Daily Classroom Procedures and Expectations

Daily Classroom Procedures and Expectations

Entering/Daily AM/PM Procedure: Enter classroom calmly and greet the teacher, flip attendance card to show your picture. Hang up coats, backpack, boots go in the hallway in the winter, put lunchbox in the lunch tub. Take care of daily folder: put homework in the homework bin, notes/correspondence in labeled bin, empty daily folder goes in your desk during the day. Sharpen pencils if needed, and sit down and quietly begin morning work (180 Days of Math). Keep morning work at your desk unless told otherwise.

Attendance: Flip attendance card upon entering the room in the morning to show your face. Afternoon attendance will be done by calling names. Please be quiet and ready to greet the teacher appropriately.

Announcements: We will try to watch them every morning. Please be quiet and listen so we can all hear them. Please be quiet if the office makes an announcement on the classroom speaker so we can all hear this important information.

Classroom phone: Please be quiet when the teacher is on the phone. All calls are important. If the teacher is not in the room or not near the phone, the Messenger may answer the phone by saying, “Mrs. Schop’s room, _______ (your name) speaking.” Then either give the teacher the message or if it’s for a student, give that student the message, or if I need to get the phone, tell the person, “One moment, Mrs. Schop is coming to the phone.”

Breakfast: Teacher will pass them out daily. If you don’t want something, you may put it in the snack basket to share if someone forgets snack. Unopened liquids may go back in the cooler. Please eat quietly and do morning work. Dispose of all garbage and clean up desk and floor when done.

Correspondence from home: Any notes from home go in the Notes basket by my desk. Also put lunch/breakfast orders in the envelope on the board, and book orders, etc. in the Notes basket.

Restroom: You may use the restroom whenever you need to with the exception being during teacher instruction. Please avoid getting up when I am teaching unless it’s a dire emergency.

Drinking Fountain: Follow the same procedure as going to the bathroom. To avoid using the drinking fountain, I would prefer you bring a water bottle to keep on your desk. Water bottles should be wrapped in a clean sock so the condensation doesn’t run onto your desk and ruin work.

Pencil Sharpener: I prefer pencils to be sharpened at the beginning of each day so you are ready. You may sharpen them at the end of the day too so you are ready for the next day. Please don’t sharpen pencils during teacher instruction time. Always have 3 pencils in your desk so you are ready. Lead pencils are best because they don’t need sharpening. If you don’t have a pencil, ask a neighbor to borrow you one, or come and ask me for one. I will give you one pencil/month, you need to keep track of it, and again always try to have a spare in your desk.

Talking with Classmates: Never during instruction because this is my time to tell everyone important information. Additionally, never talk during a test or a quiz. If you need to know something, raise your hand, and ask me NOT your neighbor. If you choose to break this rule, you may reduce you test/quiz score by one letter grade. When necessary to talk, you MUST use whisper voices during work times or to talk/ask question of your neighbor. Class work must be done independently, this is not social time. We do not talk with our neighbor during the Daily Five unless you are doing Read to Someone or consulting with someone on writing. If there is too much talking, students will be given a verbal warning and their behavior card will be moved to YELLOW. If it continues, the appropriate color change will result. There should be no talking in the hallways, during a fire or tornado drill, during assemblies, and when the teacher leaves the room. If someone comes in to talk to Mrs. Schop, you should be quiet and wait patiently for me to finish.

Asking Questions: Always raise your hand and wait patiently to be called on. If you don’t understand something I am teaching to the class, I want you to ask questions. I believe in asking questions, no question is a dumb question, if you are truly trying to learn something.

Lining up, leaving the room, and hallways: As a class, we will line up single file and quietly walk down the right side of the hallway on the silver line on the ground. Always keep your head up and watch where you are going, not where you’ve been. We do not talk in the hallway, and we keep our hands to ourselves. The walls do not need to be dusted. Chairs are always pushed in before we leave the room and the Caboose will turn the lights off, please. If you have to leave the room for any reason (bathroom, drink, go to the office, see another teacher) I expect you to follow these same rules and return promptly.

Passing out books, supplies, etc.: Paper passer will do this when asked to. If there are many things to be passed out, I will choose people to do it.

