Foreign Trade Zone Record Layouts - U.S. Customs and ...

|Foreign Trade Zone |

|This chapter provides information on a Foreign Trade Zone |

|submission that is transmitted via ABI. |


The Foreign Trade Zone submission will be transmitted via the Automated Broker Interface (ABI).


The Foreign Trade Zone submission will be transmitted via the Automated Broker Interface (ABI).


For a regular admission, the CBPF-214 data will be submitted to CBP prior to the delivery of the merchandise to the zone.


For zones authorized for direct delivery processing, the cargo will be allowed to move into the zone from the CBP port via in-bond authorization for inter-port movements or PTT authorization for intra-port movements.


Cargo selectivity will be performed on all FTZ Admissions Data.


It is the responsibility of the FTZ to initiate the EPTT to transfer goods to the zone. A regular admission (non-direct delivery) must be on file, the goods accepted by the zone operator and the admission authorized prior to the submission of the EPTT. A Direct Delivery zone may submit the EPTT prior to submission of the admission.





Record Identifier FT10 (Input) FTZ-11

A mandatory record used to transmit Foreign Trade Zone admission document data. This record is used by the submitter-filer to transmit basic information on the FTZ admission.

Record Identifier FT20 (Input) FTZ-14

A mandatory record used to transmit Foreign Trade Zone admission document data.

Record Identifier FT40 (Input) FTZ-17

A mandatory record used to transmit Foreign Trade Zone admission document data.

Record Identifier FT41 (Input) FTZ-18

A conditional record used to transmit Foreign Trade Zone admission document data.

Record Identifier FT42 (Input) FTZ-19

A conditional record used to transmit Foreign Trade Zone admission document data.

Record Identifier FT43 (Input) FTZ-20

A conditional record used to transmit Foreign Trade Zone admission document data.

Record Identifier FT50 (Input) FTZ-22

A conditional record used to transmit Foreign Trade Zone admission document data.

Record Identifier FT51 (Input) FTZ-25

A conditional record used to transmit Foreign Trade Zone admission document data.

Record Identifier FT60 (Input) FTZ-26

A mandatory record used to transmit Foreign Trade Zone admission document data.

Record Identifier FT61 (Input) FTZ-27

An optional record used to transmit Foreign Trade Zone admission document data.

Record Identifier SF10 (Input) FTZ-28

A mandatory record that provides the ISF Importer number to which the ISF submission is related.

Record Identifier SF20 (Input) FTZ-31

A conditional input record that provides reference data.

Record Identifier SF30 (Input) FTZ-32

A mandatory record that identifies the commercial entity being reported.

Record Identifier SF31 (Input) FTZ-35

An optional record that provides the secondary name of the commercial entity.

Record Identifier SF35 (Input) FTZ-36

A conditional record that is used to report the street number, street name and additional addressing information, such as the suite/floor number and building name.

Record Identifier SF36 (Input) FTZ-36

A conditional record that is used to report geographical data pertaining to the city, state/province, postal code and country.

Record Identifier SF90 (Output) FTZ-38

A mandatory output record used to provide acceptance/rejection information to the entity that filed the ISF-10 or ISF-5 data set.

Record Identifier FZ10 (Input) FTZ-38

This record is used by the zone operator to set up a permit to transfer (PTT), arrive the PTT at the zone and confirms the piece count of the admission quantity

Record Identifier FZ11 (Input) FTZ-48

A conditional record used to transmit Foreign Trade Zone admission document data.

Record Identifier FZ20 (Input) FTZ-49

An optional record used to transmit Foreign Trade Zone admission document data.

Record Identifier NF90 (Output) FTZ-50

A mandatory record that contains the necessary header data to identify the admission for which the status information is being transmitted.

Record Identifier NF91 (Output) FTZ-51

A mandatory record that contains the notification information relating to a particular bill of lading.

Record Identifier NF95 (Output) FTZ-50

A conditional record that contains remarks relating to the posting of a bill of lading or the status of the importing conveyance.

Record Identifier ZD10 (Output) FTZ-53

A conditional record used to transmit Foreign Trade Zone admission document data.

Record Identifier ZD20 (Output) FTZ-55

A conditional record used to transmit Foreign Trade Zone admission document data.

Record Identifier ZD30 (Output) FTZ-56

A conditional record used to transmit Foreign Trade Zone admission document data.

Record Identifier ZD40 (Output) FTZ-57

A conditional record used to transmit Foreign Trade Zone admission document data.

Record Identifier ZD41 (Output) FTZ-58

A conditional record used to transmit Foreign Trade Zone admission document data.

Record Identifier ZD42 (Output) FTZ-59

A conditional record used to transmit Foreign Trade Zone admission document data.

Record Identifier ZD43 (Output) FTZ-60

A conditional record used to transmit Foreign Trade Zone admission document data.

Record Identifier ZD50 (Output) FTZ-61

A conditional record used to transmit Foreign Trade Zone admission document data.

Record Identifier ZD51 (Output) FTZ-63

A conditional record used to transmit Foreign Trade Zone admission document data.

Record Identifier ZD60 (Output) FTZ-64

A conditional record used to transmit Foreign Trade Zone admission document data.

Record Identifier ZD61 (Output) FTZ-65

A conditional record used to transmit Foreign Trade Zone admission document data.

Table of Changes

|Revision Number |Date of Change |Section(s) Affected |Brief Description of Change |

|30 |March 27, 2015 |FZ11 Record |Correction to field length and position listed for Filler |

|29 |March 17, 2015 |Table of Changes |Revised IG to add a Table of Changes |

| | |FT20 Record |Name of data element “SCAC Identifier or Airline Carrier |

| | | |Code of Importing Carrier” and descriptive text updated to |

| | | |clarify that it is the air carrier code required. |

| | | | |

| | |FZ11 Record |FZ11 Record Processing and Input explanatory text has been |

| | | |updated to support the ability to request a PTT on a split |

| | | |part of an air shipment. |

| | | |Added three new data elements to support the ability to |

| | | |request a PTT on a split part of an air shipment: Airline |

| | | |Carrier Code of Importing Carrier; Flight Number; Actual |

| | | |Date of Arrival. |

| | | |Added Note 1 |

Foreign Trade Zone Project

Processing Overview

The Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) submission will be transmitted via the Automated Broker Interface (ABI). The data transmission will contain a single submission for a conveyance or it can be a consolidated submission, which encompasses multiple conveyances. For each conveyance there can be multiple bills of lading on the document. Only one AB/YZ set is allowed. Whenever there is a change to the CBPF-214 a complete retransmission of the entire submission will be required.

Line numbers will be implemented at the description level. These line numbers will relate to a particular harmonized number and will be reset at each new bill of lading. When a particular line item is deleted from a CBPF-214 admission document the number will not be reused. Because of this requirement there may be gaps in the line number sequencing for a particular bill of lading. Whenever new tariffs are added they will be represented at the next highest line number previously used on the doc.

The merchandise may arrive at the zone via an in-bond movement and this information will be received in the NF90. Upon arrival at the zone the in-bond may be arrived based upon the zone operator’s acknowledgement that the cargo has arrived. The carrier’s bill of lading will be closed upon the zone operator’s acceptance of all the merchandise into the zone. In addition to in-bond movements there is new functionality to allow zone operators to electronically initiate Permit To Transfer (PTT) movements to move cargo to an FTZ.

This project provides the operator with a transaction set to report discrepant shipments to the carrier and to Customs and Border Protection (CBP). Until the operator gives their concurrence the shipment liability is still with the importing carrier.

A transaction history will be maintained for the admission.

Regular Admission (not Direct Delivery)

For a regular admission, the CBPF-214 data will be submitted to CBP prior to the delivery of the merchandise to the zone.

The ‘Admission Authorized’ message will be generated upon the successful completion of all the required processing of the FT data set electronically presented to CBP. It will be sent to the appropriate parties upon the receipt of a paperless admission response from selectivity or in the advent of a ‘Doc’s required’ message, it will be sent after the inspector acknowledges receipt of the docs and determines that all is in order. The message will read ‘Admission Authorized’.

Direct Delivery

For zones authorized for direct delivery processing, the cargo will be allowed to move into the zone from the CBP port via in-bond authorization for inter-port movements or PTT authorization for intra-port movements. The CBPF-214 data will then be submitted within 24 hours of receipt of the merchandise into the FTZ inventory and recordkeeping system.

Cargo Selectivity Processing

Cargo selectivity is performed on all FTZ Admissions Data.

Bio Terrorism Act (BTA) Processing

Prior notice must be filed at the bill of lading level for FTZ and be in the system at the time of submission of the CBPF-214 data.

Movement Authorization

It is the responsibility of the FTZ to initiate the EPTT to transfer goods to the zone. A regular admission (non-direct delivery) must be on file, the goods accepted by the zone operator and the admission authorized prior to the submission of the EPTT.

A Direct Delivery zone may submit the EPTT prior to submission of the admission.

Once the EPTT has been authorized a “PTT MESSAGE DATA ACCEPTED” will be sent to the FTZ and the party in possession of the cargo; either the Carrier or a Deconsolidator/CFS will receive authorization to allow the cargo to move to the FTZ.

In the air environment, if the cargo is moving from the Carrier to a Deconsolidator/CFS prior to movement to the FTZ, the Deconsolidator/CFS must arrive the local transfer at the master level prior to the submission of the EPTT by the FTZ. Failure to do so will result in the notification of the movement authorization routing to the Carrier and not the Deconsolidator/CFS.

Consolidated Filing

An Importer Security Filing (ISF) can be included with an FTZ submission by inserting the SF10 to SF36 records immediately following the last FTZ data record.

Importer Security Filing Information (ISF-10)

1. Consignee identification number

2. Manufacturer Name and Address

3. Seller Name and Address

4. Buyer Name and Address

5. Ship to Name and Address

6. Scheduled Container Stuffing Location

7. Consolidator name and address

The following are required ISF data elements but are not reported in the SF10 to SF36 records because they will be extracted from the required FTZ data.

8. Importer of Record (For FTZ purposes, this is the FTZ applicant)*

9. Country of origin

10. Harmonized Tariff Schedule

* The ISF Importer and the Importer of Record are treated as two separate entities although they will most likely be the same entity. The ISF Importer must be reported in the SF10 record. The Importer of record will be extracted from the required FTZ data. Importer of Record is not always reported with the FTZ data in record FT60. If the Importer of Record is not reported in record FT60, it must be reported in record SF30.

To delete a previously accepted Importer Security Filing, only the SF10 record is required containing the ISF transaction number previously provided in the SN output transaction. The Mandatory/Conditional status indicated for all other records applies to “Add” or “Replace” actions only.

Response to an Importer Security Filing included with FTZ data will be issued separate from the FTZ Response. The output application will be SN and one SN output set will be returned for each conveyance included in the FTZ submission.

General Rules

Unused fields, which are defined as numeric, should not be zero-filled. These fields should be space filled or data errors may result.

Data should not be placed in fields defined as filler. If data is present in filler fields, an error message may be system generated.

When transmitting data, all letters must be upper case. While some applications may not return specific error messages when detecting lower-case letters, CBP cannot guarantee the consistency of processing results for data transmitted in lower case.

