Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Topic: ______Dance________ Grade: __1st____

Date to be Taught: _____April 11_______

|State Standard/s: |

|Dance: |

|3.1 Name and perform folk/traditional dances from other countries. |

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|English/Language Arts: |

|1. R.1.2 Identify the title and author of a reading selection. |

|1.LS.1.1 Listen attentively |

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|Lesson Objective: (What do I want my students to and be able to do?) |

|Goals: |

|Students will understand how to dance in a cakewalk |

|Objectives: |

|The students will be able to: |

|Demonstrate a cakewalk dance. |

|Identify the title and author of the book. |

|Teacher activities |Student activities |

|Introduction (questions, prompts, modeling) | |

| | |

|1. The teacher will instruct the children to sit on the carpet for |1. The children will sit on the floor and wait patiently. |

|reading. |2. The students will listen attentively (1.LS.1.1). |

|2. The teacher will introduce the book, Mirandy and Brother Wind and | |

|state the author and illustrator’s names. |3. The students will raise their hands patiently. When the students |

|3. The teacher will call on three students, one to find the author’s |are called on they will walk quietly to the teacher and point out the |

|name, one to point out the illustrator’s name, and one to show the |title, or author, or illustrator, so that everyone can see |

|class the title of the book. |(1. R.1.2). |

| |4. The students will agree and listen attentively. |

| | |

|4. The teacher will give instructions to the class to pay attention |5. Students will raise a quiet hand until they are called on. |

|because she will ask questions during the book. | |

|5. The teacher will read the book asking questions | |

| | |

| | |

|Guided Practice |1. The students will follow directions by finding a partner and a spot|

|ACTIVITY ONE: CAKEWALK DANCE (D3.1) |on the square |

|1. The teacher will have the students stand up and find a partner. (If| |

|there is odd numbers then the teacher will pair up. The students will | |

|also need to find a place to stand on the square. | |

|2. The teacher will explain the rules by example. The teacher will |2. The students will listen attentively and ask questions about any |

|first explain to the students that they need to have a partner and |dance moves they are allowed to incorporate. |

|create their own dance, by incorporating high movements and low | |

|movements. | |

|3. The teacher will put on some African American music for the | |

|students to dance to. |3. The students will begin to dance to the music. |

|4. The teacher will complete and notice students’ accomplishments and | |

|creativity. |4. The students will continue being creative in their dance moves. |

|5. After the dance, the teacher will ask the students to return to | |

|their seats. |5. The students will return to their desks. |

| | |


|1. The teacher will pass out blank pieces of paper, pencils, markers, |Independent Practice: |

|crayons, etc. |1. The students will wait until instructions |

|2. The teacher will tell the students that they are to create a cake | |

|that they would like to win at a cakewalk. |2. The students will create a cake on paper with markers, crayons, |

| |etc. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Closure: |Closure: |

|1. The teacher will ask the students if they would need Brother Wind |1. The students will respond. |

|to win a cakewalk. | |

|2. The teacher will ask if any of the students would like to share | |

|their picture. |2. Students will raise their hand until they are called on |

| | |

|Assessment ( Formative ( Summative |

| |

|The teacher will assess the students during the cakewalk by seeing if they are able to stay in the boundaries and are |

|participating. |

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|How do your instructional strategies and student activities address the S A A C S? |

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|The standards are addressed within the lesson plan. |

|Developmental needs of students (how are activities connected to developmental needs?) |

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|Students will listen to age-appropriate literature. |

|Students will engage in an interactive activity. |

|Students are encouraged to use their imagination to create a dance. |

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|English language learners |

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|Don’t expect these students to understand everything. |

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|Rationale: |

|Since the children are able to pair up, it will help English language students to not be left behind. |

|Special needs |

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|Be careful to not sterotype special needs children and create a bias. |

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|Rationale: |

|Special needs students need to experience their full potential within the activities by participating in everything. |

|Reflection |

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|This activity should be fun. Remember to encourage all students to participate. Watch out for students who are being left out or |

|excluding others. Stay positive. |

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|Resources and supplies needed |

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|[pic]Mirandy and Brother Wind by Jerry Pinkney |

|4 cones or tape to create a square |

|CD player |

|African Music |

|Paper |

|Crayons |

|Markers |

|Pens |

| |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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