Headings on assignments: Always put your name on your paper when you first get it. Your class number and date should also be in the upper right corner or your papers in the large top margin. If there is a line for name and date, use the lines and put your number next to your name.

Where to turn in assignments: Finished assignments go in the appropriate labeled bins. (math papers go in the math bin, spelling papers go in the spelling bin, etc.) All homework goes in the homework bin. Please put assignments in bins with name up. All tests and quizzes will be collected immediately. You will be called up by number to hand in your paper.

Finished with work: If you finish all of your class assignments, you either read a book from your book box or you work on a writing assignment.

Getting out of your seat: Nobody should ever just wander around the room. If you are out of your seat, you must have a destination and reason. (sharpen pencil, go to the bathroom or get a d rink, get paper, put assignment in a bin, etc.). Students are NOT to get up during teacher instruction unless there is an emergency. If the teacher is out of the room, students should be seated at all times. You may only get up in an emergency situation. (going to get sick, you are bleeding, you need a tissue badly, etc.) Students out of their seat at this time will get a color change to orange (no yellow warning).

Lunch: You will be called to line up for lunch. Follow procedures for leaving the room. If you forget your lunch, go to the office and see Mrs. Cloud/Mrs. Green. Always listen to the lunch moms. Problems during lunch can cause a behavior color change.

Recess: You will be called to line up for recess. Any indoor/outdoor items that are used MUST be properly returned to their rightful place when you are done with them. Share and play nicely during recess following the playground rules. When you hear the whistle blow, line up promptly outside. Dress appropriately for the weather. During indoor recess, you are not to roam the room. Get a game or activity, and stay in one place. There will be no indoor tag or chasing games.

Dismissal: You will be dismissed by tables at the end of the day to get your stuff. Do the following: put mail in your Daily Folder to take home (homework & notes will be in there), take agenda/planner home daily and double check you have everything you need, get lunch box, coats, boots, etc., put up your own chair and stand behind it when your are done. Check to make sure the floor is clean under your desk. When everyone is done at your table, I will call you to line up.

Failure to bring in materials (not ready to learn): This breaks the rules being responsible and ready to learn. You may miss recess time. If it continues to happen regularly, a call will be made home.

Using classroom/teacher/classmates materials: Please use classroom materials carefully, respectfully, and responsibly. Always return them to their proper place. Only use other peoples’ things with their permission.

Substitute teachers or classroom guests: Always be on your best behavior. I want you to be even better than when I am here. Be helpful to substitute teachers. If there is a bad report left, we will have a discussion and follow through with appropriate consequences. If a good report is left, we will have a discussion and follow through with appropriate consequences.

Marble Jar: Full Apple = Choice Day. The class will make suggestions for a Choice Day as a reward for good behavior and following the rules and expectations.

Marbles will be awarded to the class based on behavior.

EX: technology day (iPod, video games, iPads), pizza party, snack day (pop and candy of your choice), movie, extra recess.

Adding Marbles: 3= good sub report

3= everyone stayed on green

1= some yellow, no orange or red

up to 3= good report from special teachers

3= good behavior at assemblies, with classroom guest

Subtracting Marbles: 3= bad sub report

1= student moves to red

up to 3= excessive classroom talking or behavior problem, lunch problem, indoor recess infraction

iPads: Classroom usage is according to school guidelines. It is expected that students will come to school each day with their iPads charged and ready to use. Students are not considered prepared for school if they do not have their iPads in class with them. Students will NOT be allowed to charge their iPads in school. All chargers should be kept at home. Students will have consequences if there is inappropriate use of the iPads. They should only be used when teacher approval is given, and they should be used for the task at hand.

Quiet Sign: “Give Me Five” I count backwards from 5 to 1. By the time I reach “1” students should stop talking, stand still, stop whatever they’re doing, put eyes on the teacher and listen for instructions. This allows students time to wrap up what they are doing before I reach “1”.

“Clapping Signal” I will clap out a pattern and students respond with the same pattern. Then everyone is quiet and still.

“1,2,3, eyes on me” Teacher says the previous statement and students respond with, “1,2, eyes on you.” Then everyone is quiet and still.


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