


1. Complete this table



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2. Answer this interactive activity

AnayaDigital ::::: NATURAL SCIENCE 3 ::::::

3. Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false ones

a) Nutrition is one of the vital functions all beings have

b) Nutrition is the same that feeding

c) In the nutrition process there is matter and energy exchange with the environment

d) We eliminate waste products through the skin, the kidneys and by breathing

e) In humans, there is only one system related to nutrition: the digestive system

f) The final destination of the oxygen we breathe is the mitochondria

g) The general equation of cellular respiration is:


4. Dados los siguientes esquemas y utilizando todos los términos que se detallan (aparato digestivo, aparato circulatorio, aparato respiratorio, aparato excretor, energía, nutrientes, sustancias de desecho, oxígeno, dióxido de carbono, células del cuerpo, alimentos, orina) así como todas aquellas otras palabras que estimes oportuno



Realiza una explicación detallada del proceso de nutrición humana y los aparatos que intervienen en la misma


5. Read your English book and complete this table about types of nutrients.


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6. Using the information available in your textbook, answer the following questions:

a) Complete: Nutrients are substances we need for obtaining……………………… and for making our own living matter.

b) Could you say what feeding is?

7. Visit this web: and answer the interactive activity.

8. Visit this web:

and answer the interactive activity.


5. Major nutrients provide energy to the body. This energy keeps your heart beating, your brain active, and your muscles working. Energy is measured in kilocalories.

• Proteins give us 4 kcal/g

• Carbohydrates give us 4 kcal/g

• Lipids give us 9 kcal/g

Why do you think animals use lipids (= fats) to store energy? (Include these groups of words in your answer: to move, low body weight, twice the amount of energy) Discuss your answer with your partner

And why do you think plants use carbohydrates to store energy? Discuss your answer with your partner

6 Name the factors why a person’s daily energy requirements are determined


7 Look at the food wheel and complete the following sentences.


a) The food groups that carry out the same ………… have the same colours.

b) The food groups that are red carry out a ………………… ....................... in the organism; those that are green, a ........................... .........................; and those that are yellow, an ………...….......... ............................... .

c) The sizes of the food groups are not equal, they depend on their …………………….in the diet. The foods that have to be eaten in greater quantity are represented in a ....................... size than those which are consumed ............ ............. ….............

8 In some of these food groups, there is an odd one out. Say which one it is and underline it:

A. Bread, egg, macaroni, sugar.

B. Watermelon, cabbage, cauliflower, carrots.

C. Milk, cheese, yoghurt, ice cream.

D. Salmon, sardine, egg, butter.

E. Banana, orange, apple, asparagus.

9. Where do nutrients come from?

For each food, identify the food group from the food wheel to which it belongs. List the main nutrients found in each food.

|Food |Food group from the food wheel |Main nutrient(s) |Main function |

|Bread | | | |

|Rice | | | |

|Carrots | | | |

|Apple | | | |

|Lentils | | | |

|Beef steak | | | |

|Cottage cheese | | | |

|Canned tuna | | | |

|Potatoes | | | |

|Lettuce | | | |

|Yogurt | | | |


10. Visit this web: and try to work out what foods are required for a balance diet

11. Look at this “Food pyramid” and answer the questions below. Discuss your answers with your partner.


a) It advisable to eat eggs every day?

b) Must you eat vegetables every day?

c) Is it a good choice to eat a “donut” before going to school in the morning?

d) Is it good to eat red meet three times a day?

9. Write true if the statement is true or false if the statement is false.

a) Saturated fats are usually from vegetable sources

b) Lipids are solube in water

c) Unsaturated fats are usually liquids

d) Oil and butter are rich in water

e) Bread and pasta are rich in proteins

f) Vitamins are important because provide us energy

12. Indicate whether the following sentences are true (T) or false (F).

a) A balanced diet gives us the necessary amounts of each nutrient.

b) The diet mustn’t include any fat.

c) In the Mediterranean diet, the majority of the proteins come from fish.

d) In the Mediterranean diet, the main source of fat is butter.

e) A pure vegetarian diet is not healthy.

f) A balanced diet must contain over 40% proteins.

g) A balanced diet must include vegetable fibre.

13. Discuss each question with your partner and fill in your answers together.

a). What does it mean to balance your calories?

b). In general, if the calories that you eat and drink are equal to the calories your body uses, your weight (circle the correct answer)… Goes down Stays the same Goes up

c). In general, if the calories that you eat and drink are less than the calories your body uses, your weight (circle the correct answer)… Goes down Stays the same Goes up

d). In general, if the calories that you eat and drink are more than the calories your body uses, your weight (circle the correct answer)… Goes down Stays the same Goes up

e). How do you know if your calories in and calories out are out of balance?

f). Why do different people need to eat a different number of calories?

g). List 3 ways your body uses energy.

h). Which physical activity do you think requires more energy walking for 10 minutes or running for 10 minutes? Why do you think this activity requires more energy?

