The Count of Monte Cristo

The Count of Monte Cristo

Study Guide


1. What/who are Dantes’s priorities?

2. What is your first impression of Dantes character?

3. What is your first impression of Danglers? Explain

4. What is your first impression of Morrel? Explain

5. Describe the relationships between all three characters.


6. Describe the relationship between Caderousse and Danglers?

7. Why are the two men waiting for Dantes?

8. What does Dantes mean when he says, “More lips that say one thing while the heart thinks another?”

Chp 3

9. What does Fernand want from Mercedes and what is her reply?

10. Why do Caderousse and Danglers act ignorant about the situation with Mercedes and Dantes?

11. Which character seems the most malicious towards Dantes? What is your evidence?

12. Where is Dantes going and why?

Chp 4

13. How does Dantes feel about happiness? What does this say about his character?

14. What happens to Dantes at the wedding reception?

Chp 5

15. What is foreshadowed in the conversation between Marquis and Villefort?

16. What dramatic irony arises in this chapter?

17. Define aristocrat and plebian.

18. What is so critical about the Isle of Elba?

19. Why is Villefort so shocked at the address on the letter?

20. Why does Villefort destroy the letter?

Chp 6

21. Where do they send Dantes? Be specific.

22. Why do they take Dantes on a boat?

23. What do you see as Dantes faults (his character)? Support your answer with the text.

Chp 7

24. What crucial information does the King know regarding Villefort?

25. What is the King’s impression of Villefort?

26. How does Villefort lie about Dantes?

27. How does Villefort show his greed in this chapter?

Chp 8

28. What important political changes have taken place?

29. What had happened to Danglars?

30. What becomes of Mercedes during this time?

Chp 9

31. How does Dantes soul change?

32. How does Dantes decide to commit suicide?

33. What stops him?

Chp 10

34. How old is Dantes at this point in the novel?

35. What is the prisoner’s name and why is he in prison?

36. Describe how and with what materials the prisoner writes? Why does he write?

37. What relationship does Dantes have about Villefort?

38. What does Dantes promise him?

Chp 11

39. What did Faria find hidden in the book?

40. Where is the treasure hidden?

41. What does Faria decide to do with the treasure? What does this tell you about his character?

Chp 12

42. What happens to Faria?

43. What does Dantes do with Faria’s body? What is his plan?

44. What do they do to Dantes as Faria?

Chp 13

45. Where does Dantes land?

46. What year is it? How long was Dantes in prison and how old is he now?

47. How does Dantes spend the next year?

Chp 14

48. How does Dantes get rid of Jacopo so he can be alone on the island?

49. How does Dantes finally get the rock loosened to get to the treasure?

50. What does Dumas say is the word of human wisdom? Explain this.

51. Describe what Dantes finds in the chest.

Chp 15

52. Why does Dantes leave the treasure? What is his plan?

53. What does Dantes do for Jacopo? Why?

54. What does Jacopo tell Dantes about his father and Mercedes?

55. What do you think Dantes was doing for two hours on shore by himself?

Chp 16

56. In what ways is “God’s will” a motif in the novel and to whom does it apply?

57. Do you agree with Caderousse that he is an honest man? Explain.

58. How did Dantes’ father die?

59. Why is Caderousse hesitant to tell the priest about Fernand and Danglars?

60. What has become of Morrel, Danglars, Fernand and Mercedes? Note any name changes.

61. Do you agree that Caderousse was an accomplice in the crime against Dantes? Explain.

62. How did Danglars and Fernand respond to Caderousse’s need?

63. What does it say about her character that Caderousse’s wife suspects the diamond to be fake?

64. Was the visitor really a priest or Dantes in disguise? What clues uncovered his identity?

Chp 17

65. What does the “Englishman” do for Morrel?

66. What information doe the “Englishman” want for the Inspectors of Prisons? Why?

67. What is believed to have happened to Dantes?

68. What does the “Englishman” discover about Villefort’s actions after Dantes’ arrest? Why is this important?

Chp 18

69. Whom does Dantes (the Englishman) visit next?

70. What has happened to the Pharaon? How?

71. What kindness does Dantes/Englishman show Morrel? Why does he do this?

Chp 19

72. Whom does Morrel visit for a loan and why? What is the answer he gets?

73. What are the letter’s instructions?

74. Why is Morrel resigned to kill himself? How is suicide a possible positive answer to his desperate situation?

75. What does Dantes vow as he sets sail on the yacht?

Chp 20

76. As this chapter opens, how has the setting of the book changed?

77. What does “Eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth” mean and how does it have anything to do with Dantes/the Count of Monte Cristo (139)?

78. Why does the narrator describe the count as standing “erect as the avenging angel” in this scene?

Chp 21

79. Infer how the count has spent the last several years and explain on what your inference is based.

80. What is the candle custom on the last night of the carnival?

81. How is the extinguishing of the candles symbolic?

82. What has happened to Albert and what does he need from Franz?

83. What are catacombs?

84. Explain the symbolism in the scenery as the count and Franz ride to Albert’s rescue?

85. What does it tell you about Albert’s character that he was able to sleep during his imprisonment and possible execution?

