4th Grade Excursions Pacing Guide - Ms. Antey's Website

4th Grade Language Arts Calendar 2014-2015

|Theme & Lesson |Focus Skill |Main Story |Practice Book Pages |

|Theme 1- Lesson 1 |Character’s Traits and |“The Hot and Cold Summer” pg. 21 |1-6 |

| |Motivations | | |

|Theme 1- Lesson 2 | |“Mighty Jackie: The Strike-Out Queen” pg. 53 |7-11 |

|Theme 1- Lesson 3 |Compare and Contrast |“Danitra Brown Leaves Town” pg. 79 |12-17 |

|Theme 1- Lesson 4 | |“Kai’s Journey to Gold Mountain” pg. 107 |18-22 |

|Theme 2- Lesson 6 |Plot: Conflict and |“On the Banks of Plum Creek” pg. 153 |31-36 |

| |Resolution | | |

Learning Period 1: September 2, 2014 - October 10, 2014

• Answer Critical Thinking Questions for the main story (available on website)

• Complete all corresponding Grammar and Spelling workbook pages with each lesson

• Read from independent novel nightly


• Complete Daily 6-Trait Writing

• Complete one essay (prompt TBD)

Learning Period 2: October 13, 2014 - November 21, 2014

|Theme & Lesson |Focus Skill |Main Story |Practice Book Pages |

|Theme 2- Lesson 7 |Plot: Conflict and |“Justin and the Best Biscuits in the World” pg. 181 |37-41 |

| |Resolution | | |

|Theme 2- Lesson 8 |Author’s Purpose and |“Three Little Cyberpigs” pg. 211 |42-47 |

| |Perspective | | |

|Theme 2- Lesson 9 | |“Weaving a California Tradition” pg. 235 |48-52 |

|Theme 3- Lesson 11 |Cause and Effect |“Mimicry and Camouflage” pg. 281 |61-66 |

|Theme 3- Lesson 12 | |“Mountains” pg. 311 |67-71 |

• Answer Critical Thinking Questions for the main story (available on website)

• Complete all corresponding Grammar and Spelling workbook pages with each lesson

• Read from independent novel nightly


• Complete Daily 6-Trait Writing

• Complete one essay (prompt TBD)

Learning Period 3: December 1, 2014 – January 23, 2015

|Theme & Lesson |Focus Skill |Main Story |Practice Book Pages |

|Theme 3- Lesson 13 |Draw Conclusions |“Fire Storm” pg. 339 |72-77 |

|Theme 3- Lesson 14 | |“The Stranger” pg. 365 |78-82 |

|Theme 4- Lesson 16 |Fact and Opinion |“So You Want to Be an Inventor?” pg. 409 |91-96 |

|Theme 4- Lesson 17 | |“Just Like Me” pg. 439 |97-101 |

|Theme 4- Lesson 18 |Theme |“Hewitt Anderson’s Great Big Life” pg. 461 |102-107 |

• Answer Critical Thinking Questions for the main story (available on website)

• Complete all corresponding Grammar and Spelling workbook pages with each lesson

• Read from independent novel nightly


• Complete Daily 6-Trait Writing

• Complete one essay (prompt TBD)

← December 16th- Creative novel project due

Learning Period 4: January 26, 2015 – March 6, 2015

|Theme & Lesson |Focus Skill |Main Story |Practice Book Pages |

|Theme 4- Lesson 19 |Theme |“Juan Verdades: The Man Who Couldn’t Tell a Lie” pg. 493 |108-112 |

|Theme 5- Lesson 21 |Character, Setting, and|“Because of Winn-Dixie” pg. 541 |121-126 |

| |Plot | | |

|Theme 5- Lesson 22 | |“My Diary from Here to There” pg. 569 |127-131 |

|Theme 5- Lesson 23 |Sequence: Story Events |“The Cricket in Times Square” pg. 595 |132-137 |

|Theme 5- Lesson 24 | |“Mangrove Wilderness” pg. 623 |138-142 |

• Answer Critical Thinking Questions for the main story (available on website)

• Complete all corresponding Grammar and Spelling workbook pages with each lesson

• Read from independent novel nightly


• Complete Daily 6-Trait Writing

• Complete one essay (prompt TBD)

Learning Period 5: March 9, 2015 – May 1, 2015

|Theme & Lesson |Focus Skill |Main Story |Practice Book Pages |

|Theme 6- Lesson 26 |Main Idea and Details |“Dragons and Dinosaurs” pg. 667 |151-156 |

|Theme 6- Lesson 27 | |“Grand Canyon: A Trail Through Time” pg. 699 |157-162 |

|Theme 6- Lesson 28 |Figurative Language |“The Bunyans” pg. 721 |163-167 |

|Theme 6- Lesson 29 | |“John Muir and Stickeen: An Icy Adventure with a No-Good |168-172 |

| | |Dog” pg. 749 | |

• Answer Critical Thinking Questions for the main story (available on website)

• Complete all corresponding Grammar and Spelling workbook pages with each lesson

• Read from independent novel nightly


• Complete Daily 6-Trait Writing

• Complete one essay (prompt TBD)

← March 24th- Creative novel project due

Learning Period 6: May 4, 2015 – June 15, 2015

This Learning Period will be used to work on completing a project for Project Showcase. Details will be given when it approaches.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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