Data Elements

The data element descriptors are defined as:

Code Description

A The data element is alphabetic only.

AN The data element is alphanumeric only.

C The data element is special characters.

N The data element is numeric only.

X The data element is alphanumeric or special characters.

All data elements are in fixed-length format. If all positions are not filled, the formatting rules are:

Code Description

A Left justify and space fill.

AN Left justify and space fill.

C Left justify and space fill.

N Right justify and zero-fill.

X Left justify and space fill.

Note: If there is no data to insert in a field, space fill.

Unified FT Filing (Foreign Trade Zone – FT) Loop Definitions

|Record Identifier |

|Data Element |Length/Class |Position |Status |Description |Note |

|Control Identifier |2N |1-2 |M |Must always equal 10. | |

|Action Code |1A |3 |M |A code representing the action to be taken. Valid action |1 |

| | | | |codes are: | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |A = Add | |

| | | | |D = Delete | |

| | | | |R = Replace | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |CBP will send electronic record of any changed items to | |

| | | | |Census. | |

|Zone ID |7AN |4-10 |M |The Zone ID is composed of the following: | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |FTZ ID = 3 numeric | |

| | | | |Sub zone ID = 2 Alpha-numeric | |

| | | | |Site ID = 2 numeric | |

|Calendar Year |2N |11-12 |M |Calendar year in YY (year) format. | |

|Control Number |8AN |13-20 |M |Open format, controlled by Applicant. The zone ID + calendar| |

| | | | |year + control number = the standardized admission number. | |

| | | | |Must be a minimum of 2 characters. | |

|Port Code |4N |21-24 |M |U.S Census Schedule D Code (port code) in which the FTZ is | |

| | | | |located. | |

|Direct Delivery Indicator |1A |25 |M |N = Not Direct Delivery | |

| | | | |Y = Direct Delivery | |

|ABI Filer Code |3AN |26-28 |M |Filer code of submitter/filer transmitting the data. | |

|ABI Routing Code |9AN |29-37 |O |ABI Routing code and optional office extension if filer of | |

| | | | |214 wants copy sent to another ABI participant via this | |

| | | | |routing information (broker download). CBP will send | |

| | | | |electronic copy of FT data set to designated ABI participant | |

| | | | |following error free acceptance of FT input. The format will| |

| | | | |be DDPPFLROF (district port code, filer code, office code). | |

|IRS Identifier |12AN |38-49 |M |IRS number of applicant. IRS number with embedded hyphen in | |

| | | | |format NN-NNNNNNNXX. XX=optional CBP assigned suffix, leave | |

| | | | |blank or fill with zeroes (0) if no suffix. | |

|Filler |31AN |50-80 |M |Space fill. | |

Note 1

The ADD (A) function must be used on Admission type O, Overage.

The REPLACE (R) function must be used when a change is needed on an Admission from a previous calendar year.

FT20 Record Processing

The following processing will occur on the FT20 record:

The application will perform a lookup to ensure the Bill of Lading is on file in AMS.

The application will record the Conveyance Name, Export Date, Import Date, and Port of Unlading in the FTZ database.

The application will perform standard date validation on the export date and import date present on the FT20 record.

The Export Date must precede or be equal to the Import Date.

The application will validate the Port of Unlading in the FT20 record.

The admission type indicator will be stored on the database and displayed to the user. This field will contain one of the following values:

D = Domestic

T = Temp Deposit

The Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC) code will be validated against the carrier file. If the code is not present or is in deleted status generate error message ‘Invalid SCAC’.

The Voyage Trip will be required for modes 10, 20, 40. If the trip is not on file generate error message ‘Invalid Voyage/Flight/Trip Number’.

Record Identifier FT20 (Input)

This is a mandatory record used to transmit foreign trade zone admission document (CBPF-214) data. Record can be repeated up to 999 times. This record is a continuation of the FT10 record.

|Record Identifier FT20 (Input) |

|Data Element |Length/Class |Position |Status |Description |Note |

|Control Identifier |2N |1-2 |M |Must always equal 20. | |

|Admission Type |1A |3 |M |A code indicating that the admission type. |1 |

|Mode of Transportation |2N |4-5 |C |Code indicating mode of transport that imported goods into | |

| | | | |USA. Valid codes are found in Appendix B of the CATAIR. If | |

| | | | |Admission Type equals “O, C, Z’ data element not used. | |

|SCAC Identifier or Airline |4A |6-9 |C |SCAC related to conveyance in positions 10 to 32 of this |2 |

|Carrier Code of Importing | | | |record. If Admission Type equals “O, C, Z’ data element not | |

|Carrier | | | |used. For air shipments either the 3-position or the | |

| | | | |2-position carrier code abbreviation will be accepted. Left | |

| | | | |justify. | |

|Conveyance Name |23AN |10-32 |C |Name of conveyance. If MOT = 10 or 11, name of vessel, if | |

| | | | |other than vessel, name of transportation company. If | |

| | | | |Admission Type equals “O, C, Z’ data element not used. | |

|Voyage/Trip/Flight Number |15AN |33-47 |C |Vessel voyage, truck/rail trip or aircraft flight number. If|2 |

| | | | |Admission Type equals “O, C, Z’ data element not used. | |

|Export Date |8N |48-55 |C |Date of exportation from foreign country expressed in | |

| | | | |CCYYMMDD (century, year, month, day) format. If Admission | |

| | | | |Type equals “O, C, Z’ data element not used. | |

|Import Date |8N |56-63 |C |Date of arrival at first US port of unlading expressed in | |

| | | | |CCYYMMDD (century, year, month, day) format. If Admission | |

| | | | |Type equals “O, C, Z’ data element not used. | |

|Port of Unlading |4N |64-67 |C |U.S. Census Schedule D code (port code) where the shipment is| |

| | | | |off-loaded from the importing conveyance. If Admission Type | |

| | | | |equals “O, C, Z’ data element not used. | |

|Actual Date of Arrival |8N |68-75 |C |Actual date of arrival of the conveyance into the US |2 |

| | | | |expressed in CCYYMMDD (century, year, month, day) format. If| |

| | | | |Admission Type equals “O, C, Z’ data element not used. | |

|Filler |5AN |76-80 |M |Space fill. | |

Note 1

Valid Admission Type codes are:

Code Description

A Regular Admission

C Status Change – Bill of lading required, no other manifest data is required. Use FTZ generated bill of lading.

D Domestic – Bill of lading required. No other manifest data is required. Use Carriers bill of lading.

O Overage Admission – Bill of lading required, no other manifest data is required. Use FTZ generated bill of lading.

T Temporary Deposit – this Admission type will not have FT50 or FT51 records. Upon the initial submission, there is an admission type of “T” on the FT20 record that says this is a temp Deposit. This indicator allows submission without FT50 and FT51 records. Once research is completed, if an admission is needed, a second submission occurs with a Replace”R” action code along with the FT50, FT51 records. If none of material is admitted, a record a “D” action will be sent and FT60 is allowed for comments. In this case, only FT10 and FT60 will be required. In the FT60 record, comments, including the entry or export document number, may be included. After 15 days, if no admission or a deletion of the temp deposit record occurs, the goods are ordered GO. Processing of extensions is outside the system and will not be automated. Bill of Lading required, use carriers bill of lading.

Z Zone to Zone- Bill of Lading required, no other manifest data is required. Use Carriers bill of lading.

Note 2

When an Air Waybill is split, a separate admission must be transmitted for each part of the split.

• Positions 6-9 must use the 3-character airline carrier codes.

• Positions 33-47 must contain the flight number and be a minimum of 4 AN characters. If less, pad zeros to the left, i.e. flight 15 would be transmitted as 0015.

• Positions 68-75 must be the ACTUAL arrival date. The arrival date for air is the date of arrival at the first U.S. port.

FT40 Record Processing

The following processing will occur on the FT40 record:

The application will verify the FIRMS code and ensure that the location has a valid operator’s bond on file (Type 4). If the FIRMS code is not on the FIRMS file generate error message ‘Invalid Firms Code’. If the FIRMS is not bonded generate error message ‘FIRMS Not Bonded’. If the FIRMS Code is not in the same Port as the FTZ generate error message ‘FIRMS/FTZ Port Mismatch’. This field will be present when they are requesting a PTT.

Overage and Status Change Bills

When an Overage or Status Change Reporting occurs in an Admission the admission filer (i.e. broker) creates a bill. In the bill of lading field of the FT40 record (positions 3-37) the admission filer provides the created bill number constructed with the following elements:

Zone FIRMS Code positions 1- 4

Literal “ADJ” positions 5 – 7

Date “YYMMDD” positions 8 – 13

Seq Nbr positions 14 – 16

(e.g. O920ADJ051228001)

Record Identifier FT40 (Input)

This is a mandatory record used to transmit foreign trade zone admission document (CBPF-214) data. Record can be repeated up to 9999 times. This is a continuation of the FT10 and FT20 records.

|Record Identifier FT40 (Input) |

|Data Element |Length/Class |Position |Status |Description |Note |

|Control Identifier |2N |1-2 |M |Must always equal 40. | |

|Bill of Lading or Air Waybill |35 |3-37AN |M |Minimum of 6, maximum of 35 positions. If importing carrier | |

| | | | |is automated with CBP, the bill of lading or Master/Simple | |

| | | | |air waybill will be validated against CBP database and input | |

| | | | |will be rejected if bill of lading is not on file or a match.| |

|House Bill |20AN |38-57 |O |House bill data mandatory for air shipments only; must be |1 |

| | | | |12AN. Left justify, filler should be leading zeros.  If mode| |

| | | | |is other than air (40) do not transmit.  | |

|Quantity |10N |58-67 |C |Whole Number representing smallest exterior packing unit. |1 |

| | | | |These fields are not required if Admission Type is ‘O’, ‘C’, | |

| | | | |‘D’, ‘T’. If an in-bond is involved, the quantity is | |

| | | | |required regardless of the admission type. | |

|Country of Export |2AN |68-69 |C |ISO Code of country from where the goods were exported to the| |

| | | | |U.S. These fields are not required if Admission Type is ‘O’,| |

| | | | |‘C’, ‘D’, ‘Z’, ‘T’. | |

|Foreign Load Port |5N |70-74 |C |Census Schedule K code of foreign port where the goods were | |

| | | | |loaded. Only transmitted for MOT 10 or 11. These fields are| |

| | | | |not required if Admission Type is ‘O’, ‘C’, ‘D’, ‘Z’, ‘T’. | |

|FIRMS Identifier |4AN |75-78 |C |FIRMS identifier of location goods moving on PTT are to be | |

| | | | |delivered. Required if requesting a PTT or if doing Direct | |

| | | | |Delivery. | |

|Filler |2AN |79-80 |M |Space fill. | |

Note 1

When an Air Waybill is split, house bill positions 38-57 must transmit a minimum of 12AN, and pad with leading zeros if less than 12, i.e. house JFK0076 would be transmitted as 00000JFK0076. Quantity is positions 58-67 must match the quantity transmitted in AAMS for each part of the split.

FT41 Record Processing

The following processing will occur on the FT41 record:

The Application will ensure that the in-bond number is on file with CBP.

