Georgetown University

Written Collection of Curatorial Assignment--by Junya Yuan(Yvonne)Curatorial Theme: the Beauty of Symmetry and EquilibriumScope of collection: Works displayed in Megg’s History of Graphic Design, Fourth Edition, one image from each chapter, altogether 24 pieces.1. Name: Sarcophagus of Aspalta, King of EthiopiaDate of production: c.593-568 B.C. Name of designer: unknownOriginal material: engraved stoneChapter Number: 1Image Number: 1-21Page Number: 139810752423160Caption: I feel the enchantment of this piece on its harmonious arrangement of the texts and images. Although there are four writing directions, left to right, right to left, horizontal and vertical, the whole work never appears to be disordered. The general structure of the layout adheres to the principle of symmetry and appropriate-portion. Of uneven density, the picture part and word section unify through the contrast and coordination. Another point worth commend is that the space is divided by the linear elements, which contributes to the well-balancedness of combining the pictures and words. 2. Name: Archaic Greek votive wheel Date of production: c.525 B.C. Name of designer: unknownOriginal material: metalChapter Number: 2Image Number: 2-9Page Number: 23Caption: Quite obviously, the Greek alphabets are arranged along the upper 16-centimeters diameter semi-arc of the metal wheel. It’s known that this wheel was used for worship to Apollo, both the shape of the metal and the design of the alphabets’ order are satisfying the perfection and unspeakable grace of the god. 3333751054100The significance of design history lies in that the Greek alphabet engraved on the wheel shows its major position in the evolution of the graphic communication.3. Name: Chinese woodblock print of Buddhist Manjusri (Wenshu)Date of production: c.A.D.950Name of designer: unknownOriginal material: woodblock printChapter Number: 3Image Number: 3-14Page Number: 39Caption: It gave an imposing appearance to this print of Buddhist Manjusri, mainly for the illustration part. The composition of the Buddhist, the lion which he’s riding, the disciple on the left side, Heng General on the right, and the magnificent screen-like background and two banners displaying eulogy on each side all act up to the principle of symmetry and equilibrium.1057275847725Especially, the propitious clouds and grain appearance serving as the auspicious Chinese motifs add to the dignified atmosphere and powerful manner.4. Name: the Lindisfarne Gospels, carpet page facing the opening of Saint Matthew Date of production: c.A.D.698Name of designer: unknownOriginal material: carpetChapter Number: 4Image Number: 4-6Page Number: 478477252009140 Caption: This one might be the most breath-taking carpet I’ve ever seen in my life. I am totally obsessed with the complicated but unified style of the colors and patterns. A seventh-century Celtic cross and other geometric motif are organizing the whole structure. Although the massive yellow, orange and blue lines padding in the main rectangular may bring up the emotion of chaos, the symmetrical red crosses with white circles hold the whole stability. With interlaces and lacertines filling the space, the carpet filled with spirit and luxury.5. Name: a page from Biblia Pauperum (Paupers' Bible), a picture BibleDate of production: 1465Name of designer: unknownOriginal material: woodblockChapter Number: 5Image Number: 5-8Page Number: 68 Caption: In this page, a cross-shaped architectural structure brings order to the complex page. Bible verses appear in upper corners, each two persons are standing in a symmetrical way. Also, the ribbons with words are used as horizontal line to keep this piece well-balanced. As a page from the book depicting all the events in the life of Christ, the atmosphere of solemnity and reverence prevailed.6. Name: Anton Koberger, pages from the Nuremberg ChronicleDate of production:1493Name of designer: Michel Wolgemuth & Wilhelm PleydenwurffOriginal material: Printed book with woodcut illustrationsChapter Number: 6Image Number: 6-9Page Number: 8412287251842135 Caption: This illustration embodies the grace and elegance of drawing techniques in a so simple but concise manner. Its tree-like or goblet-like structure shows the creative mind of the designers. Additionally, the black-and -white quadrille finished floor plays a role of presenting the atmosphere of 15th Century so vividly. The “artist” and scribes constrained the character counts as the type of font to make sure that the conversion is accurate. 7. Name: page from La operina da imparare di scrivere littera cancellarescaDate of production: 1522Name of designer: Lodovico ArrighiOriginal material: paperChapter Number: 7Image Number: 7-20Page Number: 10213144501594485 Caption: I love this piece because it’s so graceful and elegant looking. Not only the font is charming, appealing to readers’ romantic emotions, but also it’s whole arrangement of the lines of words. Like a beautiful spiral, it’s a perfect example of application of symmetrical array of words in geometric figures.8. Name: title page for Ariette, miseen musique (Ariette, Mode of Music)Date of production: 1756Name of designer: pierre simon fournier le jeuneOriginal material: book Chapter Number: 8Image Number: 8-5Page Number: 1199810751632585 Caption: As a typical rococo period work, this title page takes full advantage of the delicate elements, including a myriad of floral, curvilinear, and geometric ornaments. Despite its variety of patterns and sizes, all the elements are integrated into the community of elegance and exquisite design. Using the symmetrical structure, the whole piece just looks like a aristocratic