Mr. Tatum - Jasper Middle School - Daily Blog

 JMS Lesson PlanTeacher: Debi Taylor and Jacob TatumSubject: 8th Grade Social StudiesDates 01/22/18- 02/02/18Learning Targets: I can evaluate the political, social, and economic changes that occurred in GA during the New South Era.Standard: SS8H7- Evaluate the key political, social and economic changes that occurred in GA during the New South Era.Identify the ways that individuals, groups, and events attempted to shape the New South, include the Bourbon Triumvirate, Henry Grady, International Cotton Expositions, and Tom Watson and the populists.Analyze how rights were denied to African Americans or blacks through Jim Crow laws, Plessy v Ferguson, disenfranchisement, racial violence, including the 1906 Atlanta Riot. Explain how the roles of Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. DuBois, and Alonzo Herndon in the advancement of rights of African Americans or blacks in the New South Era.Examine anti semitism and the resistance to racial inequality exemplified in the Leo Frank case. EQ: How can individuals/groups impact change? How can location impact beliefs and ideals? How does social change impact political changes?DOK 1New South Cloze NotesFormativeDOK 2USA Test Prep videos and assignmentsFormativeDOK 3Acrostic poem for term Bourbon TriumvirateHenry Grady Bumper StickerVideo Analysis of Tom Watson and his Connection to GAJim Crow Political Cartoons Analysis of Plessy v Ferguson Case and Leo Frank CaseInfluential people of the New South activityFormativeDOK 4Unit TestSummativeTeacher Notes and Resources:Monday, 1/22- Review Reconstruction material Tuesday 1/23- Reconstruction quiz and introduction to New South UnitWednesday 1/24- Complete New South Cloze NotesThursday 1/25- Bourbon Triumvirate Acrostic Poem//Henry Grady Bumper StickerFriday 1/26- Tom Watson video analysisMonday 1/29- Jim Crow political cartoon//Plessy V Ferguson AnalysisTuesday 1/30- Influential People activity Wednesday 1/31- Leo Frank CaseThursday 2/1- Review for Reconstruction and New South Test Friday 2/2- Reconstruction and New South Test ................

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