Record Identifier FT41 (Input)

This is a conditional record used to transmit foreign trade zone admission document (CBPF-214) data. Optional record used if goods delivered via in-bond to zone location. Can be repeated up to 9999 times. This is a continuation of the FT10, FT20 and FT40 records. It is transmitted by the submitter-filer.

|Record Identifier FT41 (Input) |

|Data Element |Length/Class |Position |Status |Description |Note |

|Control Identifier |2N |1-2 |M |Must always equal 41. | |

|I.T. Number |35AN |3-37 |M |Minimum 9, Max 23 (Air Master + House). In-Bond control | |

| | | | |numbers vary in length from a minimum of nine-digits (9) for | |

| | | | |conventional CBPF-7512 in-bond movements (including QP and | |

| | | | |CAFES), eleven-positions (11) for Sea/Rail AMS and up to | |

| | | | |twenty-three (23) for Air AMS when master air waybill and | |

| | | | |house air waybill used for primary Air AMS in-bond movement. | |

| | | | |Subsequent In-Bond movements or ‘legs’ in Air AMS use the | |

| | | | |conventional nine-digit (9) in-bond identifier. | |

|Filler |43AN |38-80 |M |Space fill. | |

FT42 Record Processing

If the IRS Number, Firms Identifier are present then the program will initiate PTT processing to the FIRMS shown in the record. A transaction record will be written to AMS and an indicator will be stored on the FTZ table annotating that a PTT was involved.

Record Identifier FT42 (Input)

This is a conditional record used to transmit foreign trade zone admission document (CBPF-214) data. Record can be repeated 9999 times. This is a continuation of the FT10, FT20, FT40 and FT41 records. It is transmitted by the submitter-filer to show a transfer of custodial liability from one bonded carrier to another in the movement of the shipment.

|Record Identifier FT42 (Input) |

|Data Element |Length/Class |Position |Status |Description |Note |

|Control Identifier |2N |1-2 |M |Must always equal 42. | |

|IRS Identifier |12N |3-14 |M |IRS number of bonded carrier responsible for custodial Permit| |

| | | | |To Transfer within port movement. IRS number used by CBP to | |

| | | | |validate that carrier is authorized for bonded cargo | |

| | | | |movements. | |

|Filler |66AN |15-80 |M |Space fill. | |

FT43 Record Processing

The following processing will occur on the FT42 record:

The application will receive a FT42 record when the filer is requesting a PTT by container number and this record may be repeated.

Record Identifier FT43 (Input)

This is a conditional record used to transmit foreign trade zone admission document (CBPF-214) data. Record can be repeated 9999 times. This record is a continuation of the FT10, FT20, FT40, FT41 and FT42 records. It is transmitted by the submitter-filer to identify the container used in the movement of this shipment to the FTZ.

|Record Identifier FT43 (Input) |

|Data Element |Length/Class |Position |Status |Description |Note |

|Control Identifier |2N |1-2 |M |Must always equal 43. | |

|Container Number |15N |3-17 |M |Container number for which PTT is being requested. The | |

| | | | |container record is required for all containerized cargo. | |

|Filler |63 |18-80 |M |Space fill. | |

FT50 and 51 Record Processing

The following processing will occur on the FT50 record:

The application will merge the FT50 and FT51 records into one line item detail record.

The application will add line item numbers as transmitted by the trade participant. These line numbers will relate to a specific tariff number. The line numbers will be reset with each new bill of lading in the FTZ submission. The line numbers cannot be repeated in a bill and if a line is deleted that line number cannot be reused.

The application will verify the Special Programs Indicator (SPI) against the HSA record. If the HSA number does not have a SPI generate error message ‘No Special Program Status Available’. If the code is invalid generate error message ‘Invalid SPI for Harmonized Number’.

The application will receive a quantity 1 and a quantity 2 with an accommodation for 2 decimal places.

The application will accept a weight, value, charges and zone status code. If the weight element is missing or zero, generate error message ‘Invalid Weight’. If the value element is missing or zero, generate error message ‘Invalid Value’. Census edits will be performed on codes P & N only.

When a set is being reported in the admission, the line number will be repeated for all tariffs in the set. The first one that is reported is the master HSA number then each component will be reported.

These records are not required for Temp Deposit Admissions.

Record Identifier FT50 (Input)

This is a conditional record used to transmit foreign trade zone admission document (CBPF-214) data. Record can be repeated up to 9999 times. This record is a continuation of the FT10, FT20, FT40, FT41, FT42 and FT43 records. It is transmitted by the submitter-filer to provide line item information on the commodity of this shipment.

|Record Identifier FT50 (Input) |

|Data Element |Length/Class |Position |Status |Description |Note |

|Control Identifier |2N |1-2 |M |Must always equal 50. | |

|Line Item Number |5N |3-7 |M |If there is more than one (1) bill of lading within the FT | |

| | | | |input transaction set, the line number reverts to 00001 at | |

| | | | |the first occurrence of the FT50 record following the next | |

| | | | |bill of lading number. Example: B/L 0001, 3 FT50 records,| |

| | | | |Line Item Numbers 00001, 00002, 00003, B/L 0002, 2 FT50 | |

| | | | |records, Line Item Numbers 00001, 00002 if both B/L’s | |

| | | | |contained within the same input data set. In the case of | |

| | | | |sets the Line Number will be repeated for all Items within | |

| | | | |the set. The Master HSA will be reported as the first Line| |

| | | | |Item. | |

|Harmonized Tariff Schedule |10AN |8-17 |M |Must be a valid HTS number. | |

|Number | | | | | |

|Special Programs Indicator |1AN |18 |O |These are programs established to allow certain commodities|1 |

|(SPI) | | | |from specified countries to receive favorable treatment. | |

| | | | |This is the primary programs indicator. | |

|Special Programs Indicator |2AN |19-20 |O |Country Code related to SPI. | |

|(SPI) Country | | | | | |

|Special Programs Indicator |1AN |21 |O |These are programs established to allow certain commodities| |

|(SPI) Secondary | | | |from specified countries to receive favorable treatment. | |

| | | | |This is the secondary programs indicator. | |

|Country of Origin |2AN |22-23 |M |International Organization for Standardization (ISO) code |2 |

| | | | |indicating country where goods were grown, produced or | |

| | | | |manufactured. | |

|Quantity 1 |12N |24-35 |M |Fractional quantities may be expressed out to two (2) | |

| | | | |decimal positions. | |

|Unit of Measure 1 |3AN |36-38 |M |Unit of Measure the primary unit of measure in the | |

| | | | |shipment. If the Unit of Measure is “X”, transmit | |

| | | | |quantity reported on the CBPF-214 admission. | |

|Quantity 2 |12N |39-50 |M |Fractional quantities may be expressed out to two (2) | |

| | | | |decimal positions. | |

|Unit of Measure 2 |3AN |51-53 |C |Unit of Measure 2 – the secondary unit of measure for the | |

| | | | |shipment. If the Unit of Measure is “X”, transmit quantity| |

| | | | |reported on the CBPF-214 admission. | |

|Quota Category |3AN |54-56 |C |Quota category. If the shipment falls under quota | |

| | | | |restrictions this is the category describing the | |

| | | | |restrictions. | |

|PN Disclaimer Flag |1AN |57 |C |“Y” if HTS is Disclaimable under FDA Rules for Prior | |

| | | | |Notice. Space if not disclaiming. | |

|Filler |23AN |58-80 |M |Space fill. | |

Note 1

Valid Special Program Indicator codes are:

Code Description

A If claiming duty-free treatment under the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP).

B If claiming duty-free treatment under the Automotive Product Trade Act.

C If claiming duty-free treatment under the Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft.

D If claiming duty-free treatment under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) for non-textile products. (Refer to administrative message 01-0391 for system requirements and the Harmonized Tariff Schedule General Note 16.) To claim AGOA textile benefits, refer to administrative message 01-0390 and the additional AGOA notes indicated below.

E If claiming a special rate under the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act (CBERA). CBERA is also referred to as the Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI).

J If claiming special rate under the Andean Trade Preference Act (ATPA).

K If claiming duty free treatment under the Agreement on Trade in Pharmaceutical Products.

L If claiming duty free treatment under the Uruguay Round Concessions on Intermediate Chemicals for Dyes.

N If claiming duty-free treatment as a product of the West Bank (country code WE), Gaza Strip (GZ), a qualifying industrial zone (JO) or Israel (IL) under the U.S. - Israel Free Trade Area Agreement.

R If claiming duty-free treatment under the Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act (CBTPA) for non-textile benefits. (Refer to administrative message 01-0389 for system requirements and the Harmonized Tariff Schedule General Note 17.) To claim CBTPA textile benefits, refer to administrative message 01-0388 and the additional CBTPA notes listed below.

Note 1 - Continued

Code Description

W Products of Puerto Rico advanced in value or improved in condition in a CBERA country (19 United States Code (USC) 2703(a)(5)).

Y If claiming duty-free treatment from an U.S. Insular Possession (HTS General Headnote 3(a)).

Z If claiming duty-free treatment from Freely Associated States. Certain footwear, handbags, luggage, flat goods, work gloves and leather wearing apparel are excluded from duty-free treatment. For a list of these items, refer to Appendix K.

Note 2

If Canada, “CA” will not be accepted. Use one of the following Census codes for the specific Canadian province where the goods originated:

Code Province/Territory

XA Alberta

XB New Brunswick

XC British Columbia

XM Manitoba

XN Nova Scotia

XO Ontario

XP Prince Edward Island

XQ Quebec

XS Saskatchewan

XT Northwest Territories

XV Nunavut

XW Newfoundland

XY Yukon Territory

Record Identifier FT51 (Input)

This is a conditional record used to transmit foreign trade zone admission document (CBPF-214) data. This record is paired with the preceding FT50 record and will be reported to the Bureau of the Census under the same Line Item Number as recorded in the preceding FT50 record. This record is a continuation of the FT10, FT20, FT40, FT41, FT42, FT43 and FT50 records. It is transmitted by the submitter-filer to provide further line item information.

|Record Identifier FT51 (Input) |

|Data Element |Length/Class |Position |Status |Description |Note |

|Control Identifier |2N |1-2 |M |Must always equal 51. | |

|Weight |10N |3-12 |M |Whole Number no decimals for the gross weight of the | |

| | | | |shipment. | |

|Value |12N |13-24 |M |US Dollar Value – value of the shipment in whole U.S. | |

| | | | |dollars, no decimals. | |

|Charges |10N |25-34 |M |Transportation Charges for Census the total charges involved | |

| | | | |in transporting the shipment from foreign to the U.S. FTZ. | |

|Zone Status |1A |35 |M |Code indicating FTZ status: | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |Code P = Privileged Foreign | |

| | | | |Code N = Non-privileged Foreign | |

| | | | |Code D = Domestic | |

| | | | |Code Z = Zone restricted | |

|Harbor Maintenance Fee |8N |36-43 |O |Report zero or value of harbor maintenance fee in U.S. | |

| | | | |dollars and cents. | |

|Filler |37AN |44-80 |M |Space fill. | |

FT60 Record Processing

The application will accept multiple Reference Identifiers related to this transaction with the appropriate qualifier denoting their involvement. Importer of Record numbers and Manufacturer Identification Codes will be verified against the corresponding reference tables. If an invalid qualifier is used, the error message ‘Invalid Reference Qualifier’ will be generated. If a reference qualifier is present and no data is stored in the Reference ID element, the error message ‘Invalid Reference ID’ will be generated. If the Reference ID element contains data but no qualifier is used, the error message ‘Invalid Reference Qualifier’ will be generated.