lady.9. Name: poster for the Cleveland and Hendricks presidential campaignDate of production: 1884Name of designer: S.S.Frizzall and J.H. Bufford’s SonsOriginal material: posterChapter Number: 9Image Number: 9-44Page Number: 154 Caption: This counts as my favorite poster in Megg’s book. Firstly, it’s eye-catching due to the symmetrical form and the combination of contrasting colors. The two candidates are displaced in a face-to-face way, together with a variety of patriotic elements, covering eagles, flags, banners, columned frames, a united atmosphere is exaggerated. Secondly, the whole poster is structured like an open book that you can fold it, and you can also take it as a photo frame.952546482010. Name: Rose fabric designDate of production: 1883Name of designer: William MorrisOriginal material: fabricChapter Number: 10Image Number: 10-4Page Number: 16910668002337435 Caption: This piece is like a noble and distinguished woman. I can even smell the elegant scent of her. Why it gives people this marvelous feeling is that it uses the pink rose, yellow tulip, green and blue leaves and cute birds to form a complex pattern. Again, though elements are of a great kinds and sizes, the symmetry principle makes a difference, turning a mass into a pleasant masterpiece, making viewers find themselves wandering in the enchanting garden. Especially the curving stems and distinguished pink rose contribute to the steadiness and stability of this work.11. Name: batik book cover for De Stille Kracht (The Quiet Power) Date of production: 1900Name of designer: Chris LebeauOriginal material: book coverChapter Number: 11Image Number: 11-61Page Number: 2155048253023235 Caption: Absorbed in East Indies traditional patterns and colors, this cover strikes people with a strong exotic taste. The designer, Chris Lebeau, who was inspired by the lush and organic designs of Javanese batik derived from Netherland, then combined both western and eastern elements together. Actually, the flower-like patterns are made according to a mathematical system based on diamond shapes. It is of great significance because the introduction of batik as a contemporary design medium was one of the important contributions of the Netherlands to the international art nouveau movement. In my point of view, it excels the form of symmetry and balance because the witty design of the hidden axis. And when you unfold the book as the photo displayed, it turns out to be a picture, a well-designed masterpiece!12. Name: poster for Glasgow Institute of Fine Arts Date of production: 18952486025318135Name of designer: Margaret and Frances Macdonald with J.Herbert McNairOriginal material: posterChapter Number: 12Image Number: 12-3Page Number: 223 Caption: As is mentioned in Megg’s book, the rising verticality and integration of flowing curves with rectangular structure are hallmarks of these two designers’ mature works. With strong religious beliefs and embraced symbolist and mystical ideas, the Macdonald sisters developed their own innovative style of design, which is defined as feminine, fairyland fantastic and melancholy disquietude by using the architectural structure. The open arms, the flying hairs, the draping clothes and the meticulous pleats are symmetrically designed to demonstrate the mystery and lurking power of the Glasgow Institute of the Fine Art. Lines are bold and simple, defining flat planes of color, striking people with a visual impact.13. Name: Lege African Mask, from CongoDate of production: unknownName of designer: unknownOriginal material: wood Chapter Number: 13Image Number: 13-2 Page Number: 249 Caption: The impressive mask is symmetrical carved and built. Using geometric figures serving as the eyes, nose and mouth, this simple and primitive piece is filled with wisdom and aesthetic sight. Another reason why I attach great importance to this Africa tribal art work is that it illuminated the renowned Spanish painter Pablo Picasso to start the cubism, which is a brand new artistic tradition, challenging the 400-year Renaissance tradition of pictorial art.101917511684014. Name: cinema poster for Metropolis Date of production:19262400300318135Name of designer: Schulz-NeudammOriginal material: poster Chapter Number: 14Image Number: 14-56Page Number: 286 Caption: I am hooked with this film poster at the first glance! With skyscrapers behind, the robot is just sparkling with metal light. The straight lines and gold color make this one a strong and impressive poster. The symmetrical structure is proof of the modern and justice sense. as a representative figure of German graphic designer, Schulz-Neudamm is excellent not only for his superb techniques but also for the fusion of multiple European art styles, such as geometric pictorial images inspired by cubism, French advertising art, lettering, typography, spatial organization from the Russian constructivist and Dutch De Stijl movements. 15. Name: Batavier Line posterDate of production:1916Name of designer: Bart van der LeckOriginal material: poster Chapter Number: 15Image Number: 15-45Page Number: 301 Caption: The space is divided by the symmetrical lines thus appear to be well-portioned. Different scenarios are displayed, but the balance makes people feel it’s trust-worthy and safe. It is designed before the De Stijl movement that launched in the Netherlands in 1917, but it has fully showed the importance of the prelude as Bart van der Leck used flat, geometric shapes of pure color and created graphic designs with flat color images and simple black bars to organize the space. 