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Crib Point to Pakenham pipeline:Dwarf Galaxias targeted surveysDRAFT REPORTPrepared for APA Group Pty Ltd CREATEDATE \@ "d MMMM yyyy" \* MERGEFORMAT 26 February 2019Document informationReport to: APA GroupPrepared by:Imogen MerloLauren StootBiosis project no.:28957File name: FILENAME \* MERGEFORMAT Biosis 2019. Crib Point to Pakenham: Dwarf Galaxias targeted surveys. Report for APA Group. Authors: I Merlo & L Stoot, Biosis Pty Ltd, Melbourne. 28957. Document controlVersionInternal reviewerDate issuedDraft version 01XXXXX/XX/XXFinal version 01To be confirmedTo be confirmedAcknowledgementsBiosis acknowledges the contribution of the following people and organisations in undertaking this study:APA Group: Marisa Feher and Dan Everitt. Department of Environment for access to the Protected Matters Search Tool of the Australian Government Biosis staff involved in this project were:Julian Turner (mapping)Tim Dredge (project management)X (quality assurance)Contents TOC \o "2-3" \h \z \t "Heading 1,1,Heading 1a,4" 1Introduction PAGEREF _Toc2581173 \h 31.1Background PAGEREF _Toc2581174 \h 31.2Location of the study area PAGEREF _Toc2581175 \h 32Methods PAGEREF _Toc2581176 \h 52.1Objectives PAGEREF _Toc2581177 \h 52.2Sampling methods PAGEREF _Toc2581178 \h 52.3Other data PAGEREF _Toc2581179 \h 52.4Permits PAGEREF _Toc2581180 \h 53Results PAGEREF _Toc2581181 \h 64Discussion and conclusions PAGEREF _Toc2581182 \h 95References PAGEREF _Toc2581183 \h 106Appendices PAGEREF _Toc2581184 \h 11Tables TOC \h \z \c "Table" "AppTable"Table 1 Total number of each species captured during 2019 surveys at designated sites along the pipeline alignment. PAGEREF _Toc2581197 \h 7Table 2Water quality results for samples taken during Dwarf Galaxias surveys. PAGEREF _Toc2581198 \h 8Figures TOC \h \z \c "Figure" Figure 1 Location of the study area PAGEREF _Toc2579509 \h 4Plates TOC \h \z \c "Plate" Plate 1Female (left) and male (right) Gambusia, recorded from bait traps during surveys PAGEREF _Toc2580891 \h 6Introduction BackgroundBiosis Pty Ltd was commissioned by APA Group to undertake targeted surveys for the nationally significant Dwarf Galaxias Galaxiella pusilla at the following locations along the proposed Crip Point to Pakenham pipeline project works footprint:Warrangine CreekWatson CreekLangwarrin CreekVowell Drive Wetlands North & SouthWestern Outfall DrainCardinia Creek (Bloomfield Lane end)Pakenham CreekPearcedale South CreekRutherford CreekDeep CreekLachies MarshA farm dam on private property.Dwarf Galaxias is a small-bodied, threatened fish species that is listed as vulnerable under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act). The species is endemic to south-eastern Australia. The distribution of Dwarf Galaxias populations is generally fragmented and patchy, which is thought to be due primarily to loss and degradation of lowland, shallow freshwater habitats (Saddlier et al. 2010). Surveys were conducted at each of the above sites, except for the Lachies Marsh and farm dam sites, which are both located on private property, for which access has not yet been permitted. Location of the study areaThe study area is approximately 56 kilometres in length, starting at Crib Point in southern Victoria. From Crib Point, the pipeline runs north along the coast line until and veers east around Tyabb. It continues in a north easterly direction through Cannons Creek and Cardinia, finishing at the Princes Highway in Pakenham (Figure 1).Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1Location of the study areaMethodsObjectivesThe objective of the targeted surveys is to determine the presence/absence of Dwarf Galaxias in water bodies that will be impacted by the future expansion of the Crip Point to Pakenham Pipeline. Water quality measurements were also taken at most of the sites, to gauge their suitability in providing potential habitat for this species.Sampling methodsFieldwork was conducted over 22-24 January and 13-15 February 2018. Between 2-10 bait traps were set at each of the designated areas subject to availability of suitable habitat. Trapping occurred over three days at each site and involved setting the traps on the first day, checking and resetting on the second day and checking and collecting traps on the final day of survey.Low flows at some sites necessitated the setting of reduced numbers of traps at times due to a reduction in available habitat. Traps are placed along the banks of the site, along the length of the reach and on both the left and right banks where possible.In order to avoid mortality of by-catch aquatic fauna, bait traps are set with part of the trap protruding from the water surface. The bait traps used are constructed with 2 millimetre mesh size with a 40 millimetre diameter entrance. The number of Dwarf Galaxias in each bait trap is recorded and a cumulative total calculated. The first fifty Dwarf Galaxias captured are measured (total length) and sex is