Record Identifier FT60 (Input)

This is a mandatory record used to transmit foreign trade zone admission document (CBPF-214) data. Record can be repeated up to 9999 times. This is a continuation of FT10, FT40, FT41, FT42, FT43, FT50, and FT51. It is transmitted to provide reference information.

|Record Identifier FT60 (Input) |

|Data Element |Length/Class |Position |Status |Description |Note |

|Control Identifier |2N |1-2 |M |Must always equal 60. | |

|Description |45AN |3-47 |M |Line level description of merchandise. | |

|Reference Qualifier |3AN |48-50 |O |A code indicating the type of Reference ID in positions |1 |

| | | | |51-72. | |

|Reference ID |22AN |51-72 |C |Reference ID as defined for a particular qualifier. Required|1 |

| | | | |if reference qualifier is used in positions 48-50. | |

|Filler |8AN |73-80 |M |Space fill. | |

Note 1

Valid Qualifiers:

Qualifier Qualifier Description / Reference ID Description

IM Applicant for Admission

This data is mandatory when the Applicant for Admission is a different entity than the FTZ Operator (i.e. the two entities have different Importer of Record ID’s). The format is an Importer of Record ID format.

MID Manufacturer Identification Code (MID Code)

This data is required for every HTS Line Item. The MID represents the party or other entity (individual or firm) that manufactures, produces, or grows the reported commodity. It can also represent the vendor or seller. The MID should be formatted in a manner consistent with the algorithm described in CBP Directive 3500-13 (November 1986).

Note 1 - Continued

Qualifier Qualifier Description / Reference ID Description

STL Steel Import License

This data is necessary to comply with the collection of information required by the Department of Commerce for articles of steel subject to safeguard measures. The length and format are as prescribed by the Department of Commerce, but the license number is not validated by CBP in this transaction. Refer to Administrative Message 02-0910 (July 2002).

DIA Kimberley Process Certificate

This data is necessary to comply with the importation requirements under the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme [31 CFR 592]. The length and format of the certificate number are described in Administrative Message 04-2229, dated October 15, 2004, however the certificate number is not validated by CBP in this transaction.

The excerpt from the Administrative Message below is provided here as a service to the software developer and the trade filer as guidance only and is for the sake of promoting consistency with the reporting requirements on the ABI entry summary. There has been some obvious editing done to tailor the text to relate to the FTZ Admission transaction.







POSITION 59 = '3'.

POSITION 58 = '2'.

POSITION 57 = '1'.

POSITION 56 = '0'

POSITION 55 = '0'









POSITION 59 = '7'

POSITION 58 = '6'

POSITION 57 = '5'

POSITION 56 = '4'

POSITION 55 = '3'

POSITION 54 = '2'

POSITION 53 = '1'



FT61 Record Processing

The following processing will occur for the FT61 record:

The application will record remarks from the trade participant.

Record Identifier FT61 (Input)

This is an optional record used to transmit foreign trade zone admission document (CBPF-214) data. Record can be repeated up to 99 times. This record is a continuation of the FT10, FT20, FT40, FT41, FT42, FT43, FT50, FT51, FT60, and FT61 records. It is transmitted by the submitter-filer to provide free form description of merchandise/or other pertinent information.

|Record Identifier FT61 (Input) |

|Data Element |Length/Class |Position |Status |Description |Note |

|Control Identifier |2N |1-2 |M |Must always equal 61. | |

|Remarks |78AN |3-80 |M |Line level description of merchandise/or other pertinent | |

| | | | |information. | |

Record Identifier SF10 (Input)

Importer Security Filing Header Record

This is a mandatory header input record that provides information related to the submission/ shipment type, ISF Importer number, and bonding details.

|Record Identifier SF10 (Input) |

|Data Element |Length/Class |Position |Status |Description |Note |

|Control Identifier |4AN |1-4 |M |Must always equal SF10. | |

|ISF Submission Type |1N |5 |M |Always code 1 = Importer Security Filing 10 (ISF-10) | |

| | | | |submission | |

|Shipment Type Code |2N |6-7 |M |Always code 08 = FTZ shipments | |

|Action Code |1A |8 |M |A = Add, D = Delete, R = Replace |1 |

|Action Reason Code |2X |9-10 |C |CT = Complete Transaction |1 |

|ISF Importer Number Qualifier |3X |11-13 |M |Qualifier denoting the type of data provided in the ISF |2 |

| | | | |Importer Number field. | |

|ISF Importer Number |15X |14-28 |M |ISF Importer Number |2 |

|Reserved |8X |29-36 |M |Space fill. | |

|Mode of Transportation |2N |37-38 |O |Ocean vessel non-containerized = ‘10’ (Break Bulk) | |

| | | | |Ocean vessel containerized = ‘11’ | |

|ISF Transaction Number |15X |39-53 |C |Unique transaction identifier assigned by CBP |3 |

|SCAC Identifier |4A |54-57 |O |Standard Carrier Alpha Code. The SCAC of the vessel operator| |

| | | | |that is transporting the container. | |

|Bond Holder |15X |58-72 |C |Identification number of the party whose bond is being |4 |

| | | | |obligated for the Importer Security Filing. | |

|Bond Activity Code |2AN |73-74 |C |CBP code identifying the activity of bond being used. |4 |

|Bond Type |1N |75 |C |CBP code identifying the bond type |4 |

|Filler |3X |76-78 |M |Space fill. | |

|Reserved |2X |79-80 |M |Space fill. | |

Note 1

For a “Delete” Action Code, only the SF10 record is required to be submitted with the ISF transaction number that was previously provided in the SN output transaction.

For Action Reason Code, CT is mandatory when Action Reason Code is ‘A’ (Add) or ‘R’ (Replace).

CT = Complete Transaction – All data is present, no special flexibility rules apply. If “CT” is used, the ISF can be updated if necessary, but CBP does not require the ISF to be updated.

Note 2

The qualifiers for data element ISF Importer Number Qualifier (left justified) are:

EI = Employer Identification Number (IRS #)

ANI = CBP-assigned Number

34 = Social Security Number

Valid formats for the ISF Importer Number are:

NN-NNNNNNNXX Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Number

YYDDPP-NNNNN CBP Assigned Number

NNN-NN-NNNN Social Security Number

In these codes, N = number, X = alphanumeric, YY = the last two digits of the calendar year when the number is assigned, DDPP = the district/port code where the number is assigned.

If the ISF Importer Number is in the IRS number format and the last two positions are blank, the system may convert the blanks to zeros. Importer Security Filing output data may show the last two positions of the ISF Importer Number as zeros when two blanks were input.

For goods intended to be entered into an FTZ (Foreign Trade Zone), for the purposes of the Importer Security Filing, the Importer of Record is deemed to be the Applicant for FTZ Admission and is the same “importer number” as would be reported in CBP Form 3461. For example, if the IRS number is used on the CBP Form 3461 or CBP Form 7501 to identify the importer of record, then code EI would be used in data element ISF Importer Number Qualifier (left justified) and the IRS number reported in data element ISF Importer Number of this record.

Note 3

CBP will assign a unique ISF Transaction Number (FFF-NNNNNNNNNNN) that will be returned in the SF10 record of the output response from CBP to the ISF filer in the SN transaction set. FFF=Filer code and NNNNNNNNNNN=numeric sequence number. This field needs to be space filled if the Action Code is Add.

Note 4

A Bond Type 9 may only be used with a Bond Activity Code 16. If this condition is present, an SF20 is mandatory for both the Surety Code (V1) and the Bond Reference Number (SBN). Note: the Bond Reference Number is NOT the bond number.

Bond information is mandatory for all Add or Replace transactions when the ISF Importer is NOT the same as the Importer of Record (FTZ Applicant). Space fill for all other transactions.

Valid formats for the Bond Holder are:

NN-NNNNNNNXX Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Number

YYDDPP-NNNNN CBP Assigned Number

NNN-NN-NNNN Social Security Number

The valid Bond Activity Codes are:

01 Importer or Broker

02 Custodian of Bonded Merchandise

03 International Carrier

04 Foreign Trade Zone Operator

16 ISF Bond

The valid Bond Types are:

8 Continuous

9 Single Transaction

Record Identifier SF20 (Input)

Reference Identifier Record

This is a conditional input record that provides reference data.

|Record Identifier SF20 (Input) |

|Data Element |Length/Class |Position |Status |Description |Note |

|Control Identifier |4AN |1-4 |M |Must always equal SF20. | |

|Reference Identifier Qualifier|3AN |5-7 |M |Code that defines the Reference Identifier. |1 |

|Reference Identifier |50AN |8-57 |M |Do not include spaces, hyphens, slashes or other special | |

| | | | |characters. | |

|Filler |23X |58-80 |M |Space fill. | |

Note 1

Valid qualifier codes are:

SBN Bond Reference Number (Note: this is NOT the same as the bond number)

V1 Surety Code

CR User-defined Reference Number

V1 and SBN are required if the Bond Activity code is ‘16’ and the Bond Type is ‘9’.

CR is an optional user-defined field that will be returned in both the SN and SA messages.

Record Identifier SF30 (Input)

This is a mandatory record that identifies the type of commercial entity whose identity is being reported.

When reporting a commercial entity, the SF30, SF35 and SF36 records must be used if the Entity Qualifier in the SF30 record is equal to code MF (Manufacturer), SE (Seller), BY (Buyer), ST (Ship To), CS (Consolidator), or LG (Stuffing Location). The SF35 and SF36 records provide parsed fields for address and geographical location reporting to accommodate the various conventions found in the formats of non US addresses. Additionally, a FIRMS code may be used to report ST (Ship To). When a DUNS number or FIRMS code is used, only the SF30 record is required.

If the SF30 record contains the Entity code CN (Consignee) or IM (Importer of Record/ FTZ Applicant), then only the SF30 record is used to report the commercial entity. There can only be a single Importer of Record per ISF filing.