86. What favor does the count request of Albert?

87. Why is the count so specific about his arrival date and time?

Chp 22

88. What type of irony is imperative to the story at this point? Explain why.

89. How does Max Morrel celebrate Sept 5th and why?

90. Why does the count eat so little?

91. What is so special about the count’s pillbox?

92. Whom is Albert going to marry and why is this a big deal?

Chp 23

93. Whom does Monte Cristo meet?

94. Why does Monte Cristo react as he does when he sees the painting?

95. How does Mercedes react when she sees Monte Cristo?

96. What advice does she give Albert?

Chp. 24

97. Summarize in 3 sentences the story Bertuccio tells Monte Cristo about his new house?

98. What does Caderousse do with the diamonds and why a man die?

99. What does this event reveal about Caderousse true nature?

Chp. 25

100. What does Monte Cristo buy from Danglars?

101. Why does Monte Cristo return the horses? What is the plot of his plans?

102. How does Monte Cristo impress Danglars?

Chp. 26 –31

103.Describe the Count’s conversation with Villefort?

104. Describe Haydee

105. Who does the Count visit in Chapter 28? Why does the Count leave so abruptly?

106. Whom does the Count visit in Chapter 29? Explain the point the Count is trying to make his conversation with his host.

107.Who visits the count in Chapter 30? Explain the visitor’s view of his relationship with Eugenie Danglars.

108. Who are Monsieur?

Chp. 32-36

109. What two secret lovers do we meet in chapter 32?

110. Whom is Valentine supposed to marry?

111.Whom is Eugenie suppose to marry?

112. What reason does valentine give for her stepmother’s opposition of marriage?

113. Who is Barrios?

114. Describe Nortier’s condition?

115. Describe Eugenie condition?

116.How does Nortier respond to the news of the Valentine’s marriage? What does he do?

117. What does Villefort decide to do as a direct reaction to Nortier’s response?

118. What story does the Count tell his guests as he gives them a tour of his house in Auteuil?

119. What are Madame Danglars and Villefort’s responses?

120. Who is Benedetto’s partner?

Chp 37-41

121. Discuss Danglars and Madam Danglars’s conversation.

122. What does Danglars disclose about Fernand and Eugenie’s future?

123. What new information does Villefort disclose to Madame Danglars?

124. Who dies in Chapter 41?

125. What are Maximilien’s and Valentine’s plans?

126. Maximilien overhears a conversation between the doctor and Villefort. Discuss the implications of this conversation.

Chp. 42-44

127. Why is the wedding between Valentine and Franz called off?

128. What excuse does Danglars give Fernand for calling off the engagement between Albert and Eugenie?

129. Who dies in Chapter 44? Who is accused of the murders?

Chp. 45-48

130. What is Caderousse’s plan?

131. What is contained in the two letters the Count makes Caderousse write?

132. Where will the Count take Albert?

133. Describe the effects surrounding the Fernand Mondego and Ali Pasha affair.


134. Whom does Albert first accuse for his father’s misfortune?

135. Albert challenges the Count to what?

136. Who visits the Count? What does he or she ask of him?

137. What is the outcome of the Albert/Count conflict?

138. What does the Count offer Mercedes? Does she accept?

Chp. 54-61

139. Describe the meeting between the Count and Mondego. What does this conversation lead Mondego to do?

140. Who will help Maximilien and Valentine?

141. Describe the events leading up to Cavalcanti's escape.

142. What are Eugenie’s plans?

143. Describe the Cavalcanti capture.

144. Who is the murderer in the Villefort home?

145. Who dies in Chapter 60?

146. What is Danglars planning?

Chp. 62-67

147. What is Maximilien planning to do? Who stops him? How does this person stop Maximilien?

148. Describe the main idea expressed in Danglars’s letter to Madame Danglars.

149. Who visits Benedetto in jail? What do you think he was planning to tell Bertuccio before they were interrupted?

150. Why does Villefort drink the hot chocolate that his wife sends him even though he thinks it is poisoned?

151. What does Villefort ask his wife to do? Based on what you have deduced about Villefort’s character, how did you react to this?

152. What is revealed in the Benedetto trial?

153. As Villefort looks at the fan Madame de Villefort left behind in the carriage, what does he realize about his actions earlier that day?

154. Who else has died in the Villefort house?

155. Describe the message written by Madame de Villefort.

156.What does the Count realize at the end of this chapter?

157. Describe Villefort’s state of mind at the end of Chapter 67. What proof do you have to support your answer?

Chp 68-73

158. Whom does the Count visit in Marseilles?

159. Why does Dantes feel he must return to the Chateau d’If? What does he realize at the Chateau?

160. Who has “captured” Danglars?

161. How is Danglars being tortured?

162. If one were to rank Dantes’s enemies from least guilty to most guilty, one would probably choose Danglars as the most guilty enemy. Why does the Count spare Danglars’s life if he is the most guilty?

163. Describe the events leading up to Maximilien’s “suicide.”

164. What explanation does the Count give Maximilien for his strange behavior?

165. What is the significance of the last words in the novel, “Wait and hope”?


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