Memory Book - Quia

[Pages:2]Memory Book

This memory book will consist of memories and thoughts from your entire life thus far. It must be complete and show good writing, creativity and thought. The final product will be presented in a three-ring binder, clear folder, etc. You may decorate the cover with drawings, pictures, or designs. The writing will be evaluated using the "Six Plus One" writing traits rubric.

Your book will contain the following:

? a cover page ? a table of contents ? 10 photos ? 10 chapters--including the following:

*Chapter 1: "Who am I?" (Who are you? Where do you live? What do you want to tell us about yourself? What are your life goals? How do you expect to reach those goals?)

*Chapter 10: "At last, I'm a Senior" (Your senior year: highlights, troubles, activities, heartbreaks, friends, teachers, coaches, etc.) ? Epilogue: "If I Could Live My Life All Over, I Would..." (this is the 11th piece of


You must choose eight (8) of the following chapters:

Chapter: "Before I Was, There Were..." (Your parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, older cousins and siblings, and anybody who may not be a relative but who has helped to pave the way for you and your family.)

Chapter: "Suddenly, I Became Me" (Earliest memories: people, places, events and all those cute things that you did when you were tiny, that your mother/ father tell you about)

Chapter: "School Bells" ( Your earliest years in school--K through 3--learning to read, special school programs, special teachers, and special friends.)

Chapter: "More School Bells" ( Grades 4 through 5--school work gets harder--paper, multiplication tables, art, science experiments, recess, etc.)

Chapter: "I Grew Up Here" (Describe your town, neighborhood, rural community, and etc.)

Chapter: "Hide and Seek" (Describe in some detail games you liked to play.)

Chapter: "My First Boyfriend/ Girlfriend" (Describe your first crush.)

Chapter: "I Wish I Could See ____ Again" (Tell about a childhood friend or someone that you have no contact with anymore.) Chapter: "Middle School" (Getting accustomed to "big kids", teachers, friends, activities, successes, heartbreaks, etc.) Chapter: "Let's go to the Movies" (Favorite movies at different times in your life: childhood, early teen years, and now.) Chapter: "I'm really in Love This Time" (Describe your first serious romance.) Chapter: "Let's take a Vacation" (A memorable trip you took with your family or friends.) Chapter: "High School: The Early Years" (Your freshman, sophomore, and junior years in high school: highlights, troubles, activities, successes, heartbreaks, friends, teachers, coaches.) Chapter: "Jobs I've Had" Chapter: "Sports" Chapter: "Organizations" Chapter: "Best Friends" Chapter: "My Pets" Chapter: "Habits- Good and Bad" Chapter: "Favorites" Chapter: "Those I Admire" Chapter: "My Biggest Influences" Chapter: "Ten Years from Now" Chapter: "My Talents" Have fun with this project. Enjoy reminiscing about the past. This is a gift for you to have as a keepsake or to share with family and friends.


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