For each manufacturer loop, the SF30, SF31 (Optional), SF35, and SF36 records must be followed by the SF40 record(s) containing the Harmonized Tariff Schedule and Country of Origin information relevant to that manufacturer.

|Record Identifier SF30 (Input) |

|Data Element |Length/Class |Position |Status |Description |Note |

|Control Identifier |4AN |1-4 |M |Must always equal SF30. | |

|Entity Code |3A |5-7 |M |Code identifying the type of commercial entity being |1 |

| | | | |reported. | |

|Entity Name |35X |8-42 |C |The name of the entity identified by the Entity Code. This | |

| | | | |field must be blank if an Entity Identifier is used. | |

|Entity Identifier Qualifier |3X |43-45 |C |This field must be used if the entity identifier is being |2 |

| | | | |supplied in lieu of name and address. This field is mandatory| |

| | | | |if the entity identifier is CN or IM. | |

|Entity Identifier |20X |46-65 |C |The code identified by the Entity Identifier Qualifier. This|2 |

| | | | |field is mandatory if the entity identifier is CN or IM. | |

|Manufacturer/ |15X |66-80 |C |A code representing the manufacturer/ supplier. Refer to CBP |3 |

|Supplier Code | | | |Directive 3500-13, dated November 24, 1986, for the formula | |

| | | | |to derive the code. | |

Note 1

Valid Entity Codes are:

Code Description

MF Manufacturer/Supplier

SE Seller

BY Buyer

ST Ship To Party

LG Scheduled Container Stuffing Location

CS Consolidator

CN Consignee

IM Importer of Record (FTZ Applicant)

Note 2

Valid values for Entity Identifier Qualifier are:

EI = Employer Identification Number (IRS #)

Valid format is: NN-NNNNNNNXX

This qualifier may only be used with Entity Codes SE, ST, BY, CN or IM

ANI = CBP-assigned Number

Valid format is: YYDDPP-NNNNN

This qualifier may only be used with Entity Codes SE, BY, CN or IM

CIN = CBP encrypted Consignee ID

Valid format is: -CCCCCCCCCCC

This qualifier may only be used with Entity Codes SE, ST, BY, CN or IM

34 = Social Security Number

Valid format is: NNN-NN-NNNN

This qualifier may only be used with Entity Codes SE, ST, BY, CN or IM

Note 2 - Continued

FR = Facility Information Resource Management System (FIRMS) Code

Valid format is: ANNN

This qualifier may only be used with Entity Code ST

In these codes, A = alpha, N = number, X = alphanumeric, YY = the last two digits of the calendar year when the number is assigned, DDPP = the district/port code where the number is assigned and C = alphanumeric or special character.

Use of the old CBP-assigned number (NNNN-NNNNN) expired July 1, 1992. All importer numbers with the old format will be placed in a void status.

There can only be a single Importer of Record (FTZ Applicant) for an ISF.

Note 3

The MID reported in this position associates the manufacturer name and address with the pertinent tariff number/country of origin combination(s) reported within the entry submission. For each unique MID in the entry, an SF30 loop is required.

The format of the Manufacturer Identification (MID) Number (CM) must conform to CBP

Directive 3500-13, dated November 24, 1986.

Record Identifier SF31 (Input)

Entity Secondary Name Record

This is an optional record that provides a secondary name for the commercial entity reported in the previous SF30 record.

|Record Identifier SF31 (Input) |

|Data Element |Length/Class |Position |Status |Description |Note |

|Control Identifier |4AN |1-4 |M |Must always equal SF31. | |

|Entity Code |3A |5-7 |M |Code identifying the type of secondary name. |1 |

|Entity Name |35X |8-42 |C |The secondary name of the entity reported in the SF30 record.| |

|Filler |38X |43-80 |M |Space fill. | |

Note 1

Valid Entity Codes are:

Code Description

ALA Alternative Addressee

DH Doing Business As

DV Division

NU Formerly Known As

NV Formerly Doing Business As

XD Alias (Other Names Used)

Record Identifier SF35 (Input)

Entity Address Record

This is a conditional record used to transmit lines of the entity’s address data. Only either an Entity Name or an Entity Identifier can be provided for each SF30. If the SF30 record contains an Entity Name, then the SF35 and SF36 records must be used. If the SF30 record contains an Entity Identifier, then the SF35 and SF36 records are not used.

|Record Identifier SF35 (Input) |

|Data Element |Length/Class |Position |Status |Description |Note |

|Control Identifier |4AN |1-4 |M |Must always equal SF35. | |

|Address Component Qualifier |2AN |5-6 |M |Address Component Qualifier describing the Address |1 |

| | | | |Information data element. | |

|Address Information |35AN |7-41 |M |Address Information corresponding to the Address Component | |

| | | | |Qualifier data element. | |

|Address Component Qualifier |2AN |42-43 |O |Address Component Qualifier describing the Address |1 |

| | | | |Information data element. | |

|Address Information |35AN |44-78 |O |Address Information corresponding to the Address Component | |

| | | | |Qualifier in data element. | |

|Filler |2X |79-80 |M |Space fill. | |

Note 1

Valid Address Component Qualifiers:

Code Description

01 Street Number

02 Street Name

05 P.O. Box Number

12 Building Name

13 Apartment Number

14 Suite Number

15 Unstructured Street Address

28 Association Name

30 Pier

31 Wing

32 Floor Number

35 Room

37 Unit

57 Cross Street

AK Building Number

Record Identifier SF36 (Input)

Entity Geographic Area Record

This is a conditional record that provides data pertaining to the city, country, geographical sub entity code and postal code associated with the address of the entity reported in the SF30 record. Only either an Entity Name or an Entity Identifier can be provided for each SF30. If the SF30 record contains an Entity Name, then the SF35 and SF36 records must be used. If the SF30 record contains an Entity Identifier, then the SF35 and SF36 records are not used.

|Record Identifier SF36 (Input) |

|Data Element |Length/Class |Position |Status |Description |Note |

|Control Identifier |4AN |1-4 |M |Must always equal SF36. | |

|City Name |35AN |5-39 |M |The city portion of the address where the entity is located. | |

|Country Sub Entity Code |3AN |40-42 |C |ISO subdivision code - | |

| | | | | .  | |

|Filler |6X |43-48 |M |Space fill. | |

|Postal Code |15AN |49-63 |C |Postal code (i.e.: ZIP code in USA) Space fill if no postal | |

| | | | |code is available. | |

|Country Code |2A |64-65 |M |The International Standards Organization (ISO) country code | |

| | | | |representing the country portion of the address. A list of | |

| | | | |ISO country codes is found in Appendix B of this publication.| |

|Filler |15X |66-80 |M |Space fill. | |

Record Identifier SF90 (Output)

Error or Accept/Reject Message Record

This is a mandatory output record used to provide acceptance/rejection information to the entity that filed the ISF-10.

If the ISF input received is processed and found to be error free, CBP will return the 10 record, the 22 record(s), the SF10 record, the SF20 record(s), and an SF90 record to the data processing site that provided the Entry Summary submission.

If the ISF input received is processed and found to contain errors, CBP will return the FT10 record, the FT20 record, the FT40 record, the SF10 record, the SF20 record(s). Any record containing an error will be followed by a corresponding SF90 record.  If an error occurs in records SF31, SF35, or SF36, the corresponding SF30 record will be returned along with the record containing the error.

NOTE: There are two types of SF90 records; a record-level SF90 and a message-level SF90. The record-level SF90 provides a description of the error related to a specific record/field. The message-level SF90 provides the status of the ISF filing.

|Record Identifier SF90 (Output) |

|Data Element |Length/Class |Position |Status |Description |Note |

|Control Identifier |4AN |1-4 |M |Must always equal SF90. | |

|Message Type Code |2AN |5-6 |M |01 = Message Rejected | |

| | | | |02 = Message Accepted | |

| | | | |03 = Message Accepted with Warning(s) | |

| | | | |11 = Record Rejected | |

| | | | |13 = Record Accepted with a Warning | |

|Error Code |3AN |7-9 |C |A code that identifies a record-level error. | |

|Narrative Message Text |40X |10-49 |M |Narrative message text. | |

|Filler |31X |50-80 |M |Space fill. | |

Examples of Output Message Set Record Sequencing:

Error Free input: A, B, FT10, FT20, FT40, SF10, SF90, Y, Z.

Input with error: A, B, FT10, FT20, FT40, SF10, SF20 (if applicable), SF30, SF36 record with error data, SF90 record with Narrative Error Text, SF90 with position 5-6 populated, Y, Z.

FTZ Reporting of Admission Processing

FZ10 Record Processing

A copy of this event will be sent to any automated parties linked to this Admission or bills of lading via Secondary Notify Party or Broker Download/NS.

FTZ Manifest Quantity Concurrence/Permit To Transfer/Arrival Data Set

This record is used by the zone operator to set up a permit to transfer (PTT), arrive the PTT at the zone and confirms the piece count of the admission quantity. Up to 999 can be sent within one AABB/YYZZ envelope.

|Record Identifier FZ10 (Input) |

|Data Element |Length/Class |Position |Status |Description |Note |

|Control Identifier |2N |1-2 |M |Must always equal 10. | |

|Action Qualifier |1N |3 |M |Qualifier defining Action Being Taken: |1 |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |1 Action taken at FTZ Admission Number level. Admission | |

| | | | |Number follows beginning in position 4. | |

| | | | |2 Bill of Lading number action taken. BOL begins in position | |

| | | | |4. | |

| | | | |3 In-Bond number action taken. In-bond number begins in | |

| | | | |position 4. | |

| | | | |4 Container number action taken. BOL number begins in | |

| | | | |position 4. | |

|Identification Number |35AN |4-38 |M |Min 9, Max 35. Identification Number corresponds to code in |1 |

| | | | |position 3 of this record: FTZ number is 15 positions | |

| | | | |starting in position 4. If ocean or rail mode of transport, | |

| | | | |the B/L is a min of 5 positions, max of 16 positions with the| |

| | | | |first 4 positions being only alpha. If air cargo, the bill | |

| | | | |is a min of 11 AN and a max of 23 if a house air waybill is | |

| | | | |concatenated (11 master + up to 12 characters for the house).| |

| | | | |Since motor cargo is mostly not automated at this time, the | |

| | | | |formatting is open, left justified. | |

|Action Code |2A |39-40 |M |Code indicating event. An alpha code describing the event |2 |

| | | | |this record is indicating: PTT, arrival or concurrence. | |

|Received Quantity |10N |41-50 |C |Whole Number. Manifest quantity reported only if codes A, B,| |

| | | | |C, D and F used in positions 39-40. Leading zeros, right | |

| | | | |justify. | |

|Delivery Code |2N |51-52 |C |Delivery reporting codes to be determined by the FTZ Work | |

| | | | |Group. The following codes have been reported to date: | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |PA – Partial manifest reported | |

| | | | |FI – Final manifest portion reported | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |If Action Code is “A” (positions 39-40), the Delivery Code | |

| | | | |status is no longer conditional “C” and is now mandatory “M” | |

|IRS Identifier |12N |53-64 |C |IRS number of carrier responsible for PTT custodial movement.| |

| | | | |IRS number must be on file with CBP and have associated | |

| | | | |CBPF-301 Type 2 (custodial) bond on file. Required if code | |

| | | | |“F” used in positions 39-40. | |

|FIRMS |4AN |65-68 |C |Destination location for PTT move. FIRMS – Facility | |

| | | | |Information Resource Management System identifier of CBP | |

| | | | |linked to site name, address, city, and state information. | |

| | | | |Required if code “F” used in positions 39-40. | |

|Airport Code |3A |69-71 |C |Required if B/L is Air AMS. Three position code as issued by| |

| | | | |IATA (example: National = DCA). | |

|BTA Indicator |1A |72 |O |Required if cargo has BTA involvement. | |

|Filler |8AN |73-80 |M |Space fill. | |

Note 1

For action taken at the Admission Number level, using Action Qualifier 1:

The application will ensure that the Zone Admission Number is on file with CBP. If Admission is not of file generate error message ‘Admission Not On File’. If the field is blank generate error message ‘Invalid/Missing Admission Number.