27622512382516. Name: first Bauhaus sealDate of production:1919Name of designer: unknown Original material: unknown Chapter Number: 16Image Number: 16-2Page Number: 311 Caption: It’s a student’s work in the competition; however, I think this one reflects the spirit of Bauhaus. The image are running and embracing the wonderful wind. It’s symmetrical structured and expressed the medieval and craft affinities of the early Bauhaus.50482515557517. Name: advertisement for CCA( Container Corporation of America)Date of production: 1938Name of designer: A.M.Cassandre Original material: unknownChapter Number: 17Image Number: 17-22Page Number: 3438191501584960 Caption: This Ad is typical for its symmetrical organization of the three identical faces, leaving people with a deep impression, not only for its innovative structure but also for its contrast colors. A series of CCA advertisements have defied American advertising conventions as the traditional headline and body copy were replaced by a dominant visual that extended a simple statement about CCA.18. Name: “Inflatable Sculpture” poster for the Jewish MuseumDate of production: 1968Name of designer: Arnold SaksOriginal material: posterChapter Number: 18Image Number: 18-47Page Number: 3738953501384935 Caption: Like one wave in the massive ocean, like a luminous shell, like a glamorous museum, this work makes full use of the curve lines and contrast of black and white! It expressed complex ideas with clarity and directness. The harmony and order is brought out to audiences, embodied with the International Typographic Style.19. Name: cover for Seventeen Date of production: 1949Name of designer: Cipe PinelesOriginal material: magazine coverChapter Number: 19Image Number: 19-31Page Number: 3847429501908810 Caption: I would like to say that the designer is so clever that using the symmetrical photo to produce such a cute image of shadow in the water. What is worth mention is that the designer, also serving as the editorial director at Seventeen was the first woman admitted to membership in the New York Art Director’s Club, breaking the bastion of the male-dominated professional design societies. 20. Name: signage symbol system for the U.S. Department of TransportationDate of production: 1974Name of designer: Roger Cook and Don ShanoskyOriginal material: unknownChapter Number: 20Image Number: 20-43Page Number: 41512858751856105 Caption: The majority of symbols are of symmetrical features, because it’s the traditional and stable status of everything around us. Cars, plans, men and women, we are used to be symmetrical and conventional. These signs combined overall harmony with a visual consistency of line, shape, weight, and form, which represented an important first step toward the goal of unified and effective graphic communications transcending cultural and language barriers in a shrinking world.21. Name: classical film screening poster Date of production: 1973Name of designer: David Lance GoinesOriginal material: posterChapter Number: 21Image Number: 21-48Page Number: 43910001251565910 Caption: This screening poster applies for a symmetrical image of camera and wings, making it classic and full of wit. The legend designer, David Lance Goines, made all his endeavors to maintain his own Saint Hieronymous Press while developing his unique but favorable design style. Features are symmetrical composition, simplified line drawing, quiet planes of flat color and subtle stripes rimming the contours. 22. Name: Japanese traditional crests, the monDate of production: unknown Name of designer: unknownOriginal material: unknownChapter Number: 22Image Number: 22-6Page Number: 449 Caption: Japanese traditional patterns are all featured with symmetry and rotation, which is accord with its ethic characteristics and cultural habit. Since Japanese designers are clinging to simplified emblematic form, the European constructivism which advocates asymmetrical balance didn’t have a profound effect as the Japanese design movement took place. They are more prone to central structures of space around a median axis, reflecting the compositional traditions. The crest, also known as the mon, has a history of a thousand years. The major objects are flowers, birds, animals, plants.1000125889023. Name: record album cover design for Parliament Date of production: 1985 Name of designer: Neville Brody Original material: record album coverChapter Number: 23Image Number: 23-52Page Number: 4866858001909445 Caption: Influenced by the geometric forms of the Russian constructivist artist and Dada’s experimental attitudes and rejection of the canons of the ruling establishment, London artist, Neville Brody would not be categorized as a retro designer in the postmodern era. That’s because his work focused on revealing but not concealing ideas. He wanted to express his personal vision which could touch his audience. This album cover used bold colors and large letters to illustrate its inner power, featured in heraldry and military emblems.24. Name: HOTBOT logoDate of production: 1996 Name of designer: Erik AdigardOriginal material: logoChapter Number: 24Image Number: 24-81Page Number: 5182857501870710 Caption: As is shown below, the logo is typically symmetrical, both its shapes and letters. The black and red combination also gives an attractive scent to this logo. The concentric circles were also navigation links. HOTBOT is the first commercial web search engine with customized search features, launched in May 1996 by Wired Magazine. Erik Adigard, as one of the typical digital vanguards in the 1990s, he often used the computer to explore the infinite possibilities of the digital process in complex visual combinations of information architecture, media, technology and culture. ................

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