Dance Classes - Fort Bend ISD

Dance Classes

Fall Semester Exam

Section I – Aerobics/Conditioning/Warm Up Choose the best answer

1. What is the main purpose of warming up before exercise? What is good technique always emphasized?

2. What are some of the most important benefits of aerobic exercises?

3. What is the meaning of cardiovascular?

4. What is the complete name of the person who created the exercises we call Pilates? What was his original purpose and use for these movements?

5. Name and describe the correct execution of FOUR Pilates exercises?

Section II Muscles and Bones and Warm Up Activities

6. Think of an exercise that would work each group of muscles and bones.

A. Biceps/Triceps/Scapula B. Hamstrings/Quadriceps/Glutes

C. Patella/Achilles Tendon/ Gastrcnemius D. Iliopsosas/ External Obliques

7. Which of the following is NOT an exercise to strengthen or stretch the rectus abdominus?

A. Pilates “hundreds” B. cobra or swan stretch

C. Plank D. box or runner’s stretch

8. Give an example of each type of joint.

A. ball and socket B. saddle

C. hinge

9. List the functions or jobs of the bones in our bodies.

10. Create lists of (1) anterior muscles and (2) posterior muscles

Section II – Draw and label 10 of the most important details about “Betty/Bob the Ballet Dancer” and relate the historical facts to the correct body posture used today.

Number your details -- 11- 20.

Section III – Ballet Translations – Write the TRANSLATIONS.

|21. | Saute’ | | |

|22. |Cinquieme | | |

|23. |Degage’ | | |

|24. |Demi | | |

|25. |Adage | | |

|26. |Allegro | | |

|27. |Devant | | |

|28. |Developpe’ | | |

|29. |En croix | | |

|30. |Sousou | | |

|31. |Battement | | |

|32. |Passe’ | | |

|33. |Plie | | |

|34. |Grande’ | | |

|35. |Rond de jambe | | |

|36. |Fondue | | |

|37. |Tendu | | |

|38. |Port de Bras | | |

|39. |Premiere | | |

|40. |Seconde’ | | |

|41. |Releve | | |

|42. |Troisieme | | |

|44. |Quatrieme | | |

Section V. Ballet Technique -- True or False – Write the entire word. Restate FALSE statements to make them true.

1. All plies are executed with the heels off the floor.

2. An en croix pattern is executed front, side, back, side.

3. In tendu the foot completely leaves the floor.

4. Correct etiquette at the barre means to turn towards it when time change sides for barre exercises.

5. The correct placement of a tendu or degage’ to seconde has the knee facing the audience.

6. A rond de jambe is done to increase the turn out of the leg.

7. The correct action of the leg in retire’ or passe’ position is knee forward, heel back.

8. When grouped together port de bras are allegro movements.

9. A barre stretch is an exercise designed to increase flexibility.

10. Ballet posture means that the lower back and stomach muscles must be released.

Section VI The Nutcracker ballet -- Fill in the Blank Be sure to use your answer sheet!

Word List – words could be used more than once or not at all

|Tchaikovsky |Petipa |Baryshnikov |

|German |Russian |Hoffman |

|Miriltons |Sugar Plum Fairy |Chinese |

|Spanish |Arabian |Waltz of the Flowers |

|Coffee |Chocolate |Tea |

|Nutcracker |Christmas Party |Kingdom of the Sweets |

|Mother Ginger |Trepak |Divertissment |

|Victorian |150 |Clara |

|Waltz of the Snow Flakes |The March |Grand Pas de deux |

|Drosselmeyer |Fritz |Mouse King |

1. __________________ was the original composer of the music.

2. The original choreography was performed by a __________________ ballet company.

3. The story is a _______ folk or fairy tale by ___________________.

4. The setting for Act One in most performances is a ____________.

5. The main female character is _____________.

6. The mysterious character is ______________.

7. ____________ and _______________ battle underneath a giant Christmas tree.

8. Act Two takes place in the ___________________________.

9. The various dances in Act Two are called _______________________.

10. __________ is a solo performed by a ballerina.

11. _____________ is a comical dance.

12. _______________ is a bold, athletic dance.

13. Special effects are often used during ______________ to create a wintery scene.

14. Colorful costumes and graceful dancing is a characteristic of ________________________.

15. Pair at least 4 Divertissment Names from Act Two…. For example Chinese also known as Tea.


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