The Action Code field will contain an ‘A’ when the zone operator concurs with all elements reported on this admission. At this time a transaction will be written to the FTZ database recording this event. An additional transaction will be written to all bills of lading associated with this admission. The reported quantities from the admission will be posted to the appropriate bill of lading and if this posting causes the bill to be closed the bill status will be updated to ‘CLOSED”. Partial concurrences are not accepted via this method.

Note 1 - Continued

When the Action Code field contains a ‘G’ the goods will not be accepted into the zone because they are not authorized for admission. This event will be logged as a transaction posted against the bill of lading and a transaction will be written to the admission history file.

When the Action Code field contains an ‘H’ the goods will be allowed into the zone but no quantity verification has been done. This event will be logged as a transaction posted against the bill of lading and a transaction will be written to the admission history file.

For action taken at the Bill of Lading level, using Action Qualifier 2:

The Application will ensure that the Bill of Lading was reported in the admission. If not generate error message ‘Bill of Lading not Part of Admission’. If the Bill of Lading is not reported to AMS and the MOT is 10, 20, 40 generate error message ‘Bill of Lading not in AMS’. If the field is blank generate error message ‘Invalid/Missing Bill of Lading Number’. When processing at the Bill of Lading level the Admission Number must also be transmitted in the FZ11 Record.

The Action Code field will contain a ‘B’ when the Zone operator concurs with all elements reported on this Bill of Lading. At this time a transaction will be written to the FTZ database recording this event. An additional transaction will be written to the bill of lading. The reported quantity from the bill will be posted and if this posting causes the bill to be closed the bill status will be updated to ‘CLOSED”.

When the Action Code field contains an ‘I’ the goods have been arrived into the zone but no qty verification has been done. This event will be logged as a transaction posted against the bill of lading and a transaction will be written to the admission history file.

For action taken at the In-bond Number level, using Action Qualifier 3:

The Application will ensure that the in-bond number was reported in the admission. If not generate error message ‘In-bond Number not Part of Admission’. If the in-bond number is not reported to AMS and the MOT is 10, 20, 40 generate error message ‘in-bond number not in AMS’. If the field is blank generate error message ‘Invalid/Missing In-bond Number’.

The Action Code field will contain a ‘C’ when the zone operator concurs with all elements reported on this in-bond number. At this time a transaction will be written to the FTZ database recording this event. An additional transaction will be written to all bills of lading associated with this in-bond number. The reported quantities from the in-bond number will be posted to the appropriate bills of lading and if this posting causes the bill to be closed the bill status will be updated to ‘CLOSED”. Partial concurrences are not accepted via this method.

Note 1 - Continued

When the Action Code field contains an ‘I’ the goods have been arrived into the zone but no quantity verification has been done. This event will be logged as a transaction posted against the bill of lading and a transaction will be written to the admission history. When the goods are arrived at the zone by In-bond Number, this also arrives the in-bond at destination.

For action taken at the Container Number level, using Action Qualifier 4:

The Application will ensure that the container is present on one of the Bills of Lading in the Admission. If not generate error message ‘Container Number Invalid for Bills’. This verification will be done referencing the AMS Tables. If the field is blank generate error message ‘Invalid/Missing Container Number’. When processing at the Container level the Admission Number must also be transmitted in the FZ11 Record.

The Action Code field will contain a ‘D’ when the Zone operator concurs with all elements reported on this container. At this time a transaction will be written to the FTZ database recording this event. An additional transaction will be written to all bills of lading associated with this container. The reported quantities from the container will be posted to the appropriate bills of lading and if the quantities posted equal the manifested/amended quantities of the bill, the bill status will be updated to ‘CLOSED”.

If the Action Code equals ‘F’:

The submitter is requesting a Permit To Transfer for the Bill and/or Container identified in the Identification Number field. The ID Qualifier must indicate the appropriate value for a Bill of Lading Number reported in the FZ10. When requesting a PTT at the container level the FZ11 record will contain the ID of the container (s) being moved. If a PTT is requested then the IRS Identifier and FIRMS Code must be reported in the FZ10 record. The IRS number must have an Active Custodial Bond on file with CBP. The FIRMS must be a valid location on the XRJ file and must be in the Port where the movement is occurring. This must also be a bonded facility.

The Airport Code will be reported for all Air Shipments. This will be validated against the Database table referenced by the Airport Code (AWC) file. If the code is not on this table generate error message ‘Invalid/Missing Airport Code’. If this field is missing and it is an air shipment generate error message ‘Invalid/Missing Airport Code’.

The Received Quantity must be greater than zero and must be used when the operator is reporting a PTT. This is a manifest level quantity. This number will be a whole number reflecting what the zone operator has at their location.

When the Action Code field contains an ‘I’ the goods have been arrived into the zone but no quantity verification has been done. This event will be logged as a transaction posted against the bill of lading and a transaction will be written to the admission history file. PTT can only be initiated for container and BOL level.

Note 1 - Continued

The following is a listing of FZ actions and Data Required:

• Initiate PTT – Action Code F

a. For container level PTT, Action qualifier is 2, Id number would contain BOL, and an FZ11 for each container to be included on the PTT is transmitted

b. For PTT less than full container, Action qualifier is 2, ID number would contain BOL, quantity is reported in pos. 41-50 and an FZ11 record for each container number is transmitted.

c. Delivery Code not used

d. BTA Indicator (if needed)

e. Admission Number reported in FZ11 Record

• Operator acceptance – Action Code H

a. Action Qualifier – 1 (214)

b. ID number 214 number (zone id, calendar year, control number)

• Operator Refusal – Action Code G

a. Action Qualifier – 1 (214)

b. ID number 214 number (zone id, calendar year, control number)

• PTT Arrival – Action Code I

a. Action Qualifier – same as the PTT

b. ID number is the same PTT

c. FIRMS – where it actually arrived

• Goods Arrival – Action Code I

a. Action Qualifier – 2, 3 or 4

b. ID Number is the Bill of Lading, In-bond Number or Container Number

c. FIRMS – where it actually arrived

d. Admission Number reported in FZ11 Record

• Concurrence of 214 – Action Code A

a. Action Qualifier – 1

b. ID number is CF214 number

c. Delivery Code = “FI”

d. Quantity = full manifest portion received

• Concurrence of BOL – Action Code B

a. Action Qualifier – 2

b. Id number BOL

c. Delivery Code = “FI”

d. Quantity = manifest portion received

e. Admission Number reported in FZ11 Record

Note 1 - Continued

• Concurrence of In-bond – Action Code C

a. Action qualifier – 3

b. ID number is IT number

c. Delivery Code= “FI”

d. Quantity = full In-bond manifest portion received

• Concurrence of container – Action Code D

a. Action qualifier – 4

b. ID is BOL

c. Delivery Code = “FI”

d. Quantity = manifest portion received

e. FZ11 contains the container(s)

f. Admission Number reported in FZ11 Record

• Partial Concurrence of BOL – Action Code B

a. Action Qualifier – 2

b. Id number BOL

c. Delivery Code = “PA”

d. Quantity = manifest portion received

e. Admission Number reported in FZ11 Record

• Partial Concurrence of container – Action Code D

a. Action qualifier – 4

b. ID is BOL

c. Delivery Code = “PA”

d. Quantity = manifest portion received

e. FZ11 contains the container(s)

f. Admission Number reported in FZ11 Record

A concurrence cannot be deleted or amended. If any changes need to be made, the entire admission must be replaced or deleted, followed by another concurrence.

Note 2

The following action codes are used in FZ10 record, position 39-40 as follows:

Code Description

A Concur with delivery of all goods associated with FTZ Admission Number.

B Concur with Delivery of goods only associated with bill of lading number.

C Concur with Delivery of goods only associated with In-Bond number.

D Concur with Delivery of goods associated with Container number.

E Not Used

F Permit to Transfer Requested

Note 2 - Continued

Code Description

G Delivery of goods not acceptable, merchandise not authorized by operator for Zone admission. (Action Qualifier needs to be at the Admission Number Level.)

H Delivery of goods acceptable, merchandise authorized by operator for Zone admission. (Action Qualifier needs to be done at the Admission Number Level.)

I Indication of the physical arrival of goods at the zone reported by the operator. (Action Qualifier needs to be done at the Bill of Lading, In-Bond or Container level per CSMS 08-000275.)

FZ11 Record Processing

The following processing will occur on the FZ11 record:

The application will receive a FZ11 record when the filer is requesting a PTT by container number and this record may be repeated. The program will verify that each container is on file and associated with the bill detailed in the FZ10 record.

If event processing is being done at the container or bill of lading level an FZ11 record must be transmitted containing the admission number.

If the FZ application is requesting a PTT for one part of an air waybill which has been split, the FZ11 record must be transmitted and must contain the Carrier, Flight Number, and Flight Arrival Date of the split part.

Record Identifier FZ11 (Input)

This is a conditional record used to transmit foreign trade zone Admission document (CBPF-214) data. In this record set the FZ11 will report container numbers moved under the PTT or when reporting Bill or Container Level actions. Record can be repeated up to 999 times.

In the case of a PTT request to move one part of a split shipment (Mode Air), the FZ11 record refers only to the single split part. At the present time, only one split part may be entered on a single admission application.

|Record Identifier FZ11 (Input) |

|Data Element |Length/Class |Position |Status |Description |Note |

|Control Identifier |2N |1-2 |M |Must always equal 11. | |

|Container Number |15N |3-17 |C |The number written on the container that identifies it, | |

| | | | |composed of the 4 alpha equipment initial, and alpha-numeric | |

| | | | |control number. | |

|Admission Number |20AN |18-37 |C |Admission Number provided when performing FZ functions at the| |

| | | | |Bill or Container level. | |

|Airline Carrier Code of |4AN |38-41 |C |For air shipments either the 3-position or the 2-position |1 |

|Importing Carrier | | | |carrier code abbreviation will be accepted. Left justify. | |

|Flight Number |15AN |42-56 |C |Aircraft flight number. |1 |

| | | | |Flight is located in positions 1-5. | |

|Actual Date of Arrival |8N |57-64 |C |Actual date of arrival of the conveyance into the US |1 |

| | | | |expressed in CCYYMMDD (century, year, month, day) format. | |

|Filler |16AN |65-80 |M |Space fill. | |

Note 1

All fields are mandatory for Air waybills. These fields are only used for Mode Air at this time.

FZ20 Record Processing

The application will store each occurrence of the FZ20 record in the FTZ database. This record will be tied to the action taken on the FZ10 record.

