
Minutes of the Executive Board Meeting

Nov 20, 2002

Nancy Holland’s Home


Attending: Nancy McClements, Norma Briggs, Nancy Holland, Carol Buelow, Clelia Niesen, Chris Rohr, Janice Lacock, and Scott Weiss.

1. The Agenda was accepted with one revision, adding 2003 party dates.

2. Minutes for Oct 17, 2002 meeting. Approved with a wording revision to note Board approval of costume suggestions.

3. Treasurer’s Report. There are no significant changes to the balances. Norma informed the board that she had 500 copies of the 163 Favorites dance book reprinted, with corrections.

4. Secretary’s Report. Carol has begun repaginating the executive board Manual.

5. Vice-chair’s Report. Chris reported that it will be hard to get the Old Madison Room for Sunday nights due to its being set up for Monday use. We will be able to get the Lake Front Cafeteria occasionally. Both Unions will be closed for winter break from Dec 23 through Jan 1. Nancy M will ask for a show of hands to see how much interest there is in dancing on Dec 22 and on the 29th if other space can be found. We will resume regular Sunday night dancing on Jan 5. Regarding 2003 dates for parties, Chris will find out when Great Hall is available, avoiding Sept 8 which is the Wisconsin Highland Games weekend.

6. Membership Report: Clelia is continuing adding to and updating the membership list.

7. Publicity-at-Large’s Report: Demos. Nancy H. has not contacted John Kraniak yet about doing a demo at a Last Gaspe dance. There is a possibility at the Victorian Ball on Friday Dec. 6 in Stoughton. She was unable to attend the DanceSport practice. There is a new dance locale in Brookfield; Nancy M. gave Nancy H. a brochure. Other: The cost of acquiring a dedicated dance facility so far looks prohibitive.

8. Upcoming Events:

a. “Tinsel & Tartans” party Dec 15, 2002. Nancy H. will provide decorations, including candles if the Union allows. The Potluck is at Janice’s. Clelia is coordinating. Chuck will em-cee and ask people to give some of the talk-throughs. Because the dance parties are losing money, the fee will be raised to $10, $3 for children, and $5 for a family of children. New dancers will not have to pay. Social etiquette sheets will be passed out the Sunday before the dance.

b. “Cupids and Kisses” Dance Party: Saturday, Feb 15, 2003, at Eagle School, 1:00-4:30. Regarding the dance program, Nancy M received feedback that the Dec party program has too many unfamiliar dances, especially for those who can’t come regularly on Sunday nights to learn new dances. Norma then asked for guidelines for the February program. The Board agreed that 50% to 75% of the dances on a party program should come from the Book of 163 Favorites, and a good portion of those should be familiar dances. We will offer to walk through at max 2 of the most challenging or unfamiliar dances.

c. Tentative Civic Center International Fair demo: Sunday, Feb. 16, 2003. Norma and Mike will not be here for the 3 weeks just prior to the demo. Chuck will help with practices if there is a true interest from enough dancers. Janice, Clelia and Carol agreed to be shepherds, recruiting some Milwaukee dancers if possible, and with Chuck’s help choosing dances and setting up practices. The kids will be included. The demo dances will be chosen as soon as possible, so that they can be included in the February dance program.

d. Folk Ball weekend Feb 28-Mar 2, 2003: Chris reported that we will probably not do a Scottish Country Dance workshop this year, as the organizers don’t like to repeat a workshop two yrs in a row. However we will be kept in mind for the following year, since the Scottish workshop was well attended and actually made money for the Folk Ball.

e. Annual Ball, Saturday Mar 29, 2003. The board went over the timetable and budget estimates from Chris. Chris has the Union caterer choices and prices. He will make menu choices. We will get the Class of 24 Reception Room. The Dance Program will include dances from the February party (see b above). Norma favors familiar dances. The board agrees that last year’s high attendance was partly due to having a program of familiar favorites. Extra-curricular events for Friday evening have not been determined.

9. Discussion item: Advanced dancing. We will look to schedule something in April, possibly at the

Lakefront Cafeteria for a Sun afternoon, with a break for supper before Sunday night dancing.

10. Old Business:

a. Branch status. Janice reported that Milwaukee really doesn’t want to get involved in becoming a branch. Norma will have Mike send us messages from the Strathspey Listserv about becoming a branch.

b. Costumes. Nancy H. and Janice showed us some plaid materials for skirts, and samples of lace trim. The group favors the less expensive, washable material. We looked at patterns. The skirts can be either flat in front or gathered. Clelia will talk to some of the kids and their parents to see if they want similar costumes. Nancy H. offered to buy quantities of materials which dancers could then purchase from her (at cost!). She will need to know how many dancers, including kids, to buy for. We may be able to get a discount from a tailor/seamstress for sewing costumes.

c. Scott is handling sales of the reprinted (500) dance books.

d. Scott and Clelia are hoping to have a new T-shirt ready for sale by the time of the Ball.

e. Archives – No volunteers yet.

f. 2002 Ball. Mike still needs to talk to the sound engineer about the CD. Nancy M. has scanned in a number of photos from the Ball “memories” collection and returned several to their owners.

11. General Timetable: We considered whether to set up dancing for New Year’s Eve. Nancy M. will ask for a show of hands on Sunday nights.

12. Other: No other business was presented.

13. Next Meeting: Skip December, tentatively meet at Chris’ home, Thursday, January 16, 6:30 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Carol Buelow


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