14. Mia is a 16 year old who needs about 2,000 calories a day. Below are the foods Mia ate today. She ate 2,908 calories, which is over her daily calorie limit. She wants to make sure she eats a balanced diet that meets her body’s nutrition needs within an appropriate calorie level. Can you help Mia get closer to her daily calorie limit without losing important nutrition that her body needs? Cross out items and/or edit the amounts to help Mia.


15. Read this text and answer the multiple choice questions

Eating a Balanced Diet

Eating a balanced diet means choosing a wide variety of foods and drinks from all the food groups. It also means eating certain things in moderation, namely saturated fat, cholesterol, refined sugar, and salt. The goal is to take in nutrients you need for health at the recommended levels.

Your balanced diet must be planned at your own calorie level, and portion size is key. You want to get the most nutrients for the calories by choosing food with a high-nutrient density. Nutrient-dense foods provide substantial amounts of vitamins and minerals and relatively few calories, such as fresh fruit and vegetables, lean meat and fish, and whole grains and beans. Low-nutrient dense foods have few vitamins but lots of calories, such as candy bars, soda, donuts and onion rings.

Necessary to the building, maintenance, and repair of body tissue like our skin, muscles, and internal organs, proteins are the major components of our immune system and hormones. When choosing protein-rich foods, pay attention to what else you are getting with that selection. Foods that are high in saturated fats will raise your blood cholesterol levels putting you at risk of heart disease or stroke.

Vegetable sources of protein, such as nuts, beans, and whole grains are great choices and offer vitamins, minerals and healthy fibers. The best protein choices are poultry and fish. For those who love red meat, you should stick with the leanest cuts, choose moderate portion sizes, and make it only an occasional part of your diet.

Developing healthy eating habits is not as confusing or as restrictive as you may imagine. The first principle of a healthy diet is simply to eat a wide variety of foods. This is important because different foods make different nutritional contributions.

Fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes—foods high in complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, low in fat and free of cholesterol—should make up the bulk of the calories you consume. The rest should come from low-fat dairy products, lean meat and poultry, and fish.

1. A balanced diet is the one which is

a) Tasty

b) Nutritious

c) Healthy

d) Option b and c

2. Your balanced diet must be planned at your own calorie level, and portion size is key. Is this statement correct or incorrect?

a) Correct

b) Incorrect

3. Fruits and vegetables are rich in

a) Carbohydrates

b) Vitamins

c) Both a and b

d) Fats

4. The best protein choices are

a) Fish

b) Poultry

c) Both a and b options

d) Pizza


Read in your book and complete this table about food-related illnesses




|ON | | | |

| | |Anorexia | |

| | |Bulimia | |

| |OVER |Obesity | |

| |NUTRITION | | |

| |DEFIENCY |Scurvy | |

| |DISEASES | | |

| | |Anemia | |

17. Match each photo with a food-related illnesses

|[pic] |[pic] |

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|[pic] | |

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|[pic] |[pic][pic] |

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18. What is the difference between malnutrition and undernutrition?

19. Match each phrase (a-h) to the food-related illnesses

You eat insufficient food because you don’t have enough money

You think that you are fatter than actually you are

You have bones deformities

You don’t have enough vitamin C

You eat more food than your need for you vital functions

A group of illnesses common in rich countries due to the diet

You can get ill if you eat an omelette

20. Indicate if these sentences are true (T) or false (F). Discuss your answers with your partner.

a) Avitaminosis is cured by reducing the consumption of fat in the diet.

b) Botulism is produced by the ingestion of foods contaminated with the bacteria Salmonella.

c) Obesity can be treated with a weight-loss diet.

d) Anorexia is combated eating fruit and vegetables.

e) Malnutrition is caused by eating too little food.

f) Botulism is contracted due to eating canned foods in bad condition.


By law, food manufacturers must list, on the packet, the ingredients in a food.

Usually, the ingredients are listed in descending order by weight (mass). This means that the ingredient that is in the largest amount must be listed first. The ingredient that is in the smallest amount will be last.

There is a lot of other information on packets, for example:

storage instructions

a date telling you when you should eat the food

cooking instructions

nutritional information, which shows how much of the major nutrients such as protein, carbohydrate and fat are present in the food.

The following is the information found on a packet of –


21. Look at the INGREDIENTS list above and answer.

1. What is the ingredient which is present in the largest amount?

2. What is the ingredient which is present in the smallest amount?

3. Find the additives in this food. (These appear as an E - number and, on this packet, the name of the type of additive is given, e.g. EMULSIFIER - E471.)

4. The packet says that there is “no artificial flavour” in this food. Find 2 natural flavours that have been added to the food (clue - they are present in very small amounts).

Look at the NUTRITION information.

This information tells you that for every 100 g of this food there will be 20.7 g of carbohydrate. 1.7 g of this is present as sugars.

5. How much ‘other’ carbohydrate is present in 100 g of this food?

6. What might this ‘other’ carbohydrate be?

There were two symbols on this packet.

7. Where do you think you would have found this one?


What does it mean?

8. This one was found somewhere else on the packet:


What do you think it means?


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