FTZ Concurrence and Permit To Transfer Data Set

This is an optional record. Max use 10 per FZ10.

|Record Identifier FZ20 (Input) |

|Data Element |Length/Class |Position |Status |Description |Note |

|Control Identifier |2 |1-2 |M |Must always equal 20. | |

|Remarks |30AN |3-32 |M |Open text comments. Open text remarks to be used in | |

| | | | |reference to a discrepancy reporting code in the FZ10 or to | |

| | | | |record instructions related to a Permit to Transfer movement.| |

| | | | |All remarks will be recorded as part of the transaction | |

| | | | |history within CBP and will be sent to any automated parties | |

| | | | |linked to the transaction record via the Broker Download or | |

| | | | |AMS 2nd Notify Party functionality. Remarks entered via the | |

| | | | |FZ20 will also be viewable by CBP employees. | |

|Remarks |30AN |33-62 |O |Open text comments. Open text remarks to be used in | |

| | | | |reference to a discrepancy reporting code in the FZ10 or to | |

| | | | |record instructions related to a Permit to Transfer movement.| |

| | | | |All remarks will be recorded as part of the transaction | |

| | | | |history within CBP and will be sent to any automated parties | |

| | | | |linked to the transaction record via the Broker Download or | |

| | | | |AMS 2nd Notify Party functionality. Remarks entered via the | |

| | | | |FZ20 will also be viewable by CBP employees. | |

|Filler |13AN |63-80 |M |Space fill. | |

FTZ Output for Notifications

The Notify Application (NF) will transmit messages back to the FTZ submitter and any ABI Filer identified as a recipient of messages for this admission. The AMS component will receive messages in the formats that are generated today.

Every NF set will have a NF90 and NF91 then based on the results it will have NF95 or in the case of a transmission reject it will repeat the line in error followed by the NF95 record detailing the error message. When an error is encountered below the bill level the bill record will be repeated followed by the line item in error followed by the NF95 error messages.

Record Identifier NF90 (Output)

This mandatory output record contains the necessary header data to identify the admission for which the status information is being transmitted.

|Record Identifier NF90 (Output) |

|Data Element |Length/Class |Position |Status |Description |Note |

|Control Identifier |2N |1-2 |M |Must always equal 90. | |

|Admission Type |1A |3 |M |A code representing the Admission Type. Refer to Record | |

| | | | |Identifier FT20, Note 1 of this chapter for valid codes. | |

|Zone ID |7AN |4-10 |M |Zone ID is composed of the following: | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |FTZ ID = 3 numeric | |

| | | | |Subzone ID = 2 alpha-numeric | |

| | | | |Site ID = 2 numeric | |

|Calendar Year |2N |11-12 |M |Calendar year in YY (year) format. | |

|Control Number |8AN |13-20 |M |Free form number governing the admission. The Zone ID + year| |

| | | | |+ control number = the standardized admission number. | |

|Port Code |4N |21-24 |M |Schedule D Code (port code) in which the FTZ is located. | |

|Direct Delivery Indicator |1A |25 |M |N = Not Direct Delivery | |

| | | | |Y = Direct Delivery | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |A delivery into the FTZ of an admission traveling on an | |

| | | | |in-bond movement. | |

|Filler |55AN |26-80 |M |Space fill. | |

Record Identifier NF91 (Output)

This mandatory output record contains the notification information relating to a particular bill of lading. This record can be repeated as many times as necessary.

|Record Identifier NF91 (Output) |

|Data Element |Length/Class |Position |Status |Description |Note |

|Record Type |2N |1-2 |M |Must always equal 91. | |

|Disposition Code |3AN |3-5 |M |A code advising the recipient of the posting action taken on | |

| | | | |a bill of lading. Valid Disposition Codes are listed in | |

| | | | |Appendix N of this publication. | |

|Reference Qualifier |3AN |6-8 |M |A code up to 3 positions indicating the type of Reference ID | |

| | | | |in positions 9-43. Valid codes are: | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |1 FTZ Admission Number | |

| | | | |2 Bill of Lading Number | |

| | | | |3 In-Bond Number | |

| | | | |4 Container Number | |

|Reference ID |35AN |9-43 |M |Reference ID as defined by the Reference Qualifier. | |

|Action Date |6N |44-49 |M |A date in YYMMDD (year, month, day) format representing the | |

| | | | |date on which the action was authorized by CBP or another | |

| | | | |federal agency or the date that the action was scheduled to | |

| | | | |occur. | |

|Action Time |4N |50-53 |M |A time in HHMM (hour, minute) military time format | |

| | | | |representing the time that the transmission to CBP was | |

| | | | |processed. | |

|In-bond Carrier Code |4X |54-57 |O |A code representing the SCAC or the International Air | |

| | | | |Transport Association Code (IATA) of the in-bond carrier. | |

| | | | |Will be transmitted when In-bond Authorization message is | |

| | | | |sent. | |

|FIRMS ID |4AN |58-61 |C |FIRMS identifier of the delivery location of goods moving on | |

| | | | |a PTT. | |

|Container Number |15AN |62-76 |O |The container number identified for this action. | |

|Filler |4AN |77-80 |M |Space fill. | |

Record Identifier NF95 (Output)

This conditional output record contains remarks relating to the posting of a bill of lading or the status of the importing conveyance.

|Record Identifier NF95 (Output) |

|Data Element |Length/Class |Position |Status |Description |Note |

|Record Type |2N |1-2 |M |Must always equal 95. | |

|Error Code |5X |3-7 |M |The error Code of the Rejection Message. Error codes are | |

| | | | |listed in Appendix P of this publication. The Name of the | |

| | | | |Custodial party moving goods on a PTT will be displayed in | |

| | | | |the first NF91 Record. When Arrival/Exports are reported the| |

| | | | |first remarks record will contain the port of arrival/export | |

| | | | |and the date. The following records may precede the NF95 in | |

| | | | |the case of a FT or FZ transaction rejection: FT10, FT20, | |

| | | | |FT40, FT41, FT42, FT50, FT51, FT60, FT61, FZ10, FZ11, and | |

| | | | |FZ20. | |

|Remarks |60X |8-67 |M |Text message in free form test. | |

|Filler |13AN |68-80 |M |Space fill. | |

FTZ Output for Broker Download

This output will be generated if an ABI Routing Code is present in the FT10 Record.

Record Identifier ZD10 (Output)

This optional record is used to transmit broker download information to the ABI filer.

|Record Identifier ZD10 (Output) |

|Data Element |Length/Class |Position |Status |Description |Note |

|Control Identifier |2N |1-2 |M |Must always equal 10. | |

|Action Code |1A |3 |M |A code representing the action to be taken. Valid action | |

| | | | |codes are: | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |A = Add | |

| | | | |D = Delete | |

| | | | |R = Replace | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |CBP will send electronic record of any changed items to | |

| | | | |Census. | |

|Zone ID |7AN |4-10 |M |Zone ID is composed of the following: | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |FTZ ID = 3 numeric | |

| | | | |Subzone ID = 2 alpha-numeric | |

| | | | |Site ID = 2 numeric | |

|Calendar Year |2N |11-12 |M |Calendar year in YY (year) format. | |

|Control Number |8AN |13-20 |M |Open format. Free form number governing the admission. The | |

| | | | |Zone ID + year + control number = the standardized admission | |

| | | | |number. | |

|Port Code |4N |21-24 |M |Schedule D Code (port code) in which the FTZ is located. | |

|Direct Delivery Indicator |1A |25 |M |N = Not Direct Delivery | |

| | | | |Y = Direct Delivery | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |A delivery into the FTZ of an admission traveling on an | |

| | | | |in-bond movement. | |

|ABI Filer Code |3AN |26-28 |M |Filer Code of Submitter. | |

|ABI Routing Code |9AN |29-37 |O |ABI Routing code and optional office extension if filer of | |

| | | | |214 wants copy sent to another ABI participant via this | |

| | | | |routing information (broker download). CBP will send | |

| | | | |electronic copy of FT data set to designated ABI participant | |

| | | | |following error free acceptance of FT input. The format will | |

| | | | |be District Port Code, Filer Code, and Office Code. (e.g. | |

| | | | |ddppflrof). | |

|RS Identifier |12AN |38-49 |M |IRS number of applicant. IRS number with embedded hyphen in | |

| | | | |format NN-NNNNNNNXX. XX=optional CBP assigned suffix, leave | |

| | | | |blank or fill with zeroes (0) if no suffix. | |

|Filler |31AN |50-80 |M |Space fill. | |

Record Identifier ZD20 (Output)

This conditional record is a continuation of the ZD10 and is used to transmit broker download information to the ABI filer. Record can be repeated up to 999 times.

|Record Identifier ZD20 (Output) |

|Data Element |Length/Class |Position |Status |Description |Note |

|Control Identifier |2N |1-2 |M |Must always equal 20 | |

|Admission Type |1A |3 |M |A code indicating that the admission type. Refer to Record | |

| | | | |Identifier FT20, Note 1 of this chapter for valid codes. | |

|Mode of Transportation |2N |4-5 |C |Code indicating mode of transport that imported goods into | |

| | | | |USA. Valid codes are found in Appendix B of this | |

| | | | |publication. If Admission Type equals “T, C, Z’ data element| |

| | | | |not used. | |

|SCAC Identifier of Importing |4A |6-9 |C |SCAC related to conveyance in positions 12 to 34. If | |

|Carrier | | | |Admission Type equals “T, C, Z’ data element not used. | |

|Conveyance Name |23AN |10-32 |C |Name of conveyance. If MOT = 10, name of vessel, if other | |

| | | | |than vessel, name of transportation company. If Admission | |

| | | | |Type equals “T, C, Z’ data element not used. | |

|Voyage/Trip/Flight Number |15AN |33-47 |C |Vessel voyage, truck/rail trip or aircraft flight number. If| |

| | | | |Admission Type equals “T, C, Z’ data element not used. | |

|Export Date |8N |48-55 |C |Date of exportation from foreign country expressed in | |

| | | | |CCYYMMDD (century, year, month, day) format. If Admission | |

| | | | |Type equals “T, C, Z’ data element not used. | |

|Import Date |8N |56-63 |C |Date of arrival at first US port of unlading expressed in | |

| | | | |CCYYMMDD (century, year, month, day) format. If Admission | |

| | | | |Type equals “T, C, Z’ data element not used. | |

|Port of Unlading |4N |64-67 |C |Census Schedule D code. If Admission Type equals “T, C, Z’ | |

| | | | |data element not used. | |

|Estimated Date of Arrival |8N |70-77 |C |Estimated date of arrival of the conveyance expressed in | |

| | | | |CCYYMMDD (century, year, month, day) format. If Admission | |

| | | | |Type equals “T, C, Z’ data element not used. | |

|Filler |3AN |78-80 |M |Space fill. | |

Record Identifier ZD30 (Output)

Optional record used if goods delivered via in-bond to zone location. This record is a continuation of the ZD10 and ZD20 and is used to transmit broker download information to the ABI filer. Can be repeated up to 9999 times.

|Record Identifier ZD30 (Output) |

|Data Element |Length/Class |Position |Status |Description |Note |

|Control Identifier |2N |1-2 |M |Must always equal 30. | |

|In-Bond Carrier Code |4A |3-6 |M |SCAC of Transportation company moving goods. | |

|I.T. Number |35AN |7-41 |M |Minimum 9, Max 23 (Air Master + House). In-Bond control | |

| | | | |numbers vary in length from a minimum of nine-digits (9) for | |

| | | | |conventional CBPF-7512 in-bond movements (including QP and | |

| | | | |CAFES), eleven-positions (11) for Sea/Rail AMS and up to | |

| | | | |twenty-three (23) for Air AMS when master air waybill and | |

| | | | |house air waybill used for primary Air AMS in-bond movement. | |

| | | | |Subsequent In-Bond movements or ‘legs’ in Air AMS use the | |

| | | | |conventional nine-digit (9) in-bond identifier. | |

|In-Bond Date |8N |42-49 |M |Date In-Bond Movement Authorized. The date an in-bond | |

| | | | |request was approved by CBP. | |

|Origin Port Code |4N |50-53 |M |U.S. Census Schedule D Code of the U.S. CBP port where the | |

| | | | |in-bond movement started. | |

|Quantity |10N |54-63 |O |In-Bond quantity – shipment quantity covered by this in-bond | |

| | | | |movement. | |

|Filler |12AN |64-80 |M |Space fill. | |

Record Identifier ZD40 (Output)

