Select Subsistence from the menu. All subsistence is paid by WINDALCO and so you will see Windalco in the LOCATION and SHIP dropdown box. Also the subsistence of $345.00 is loaded along with start and end times. Enter the start and end date , using the pop-up calendar beside the START DATE and END DATE textboxes respectively.

[pic]The date range for which the subsistence is to be applied is usually the first of the month to the last of the month.

Select the id from the ID dropdown box and then click INSERT INTO REGISTER.

Check the message display area to confirm that the insert was successful.

[pic]The subsistence for each Employee should be entered after all overtime for the month have been entered.


To view subsistence already entered, under DISPLAY/EDIT, enter the date range , select id and Click DISPLAY. Click edit, make changes and click Update to save changes or Cancel to abort the operation.

C20 Display

To view c20s after they have been created go to C20 and select Port Esquivel/St Ann’s Bay/Mandeville


To view a specific C20, enter the C20 number in the text box labeled C20 NUMBER and click DISPLAY. If the c20 number is found it appears in a table. Click the blue hyperlink under BILL#. A new pop-up window is displayed. In the pop-up window , below the table, click SEND TO EXCEL. An open file dialog box appears. Click Open. The C20 should open in Excel. See Printing in Excel for printing instructions.

To view c20s for a particular Agent between a period of time , enter start and end date. Select the Agent and click Display. All the c20s for that Agent between that date (report date) interval are displayed. Click on the particular c20 number under BILL#. Follow the instruction above.

[pic]Do not wait until the end of the month to print C20s. As soon as the c20s are created and finalized they should be printed and stored until end of the month for signing.


On the horizontal menu , click RATE LOOKUP


There are three options to search by, namely Employee ID, start / end date and last name

Enter the required information and click the Search button.


[pic]When searching by dates and last name the current rates (time and half /double) are returned. To also see salary history then search by ID.


Change Password

On the drop down menu under USERS select , Change Password. Enter the relevant information and then click CHANGE PASSWORD to save changes or CANCEL to abort the operation. All fields are required.



Major reports are Invoice, Overtime Claim Submission, Overtime Claim, Travelling Claim and Log Book. This is where the reports will be printed from on a monthly basis. Also users in this role will be able to print C20s as they are created.


Under REPORTS click Invoice, enter start and end date and select the Agent from the dropdown list. Click display.


When table is displayed, at the bottom of the table, click the send to excel button. An open file dialog box appears. Click Open. The Invoice should open in Excel. See Printing in Excel for printing instructions.

Overtime Claim Submission

Under REPORTS click Ot Claim Submission, enter start and end date . Click display.


When table is displayed, at the bottom of the table, click PRINT CLAIM SUBMISSION button. An open file dialog box appears. Click Open. The CLAIM SUBMISSION should open in Excel. See Printing in Excel for printing instructions.

Overtime Claim

Under REPORTS click Overtime Claim, enter start and end date and select employee number . Click display.

[pic]If after you enter start and end date, the employee number dropdown list is empty just refresh the page by clicking the display button.


When table is displayed, at the bottom of the table, click the SEND TO EXCEL button. An open file dialog box appears. Click Open. The Overtime Claim should open in Excel. See Printing in Excel for printing instructions.

Travelling Claim

Under REPORTS click Travelling Claim, enter start and end date and select employee number . Click display.

[pic]If after you enter start and end date, the employee number dropdown list is empty just refresh the page by clicking the display button.


When table is displayed, at the bottom of the table, click the PRINT TRAVELLING button. An open file dialog box appears. Click Open. The Travelling Claim should open in Excel. See Printing in Excel for printing instructions.

[pic]Beside the display button click PRINT SUB SUMARY to print subsistence sumary for the selected employee.


The size of the printed report is based on the user’s printer settings.


SUGGESTED SETTINGS : When the report is displayed in the excel spreadsheet go to File Print Preview Setup. Click margins tab and put all margins to 0.25 (top, bottom, left, right). Click Page tab. Select adjust to , (if not already selected) and increase to about 55% of normal size.

Orientation : landscape

Paper size: legal

Click O.K. Click print and select printer (if more than one). Make sure the printer is configured to print back and front.




If information holds on one page then under Print range select Page(s).

In the From selection box , select 1 . In the To selection box select 2, OTHERWISE under Print range select All. CLICK OK to print.

[pic] Invoice, Submission Sheet, Private Overtime Claim form, etc are displayed in templates. If all the pages are not utilized, just print the pages that have information by entering the “From” and “To” pages to be printed. See picture above.



This is where Ships and Shipping Agents are maintained. Whenever there is a new Ship or Agent that is not already in the system they can be entered from here. FIRST, the Agent MUST be entered followed by the Ship. This is so as when the Ship is being entered it must be assigned to an Agent.

[pic]ALL Shipping Agents MUST be given a code.

To enter an Agent, Select SHIP ADMIN from the menu on the left.

|[pic] |[pic] |

Under SHIP AGENT, CLICK New. Enter the Agent and Agent Code and click Insert to add the Agent or Cancel to abort the operation. A success/failure message is displayed in the main display area.

To Enter a Ship go to the heading SHIP (on the same SHIP ADMIN PAGE)

|[pic] |[pic] |

Under SHIP, CLICK New. Enter the Ship Name and select the Agent the ship belongs to from the agent dropdown box. Click Insert to add the Ship or Cancel to abort the operation. A success/failure message is displayed in the main display area.



To change information already entered, Click Edit corresponding to the record you want to edit. Make changes and click Update to save changes or Cancel to abort the operation. For deletion, click Delete corresponding to the record you want to delete. A message box appears. Click OK to delete the record or Cancel to abort the operation



Users in the SUPERVISOR role have additional privileges such as posting, creating and managing users (at St Ann’s Bay/Mandeville/port Esquivel respectively).

After register and ship information have been entered,the Supervisor checks each register and ensure that information is entered correctly. If satisfied, the register is posted.


To post a register go to REGISTER and select EDIT. Enter report date, then choose location, ship and date. The register is displayed with the status “entered”. To change status to posted , select posted from the EDIT STATUS dropdown list . Check the message display area for confirmation.


[pic]When status is changed to posted persons from Port Esquivel/St Ann’s Bay/Mandeville can only view the information, they cannot change any information relating to the particular report date , location,ship and date. If an error is picked up then a Supervisor will have to contact a Supervisor at Overtime Processing Unit and make a request for them to change the status back to entered so the discrepancies can be sorted out after which re-posting can then take place.

Create User

On the horizontal menu , roll the mouse over USERS and then select Create User from the drop down menu.


Enter the relevant information and click CREATE USER to save changes or CANCEL to abort the operation. All fields are required.

[pic]When creating new Users Supervisor can log in and allow the prospective User to enter the required information. Suggested User Name format : [firstname].[lastname]. Passwords MUST be eight (8) characters or more (letters or/and numbers, special characters).

Manage User Roles

This is where Supervisors assign/de-assign user roles. Under USERS select Manage User Roles


To de-assign : Under Manage Users By Role, select User Role, then click the Remove button corresponding to the User to be removed.

To assign : Under Manage Users By Role, select the Role you want to enter the User into then enter the username in the text box provided and then click Add User To Role

[pic]When a user is inserted they are automatically placed in the least privileged role. Supervisor can then re-assign user.

[pic]ONLY SUPERVISORS can create and manage users


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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