Centripetal Force Worksheet

Name: ________________________Period:_______Date:____________________UCM Practice 1Instructions: For the following problems, first, draw a Free Body Diagram of the object. Then, show ALL work in a T-Chart. Final answers in 3 Sig Figs. Show Domino Conversions, if necessary. A 732 kg minivan is curving around a 7.35 m bank at a speed of 22.32 m/s. What is the centripetal force AND acceleration of the minivan turning curving around?A small plane makes a complete circle with a radius of 1243 m in 3.6 min. What is the centripetal acceleration of the plane? What is the centripetal force going around?A trolley is curving at a 523 cm radius in the road at a speed of 28.0 m/s. If the centripetal force exerted on the trolley is 77.2 N, what is the trolley’s mass? What is its centripetal acceleration? A rollercoaster track has a radius of 31.3 m. If the period (T) of a rider is 11.23 s, what is the speed of the rider? What is the centripetal force of the ride?An object’s mass of 9.11x10-31 kg is circling at a radius of 23.22 m. If there is a force of 3.60x10-16 N being applied, what is the object’s speed?Name the force (the interaction between objects) that allows the car to travel in a circle. In what direction does this force push on the car? Draw a force diagram for the car as it approaches.?A 2.7x103 kg dwarf planet rotates around Saturn at a distance of 1.8x107 m from the with a speed of 4.7x103 m/s. What is the Centripetal force AND acceleration of the dwarf planet orbiting around?A string can withstand a force of 135 N before breaking. A 2.0 kg mass is tied to the string and whirled in a horizontal circle with a radius of 1.10 m. What is speed that the mass can be whirled at before the string breaks? What was the centripetal acceleration of the mass? A roller coaster has a radius of 380 m wide. The cart goes at a velocity of 235 km/hr. If the person on the cart has a mass of 55kg, what is the centripetal acceleration AND force of the cart?A 88 kg runner is traveling around an unbanked turn with a radius of 31.1 m. What is the speed of the runnerif the coefficient of friction is 0.95? if the coefficient of friction is 0.40? ................

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