This conditional record is a continuation of the ZD10, ZD20, and ZD30 and is used to transmit broker download information to the ABI filer. Record can be repeated up to 9999 times.

|Record Identifier ZD40 (Output) |

|Data Element |Length/Class |Position |Status |Description |Note |

|Control Identifier |2N |1-2 |M |Must always equal 40. | |

|Bill of Lading or Air Waybill |35AN |3-37 |M |Minimum of 6, maximum of 35 positions. If importing carrier | |

|of Lading | | | |is automated with CBP, the bill of lading or air waybill will| |

| | | | |be validated against CBP database and input will be rejected | |

| | | | |if BOL not on file. | |

|House Bill |20AN |38-57 |O |House Bill Number issued by a consolidator or NVOCC. | |

|Quantity |10N |58-67 |C |Whole number representing smallest exterior packing unit. | |

| | | | |These fields are not required for Admission Types ‘O’, ‘C’, | |

| | | | |‘D’, ‘Z’, ‘T’. | |

|Country of Export |2AN |68-69 |C |ISO Code of country from where the goods were exported to the| |

| | | | |U.S. These fields are not required for Admission Types ‘O’, | |

| | | | |‘C’, ‘D’, ‘Z’, ‘T’. | |

|Foreign Load Port |5N |70-74 |C |Census Schedule K code of port where goods loaded for | |

| | | | |transport by water to the United States. These fields are | |

| | | | |not required for Admission Types ‘O’, ‘C’, ‘D’, ‘Z’, ‘T’. | |

|FIRMS Identifier |4AN |75-78 |C |FIRMS identifier of location goods moving on PTT are to be | |

| | | | |delivered. FIRMS required when requesting a PTT on Direct | |

| | | | |Delivery. | |

|Filler |2AN |79-80 |M |Space fill. | |

Record Identifier ZD41 (Output)

Optional record used if goods delivered via in-bond to zone location. This record is a continuation of the ZD10, ZD20, ZD30, and ZD40 records and is used to transmit broker download information to the ABI filer. Can be repeated up to 9999 times.

|Record Identifier ZD41 (Output) |

|Data Element |Length/Class |Position |Status |Description |Note |

|Control Identifier |2N |1-2 |M |Must always equal 41. | |

|In-Bond Carrier Code |4A |3-6 |M |SCAC of Transportation company moving goods. | |

|I.T. Number |35AN |7-41 |M |Minimum 9, Max 23 (Air Master + House) In-Bond control | |

| | | | |numbers vary in length from a minimum of nine-digits (9) for | |

| | | | |conventional CBPF-7512 in-bond movements (including QP and | |

| | | | |CAFES), eleven-positions (11) for Sea/Rail AMS and up to | |

| | | | |twenty-three (23) for Air AMS when master air waybill and | |

| | | | |house air waybill used for primary Air AMS in-bond movement. | |

| | | | |Subsequent In-Bond movements or ‘legs’ in Air AMS use the | |

| | | | |conventional nine-digit (9) in-bond identifier. | |

|In-Bond Date |8N |42-49 |M |Date In-Bond Movement Authorized. The date an in-bond | |

| | | | |request was approved by CBP. | |

|Origin Port Code |4N |50-53 |M |U.S. Census Schedule D Port Code where the in-bond movement | |

| | | | |started. | |

|Quantity |10N |54-63 |O |In-Bond quantity piece count of the shipment included in the | |

| | | | |in-bond movement. | |

|Filler |17AN |64-80 |M |Space fill. | |

Record Identifier ZD42 (Output)

This conditional record is a continuation of the ZD10, ZD20, ZD30, ZD40, and ZD41 records and is used to transmit broker download information to the ABI filer. Record can be repeated 9999 times.

|Record Identifier ZD42 (Output) |

|Data Element |Length/Class |Position |Status |Description |Note |

|Control Identifier |2N |1-2 |M |Must always equal 42. | |

|IRS Identifier |12N |3-14 |M |IRS number of bonded carrier responsible for custodial Permit| |

| | | | |To Transfer within Port movement. IRS number used by CBP to | |

| | | | |validate that carrier is authorized for bonded cargo | |

| | | | |movements. | |

|Filler |66AN |15-80 |M |Space fill. | |

Record Identifier ZD43 (Output)

This conditional record is a continuation of the ZD10, ZD20, ZD30, ZD40, ZD41, and ZD42 records and is used to transmit broker download information to the ABI filer. Record can be repeated 9999 times.

|Record Identifier ZD43 (Output) |

|Data Element |Length/Class |Position |Status |Description |Note |

|Control Identifier |2N |1-2 |M |Must always equal 43. | |

|Container Number |15N |3-17 |M |Container number for which PTT is being requested. | |

|Filler |63AN |18-80 |M |Space fill. | |

Record Identifier ZD50 (Output)

This conditional record is a continuation of the ZD10, ZD20, ZD30, ZD40, ZD41, ZD42, and ZD43 records and is used to transmit broker download information to the ABI filer. Record can be repeated up to 9999 times.

|Record Identifier ZD50 (Output) |

|Data Element |Length/Class |Position |Status |Description |Note |

|Control Identifier |2N |1-2 |M |Must always equal 50. | |

|Line Item Number |5N |3-7 |M |If there is more than one (1) bill of lading within the FT | |

| | | | |input transaction set, the line number reverts to 00001 at | |

| | | | |the first occurrence of the FT50 record following the next | |

| | | | |bill of lading number. Example: B/L 0001, 3 FT50 records, | |

| | | | |Line Item Numbers 00001, 00002, 00003, B/L 0002, 2 FT50 | |

| | | | |records, Line Item Numbers 00001, 00002 if both B/L’s | |

| | | | |contained within the same input data set. In the case of | |

| | | | |sets the Line Item number will be repeated for all Line Items| |

| | | | |in the set. The Master HSA will be reported as the first | |

| | | | |Line Item. | |

|Harmonized Tariff Schedule |10AN |8-17 |M |Must be a valid harmonized tariff number. | |

|Number | | | | | |

|Special Program Indicator |1AN |18 |C |These are programs established to allow certain commodities | |

|(SPI) | | | |from specified countries to receive favorable treatment. | |

| | | | |These are the primary programs. Refer to Record Identifier | |

| | | | |FT50, Note 1 of this chapter for valid SPI. | |

|Special Program Indicator |2AN |19-20 |C |If valid code, country code related to SPI. | |

|(SPI) Country | | | | | |

|Special Program Indicator |1AN |21 |O |These are programs established to allow certain commodities | |

|(SPI) Secondary | | | |from specified countries to receive favorable treatment. | |

| | | | |These are the secondary programs. | |

|Country of Origin |2AN |22-23 |C |ISO code indicating country where goods were grown, produced | |

| | | | |or manufactured. Refer to Record Identifier FT50, Note 2 for| |

| | | | |valid codes | |

|Quantity 1 |12N |24-35 |C |Fractional quantities may be expressed out to two (2) decimal| |

| | | | |positions. | |

|Unit of Measure 1 |3AN |36-38 |C |The primary unit of measure in the shipment. | |

|Quantity 2 |12N |39-50 |C |Fractional quantities may be expressed out to two (2) decimal| |

| | | | |positions. | |

|Unit of Measure 2 |3AN |51-53 |C |The secondary unit of measure in the shipment. | |

|Quota Category |3AN |54-56 |C |Quota category if the shipment falls under quota restrictions| |

| | | | |this is the category describing the restrictions. | |

|Filler |24AN |57-80 |M |Space fill. | |

Record Identifier ZD51 (Output)

This conditional record is paired with the preceding FT50 record and will be reported to the Bureau of the Census under the same Line Item Number as recorded in the preceding FT50 record. This record is a continuation of the ZD10, ZD20, ZD30, ZD40, ZD41, ZD42, ZD43, and ZD50 records and is used to transmit broker download information to the ABI filer

|Record Identifier ZD51 (Output) |

|Data Element |Length/Class |Position |Status |Description |Note |

|Control Identifier |2N |1-2 |M |Must always equal 51. | |

|Weight |10N |3-12 |M |Whole Number, no decimals for the gross weight of the | |

| | | | |shipment. | |

|Value |12N |13-24 |C |US Dollar Value – value of the shipment in whole U.S. | |

| | | | |dollars, no decimals. | |

|Charges |10N |25-34 |C |Transportation Charges for Census. The total charges | |

| | | | |involved in transporting the shipment from foreign to the | |

| | | | |FTZ. | |

|Zone Status |1AN |35 |C |Code indicating FTZ status: | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |Code P = Privileged Foreign | |

| | | | |Code N = Non-privileged Foreign | |

| | | | |Code D = Domestic | |

| | | | |Code Z = Zone restricted | |

|Harbor Maintenance Fee (HMF) |8N |36-43 |O |Report zero or value of harbor maintenance fee in U.S. | |

| | | | |dollars and cents. If there is no fee paid, indicate with a | |

| | | | |“0”. | |

|Filler |37AN |44-80 |M |Space fill. | |

Record Identifier ZD60 (Output)

This conditional record is a continuation of the ZD10, ZD20, ZD30, ZD40, ZD41, ZD42, ZD43, ZD50, and ZD51 records and is used to transmit broker download information to the ABI filer. Record can be repeated up to 9999 times.

|Record Identifier ZD60 (Output) |

|Data Element |Length/Class |Position |Status |Description |Note |

|Control Identifier |2N |1-2 |M |Must always equal 60. | |

|Description |45AN |3-47 |M |Line level description of merchandise. | |

|Reference Qualifier |3AN |48-50 |O |A code up to three-positions (3) indicating the type of | |

| | | | |reference ID in positions 51-72. For a valid list of | |

| | | | |qualifiers, see ABI QP33 record in CATAIR In-Bond chapter. | |

| | | | |Code “IM” will be added to indicate importer. A Manufacturer| |

| | | | |ID will be required for every line item on an Admission. The| |

| | | | |code for that entity will be ‘MID’. | |

|Reference ID |22AN |51-72 |C |Reference id as defined for a particular qualifier. Required| |

| | | | |if reference qualifier is used in positions 48-50. | |

|Filler |8AN |73-80 |M |Space fill. | |

Record Identifier ZD61 (Output)

This conditional record is a continuation of the ZD10, ZD20, ZD30, ZD40, ZD41, ZD42, ZD43, ZD50, ZD51, and ZD60 records and is used to transmit broker download information to the ABI filer. Record can be repeated up to 99 times.

|Record Identifier ZD61 (Output) |

|Data Element |Length/Class |Position |Status |Description |Notes |

|Control Identifier |2N |1-2 |M |Must always equal 61. | |

|Remarks |78AN |3-80 |M |Line level description of merchandise in free form text. | |


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