determined. Dwarf Galaxias are able to be reliably sexed at 30 millimetre total length and have been defined as either male or female either at or greater than this size for the purposes of this study. Other dataEnvironmental parameters are recorded during these surveys and general habitat features assessed, including water quality and any by-catch species are identified and recorded.Habitat assessment included measurement of water quality, estimates on physical and biological attributes (e.g. depth, aquatic vegetation, riparian vegetation and shading etc.), and notes on existing sources of disturbance were conducted at each site during each survey.Measurements of Dissolved Oxygen (DO), pH, Electrical Conductivity (EC), temperature and turbidity are made at all sites using a calibrated Horiba U52 water quality meter. All water quality measurements were taken in accordance with EPA publication IWRG701: Sampling and analysis of waters, wastewaters, soils and wastes (EPA 2009).PermitsThe fish sampling for the monitoring period was conducted under the terms of Fisheries Victoria Research Permit RP1220, FFG Permit 10008711 and Animal Ethics Approval 30.17 and 19.18.ResultsDuring surveys, no Dwarf Galaxias were recorded in any of the traps ( REF _Ref2264777 \h Table 1), although Common Galaxias Galaxias maculata, a closely related species, was found at five of the sites.Gambusia Gambusia holbrooki, an aggressive, small-bodied invasive fish was recorded at almost every site, and frequently in large numbers ( REF _Ref2579816 \h Plate 1). Gambusia have been linked to decreased populations of native freshwater fish (particularly species of a similar size and habitat such as Dwarf Galaxias), primarily through predation, competition and agonistic interactions. As such Gambusia has been listed as a noxious species under the Fisheries Act 1995.It was noted that some sites contained very little suitable habitat for this species. For instance, Watson Creek and Western Outfall Drain both had high salinity, and would be considered closer to an estuarine environment than freshwater habitat ( REF _Ref2265068 \h Table 2). Accordingly, the bait traps in Watson Creek in particular contained a number of juvenile estuarine and marine species, which could not be identified to species level.Plate SEQ Plate \* ARABIC 1Female (left) and male (right) Gambusia, recorded from bait traps during surveysTable SEQ Table \* ARABIC 1Total number of each species captured during surveys at designated sites along the pipeline alignment.SpeciesWarrangine CreekWatson CreekLangwarrin CreekVowell Drive Wetland North & SouthWestern Outfall DrainCardinia Creek (Bloomfield Lane end)Pakenham CreekPearcedale South CreekRutherford CreekDeep Creek23-Jan24-Jan23-Jan24-Jan23-Jan24-Jan23-Jan24-Jan23-Jan24-Jan23-Jan24-Jan23-Jan24-Jan23-Jan24-Jan14-Feb15-Feb14-Feb15-FebCommon Galaxias6237--2101391139-------1--Gambusia --15131-679117691--62201056272401025Tupong2 (juv)---35-1-1--------1-Bridled Goby1540 (juv)3-2--------------Short-finned Eel-2----21-1----------Carp----------------21 (juv)1 (juv)1 (juv)Gudgeon-------342934----------Juvenile species---2----------------Unknown species--2-----------------Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 2Water quality results for samples taken during Dwarf Galaxias surveys.LocationDateKM PointTemp (?C)pHDO (mg/L)DO %SalinityTurbidity (NTU)Warrangine Creek23-Jan4.85------Watson Creek23-Jan19.1222.617.874.6655.88.76.8Langwarrin Creek23-Jan21.819.696.673.134.90.27310.2Vowell Drive Wetland North & South23-Jan22.922. Outfall Drain23-Jan30.321.197.141.2916.428.611.4Cardinia Creek (Bloomfield Lane end)23-Jan39.523.3974.175.50.33387Pakenham Creek23-Jan48.9------Pearcedale South Creek23-Jan19.321.656.950.020.22.140Rutherford Creek14-Feb29.715.729.063.637.12.3-Deep Creek14-Feb41.1817.178.862.97320.74751.2Discussion and conclusionsNo Dwarf Galaxias were recorded during surveys at any of the locations along the Crip Point to Pakenham pipeline realignment project works footprint. Given that this is the second round of surveying in this area, these results indicate that the designated sites along the alignment upgrade do not provide suitable habitat to support a population of Dwarf Galaxias, however, considering the locality, these waterways may be used as a corridor for this species. To reduce any potential impact, it is recommended that any development works impacting the waterways within the study area be undertaken outside of the breeding season for Dwarf Galaxias, which occurs from May to October.ReferencesEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA) 2009. Industrial waste resource guide - sampling and analysis of waters, wastewaters, soils and wastes (Publication IWRG701). Victoria, Australia.Saddlier, S., Jackson, J. and Hammer, M. 2010. National Recovery Plan for the Dwarf Galaxias Galaxiella pusilla. Department of Sustainability and Environment, Melbourne. ................

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